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Posts posted by nikihoops

  1. Hello all


    Since upgrading to Vectorworks 2024 when i insert doors/windows to my walls the hole's no longer take on the texture settings I choose. It appears that the holes take on the texture of the one of the sides of my wall however! I have brick texture to the left and 'wall paint' to the right. I have changed the 'holes' texture but it keeps the brick from the left side texture option. Screenshot attached - you'll see I have some tiles selected for the holes and it's not showing that - I dont want it tiled, this is just to show as an example of it not working. 

    I'm sure it's a simple fix but I can figure it out! 

    Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 12.01.47.png

  2. 5 hours ago, Rishie said:



    We are a team of 6 designers. we all are upgrading to VW 2022 and opt for 30 days trail to check the quality.


    we're also experiencing the same issue. "VW 2022 SP2 Menu Bar not working"


    For the two designers who work with a single monitor have never experienced this issue, i work with dual monitor and i'm experiencing this issue all the time and can't do my job with VW 2022.


    Please let us know if this issue is solved.



    if you do what Ian above suggested that works. I’ve not had to do it every time I open VW22 but a few times. It’s not a long term fix but it does resolve it for you to carry on and use VW22 in the meantime 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Ian Lane said:


    Can you try going into System Preferences -> Displays.  And then in the dialog set your display to use a scaled value and pick something like "Larger Text" and hit OK at the prompt.  


    Then go back to VW and see if the menus are working again.


    If they are working, you should be able to switch your display setting back to the "Default for my display" setting.


    Hi Ian,


    That seems to have worked!! How odd. 

    • Like 2
  4. Hi all


    Just upgraded to VW2022 and I've noticed when I want to change a class colour or line thickness in the viewport nothing changes once I update said viewport. I opened the same file in VW2021 and carries out the same action and it worked fine. 

    Is there something new in VW2022 that doesn't allow this for some reason, or a setting I need to change?

  5. 19 minutes ago, pjjmcc said:

    HNY all.
    Seeing as this thread looked at window insertion issues, I wonder if anyone can illuminate hoqw to align window frames (&door) with the outer brick face, ie flush finish?
    Again, it isn't the newbuild parts I'm trying to model, but parts of the original building.
    Many thanks 


    Hi pjjmcc,


    Whilst the window/door is selected go to your Object info pallet and amend the 'Plan Wall Offset' under the general section. 
    I hope this is what you meant


  6. On 11/11/2020 at 3:08 PM, Ian Lane said:

    We have made a change that will go into VW 2021 SP2 that will make it a little harder to detach the tabs.  You will need to click drag a little farther away, so hopefully this will help some of the people who have been accidentally detaching the tabs when they don't intend to.



    Just updated my VW2021 to SP2 and the tabs still detach fairly easy.....maybe its me?

  7. On 10/30/2020 at 11:58 PM, Andy Broomell said:


    Or some days, like today, it happens about 15 times. 🤦‍♂️


    Building in a delay to the "drag" function would be a great improvement.

    is the "dock tabs' option available to you as mentioned above? 
    I notice you are running Catalina too and wondered if thats why my option is greyed out! 

  8. On 10/5/2020 at 6:00 PM, E|FA said:

    There's a little white triangle to the right of the tabs that opens a menu.  The bottom item is "Dock All tabs Here".  I think the interface design is really unintuitive.  A gear icon would have been better, as would have combining it with the "?" icon directly above it so the controls were consistent.


    The option 'Dock all tabs here' is greyed out on mine so I'm unable to select it, any ideas?

  9. Morning all 


    Every time I insert a door it puts itself on the 'dimension' class. Some of my windows are ok but some not so I've obviously set some up correctly. 

    They are 3D door styles that I once set up to use on all projects. I cant seem to find how to now edit these so that they insert on my chosen class.

    Any help/advice welcome please. 

  10. Hi all,

    I've read a few topics on the subject and think I have it all covered yet I still cannot see my ID tags on my elevations. 
    I can see them in my plan VP's, they are on a separate class which is turned on for each elevation viewport, I have checked the show 3D option in the OIP for each window/door and I've also checked the display options in the OIP for each viewport.....still can't see the tags. 

    I'm running 2020 SP4


    Thanks in advance 

  11. Hi all,


    I've created a drawing where I've used the 'Room Name Simple' tool to name rooms give their floor levels. This file was fin while inserting these and was fine when I used the file yesterday but today as soon as I click on the room name tag to either edit it, move it or delete it my VW19 crashes - the laptop also sounds quite loud (the fan) while its crashing. I'm unfortunately using Mojave as its a new laptop and that's what it came with - stupid me forgot to check first (although I shouldn't have too really!!)


    Any tips on how to get around this, and will this be solved with the new service pack when its available? (I really hope SP3 is coming soon!)


    NOTE - while typing this my Vectorworks has come back to life.....but that took sometime - usually I would force quit it and start again but seems if I just leave its ok - but for how long that took I can't do that every time.

    Many thanks 


    Here is my computer stats (updated my profile but signature has stayed the same) 


    Vectorworks 2019 (SP2)

    MacBook Pro 15" 2018 MacOS Majove 10.14.3, 

    2.2 GHz Intel Core i7, 32GB 2400 MHz DDR4

    Radeon Pro 560X 4096 MB

    Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB

  12. 18 hours ago, line-weight said:

    @nikihoops did you get any further with this?


    I kind of gave up to be honest. It was a busy period when I first raised the issue so I have been continuing with using excel to create my drawing registers. (luckily we're a small office; only me producing drawings!) 

    But now there are some more answers here I shall have a read through and try again. 

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