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  1. This is the subtraction I am talking about..
  2. Here is the file. oh ok I thought it was a secure shot, like some tool I never used. Anyway, yes I did try but it did not really work it out.😥 hole problem.vwx
  3. How do you actually patch the hole?
  4. Hi everyone, Here's another one for you all. I have been modelling this solid, and after several steps I came out with this shape. I did not realise though, that in one fo the corners probably due to the result of the different modelling steps I created this whole. I am trying to do a boolean subtraction on it to achieve another shape out of this original shape, but Vectorworks will rightly point out that I cannot proceed with the subtraction because of an invalid object. I want to re-model the solid as last resort, because as I am dealing with an organic shape it is not very likely that I will end up with the same result. And since this design, is been approved by my boss after a lot of editing I was wondering if any of you has ever came across this sort of problem and sorted it out. Does anyone know a way to fix it? thanks F.
  5. So I figured out the black object problem. It was, in fact, as you guys pointed out a ghost object hidden underneath. I do not know how I managed to create it without attributes. Odd.
  6. Thank you both. Yes I did see that there is actually a difference in a better resolution. At the moment I am using only 100 dpi as it would really take time with more than that. But it is definitely something that I will bear in mind. Anyhow, I still have to check the mistake with the black form, as that was one of the kind.
  7. Hi everyone, I have notice that there is problem which I am constantly coming across with. Quite often, the renders I do result being different once I render them in a viewport window. For example: This is a render I did on a design layer and both shape and texture look fine. But then, when I render through viewport on to a sheet layer, I end up having a different image: The image looks blurred and the texture lose its original color. I tried to scale up the viewport scale to see if at a bigger scale the resolution would change: and the image did improve in terms of sharpness but still the texture's color would not match the one I have in the design layer. Another odd mistake I've bumped in to, is this: It did happens a few time now, that when I render a solid, on the final render image comes up a shape that is not supposed to be there. In the green circle there's this black form that does not appear in the design layer as solid. In this case the green circle should result just the same as the blue one. All these little inconsistencies, often showed up in the final renders and even If I go back to try to sort them out I will not find the solution. I am wondering if this could be due to hardware performance that are not matching the software requirements or maybe some render settings that need to be edited? Once again, thanks for your help. F.
  8. Hi, While I was applying a texture to a solid I incurred in what I think is an error. So basically as you can see in the picture, the first solid on the left has the texture aligned in the right direction all along its lenght. In the second solid on the right instead the texture is divided in two and it follows different inclination. I did set the render settings in the same way. Anyone knows where the problem might be? Thanks Flavio
  9. Hi Benson, Thanks for the tip, creating a NURBS surface did work my problem out. It just strange because in one of the latest tutorial on array surface they mentioned that it was possible to use solid as base. 🤔 Thanks.
  10. Hi, I am creating a chair and I want to apply an array item to indicate the material that will make the covering of the seating. As I am selecting the Array surface and the array Items though, VW points out that for the Surface I need to use a valid base, listing all the options. What I have intially is a solid I have created and in order to use Surface array I tried to convert it in a NURBS and a Mesh but still when I try to execute the command, it won't work. Any Idea on how could to solve this? Thanks
  11. Ok I got it. Thank you all for the support.
  12. No I do not need all that history and in fact converting it in a generic solid was the way to figure out my problem. 😁 Thanks. As I said I am still new to Vectorworks, and I am still stumbling across a lot issues like this, but since you mentioned how can you "dig" in the solid history? by accessing the solid subtraction view?
  13. Here is the solid. Hybrid solid.vwx
  14. Hi Pat, Thanks for helping me out. I tried what you said, but when I right click on the object I can only see "edit" which basically leads me to the view of the solids subtraction that have generated my hybrid object. I cannot see any "Edit 2D", could that depends from the version of the software? I am currently using VW 2019.
  15. Hi everybody, I am newbie Vectorworks user. I just signed up to the community to hopefully figure out a problem I am having with the so called Hybrid Object. Starting from the bottom, I have created a solid by subtracting a simple solid (cylinder) from a negative void of a second solid as in the image. This apparently resulted in what is an Hybrid Object. As I want to further model the 3D form Vectorworks warns me with the following message: "Hybrid Objects can only be rotated in a plane parallel to the active layer plane.Would you like the working plane set to the active layer plane?" If I say yes, the working plane is automatically set to make the object rotate on the Z axis. Instead I am looking to rotate it on the axis which will position it flat on the larger side. I hope I have been clear enough but If I wasn't please bear with me. Thanks, Flavio
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