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Everything posted by MKingsley

  1. This has happened to me, and in my case, the reason was that the walls were not actually touching where they're supposed to meet. If you zoom in really closely the difference may become apparent. You can reshape them directly or use the "Fit walls to roof" command to reshape them to some 3D geometry on the layer above. HTH.
  2. I've added font sizes to my contextual right-click button. It makes for a long list but I use it mainly for all the text-based items like dimensions and callouts that don't have that option in the OIP......yet...right?
  3. I'm sure VW would sell to anybody who wants to buy it, and why wouldn't or shouldn't they. Last I checked this was a semi-free market society. This can't be a serious thread...right?
  4. Thanks for asking, Peter. You just gave me a "duh" and a "aha" moment. Since the "wall styles" feature in 12 came out I just started editing the existing wall styles to my liking which is just two lines with a fill to represent rough framing. For whatever reason (I'm a relatively new abuser of VW) I assumed one needed a "component" in a wall to have a fill. I like to "use class attributes" for the wall so I can change textures for different renderings, and with that the solid fill option in the same edit window grays out for the "wall" part. So going to the "component" part, I started out with a pattern fill for the component and then wanted a solid one so I went back to the wall style edit window and since the "components" don't have a solid fill option I went with the hatch color. Now I see all I need is the "wall" part of a wall style to get what I want - there's the "duh" part. Thanks again. "Poche"? C'est Francais?
  5. Thanks Peter. I was surprised to lose my wall fill all of a sudden and it took me a little bit to figure out what caused it and the cause seemed odd to me.
  6. I don't normally use layer colors but did for the first time today and found a strange but maybe explainable consequence. I'm using a solid color hatch - just a gray line color with a matching background fill color - to fill my walls. When I turned the layer colors preference on and without changing any of the layers' colors, the hatch in the walls changed to black lines on a white background. Everything looked normal in the hatch editing window, just like I wanted it. In the Resource Browser the hatch showed as having the correct background color but with the line color black. Can this type of hatch and layer color coexist somehow?
  7. Islandmon, this a database worksheet so I can't add this type field if I understand it correctly. Jonathan, I'll send you an example. Thank you
  8. I've created a report for a window schedule and have several instances of the same type and size of window which have the same ID. I'm using the WinDoor plug-in, by the way. Rather than have a long schedule with multiple rows of repeating information, I want to summarize identical windows, so I drag the "SUM" icon into the ID column and the IDs summarize fine, but the dimensions columns, one each for width and height and formated as dimensions, add up the dimensions. So if I have two windows labeled W01 that are 2'0"x2'0", the summary will show the W01 window with a dimension of 4'0"x4'0". Any way around this? TIA
  9. Thanks for the response, cbaarch. I tried your suggestion in two ways and this is what happened. I made a symbol of a drawing border as a plug-in object and set the margins as I wanted. After placing that symbol on a sheet, the margins looked like how I wanted them for about two seconds and then reverted back to the original default settings. Then I made it into a symbol as a non plug-in object and the margins stayed where I set them, however, the drawing border lost its ability to center itself on the page. Can somebody from NNA comment on how in 12.0.1 the ability to set these defaults was in the mode bar preference window but didn't work, and now in 12.5, the preference was reduced to two options? TIA.
  10. Is there any way to edit the drawing border defaults? I don't like the default margins I get when I place a border and have to change each one each time for each border. In 12.0.1, it looked like you had the opportunity to do that in the mode bar preferences but changes I made there never stuck. In 12.5, that option is now gone.
  11. Wow, that is great! I hadn't noticed that yet. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  12. I've created a simple symbol, a triangle with a number inside it, and I'm wondering if there is a way to have that number (text) stay vertical as the symbol gets rotated. "Adjust flipped text" is on in VW prefs.
  13. That's funny, I never lost those shortcuts after upgrading.
  14. Thanks Peter, you sure are on the ball. Much appreciated! I'm a little concerned that I've been pasting these rectangles and polygons somewhere throughout my drawings that will appear on some forgotten and inaccessible layer or class. ;-o...sounds like a bad dream.
  15. Ahhh, I just noticed when it happens. It stops working when "Stack Layers" is on, works again when it's turned off. And I'm just trying to paste 2D stuff in Top/Plan view. Not good...
  16. With 12.5, the "paste" and "paste in place" functions stop working without notice. They work again after restarting VW but then stop working later. Anyone else seen this?
  17. Anybody having problems with (and fixes for) the Set Sun Position in 12.5? I've deleted and added it back into my workspace but still get wild numbers in the Lat. and Long. boxes. Changing them doesn't seem to help. I get error dialogs saying either my Lat., Long. or minute values are bad. Any suggestions?
  18. Create a new texture in the resource browser and check out the options under "Color" in the shaders section. I was able to make lines for clapboard siding using the "Horizontal stripe" option and a pretty decent shingle texture using the "Roof tiles" option. The shingle textue would require grayscale printing but makes for a good B&W look. The cartoon setting in Artistic Renderworks give both edge lines and textures, although some lines are extraneous.. HTH
  19. For the record, I am able to do this on my Mac in the Annotations of VPs, although it fails about 10% of the time, not clear why.
  20. Excellent! Thanks for that, Biplab. That made all the difference.
  21. Can't you still change the line weight of a viewport in 11 in the advanced properties dialog?
  22. Turn Auto-classing off in the Document settings>Standard naming dialog. HTH
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