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Posts posted by MKingsley

  1. I should be able to put the light in a class and then turn that class off in a viewport. Alas this doesn't seem to work.

    Yes, this does work. Along with making sure the class in which the light resides is active, make sure it is in a layer that is active for that viewport also. I have separate classes for SE, SW, NE, and NW lights and turn them on or off depending on the elevation. The many levels of control in VW is its power but if you're not careful they can get out of control. Lighting is tricky, and I certainly haven't mastered it yet.

    You can control the visibility of a viewport directly with the attributes palette instead of putting it into a class other than "None". The new viewport class may get inadvertantly turned off and you might not know why it's dissappeared. HTH

  2. Except that the other layers are clearly in top/plan as well. I've been noticing file corruption problems (bad template suspected) and that might be the case here but why would aligning layer views fix that? I was curious to see if others have run into this also.

  3. Whether Show/Snap Others or Gray/Sanp Others is on, I'm not getting complete snappability to other layers. Some parts of objects on different layers will be snappable while others will not, like door or window centers, for example, are unsnappable. However, this changes after I put the old "Align Layer Views" back into the workspace and use it in conjunction with Satck Layers. I can snap to everything with both enabled. Is this happening to anybody else?

    Speaking of Stack Layers, when is the fix coming for the Paste function not working with Stack Layers on? The curses in NNA's direction are adding up. tongue.gif

  4. Hidden line will render faster if the 3D conversion resolution is set to "Low" in the 3D tab of VW preferences. It will still ask you every time, though, if you want to render again. There should be a "Don't ask me again" check box for that...wish list item.

  5. Thanks for your work on this, Pete. I'd appreciate it if you could "be the reporter on a bug report" with your test file.

    Thanks Andrew for finding this problem as well and for whatever fix you may have for it. I was starting to think that it had something to do with my set-up. In my test file, none of my roofs were free of the unwanted lines anymore, so I couldn't even reproduce the original problem. It was as if 12.5 gave up trying and said to heck with it, I'm going back to my old habit. smirk.gif

  6. Boy, I wish that was true for me but it ain't. I did a little experimenting on a blank file and it doesn't seem to matter what the base structure is. And it looks like I got my wish in that all the roofs I created in the new file had the old look of one line parallel to the roof pitch coming from the double edge miter point and that little vertical line up from the bottom corner of the horizontal cut. Like I said, one way or the other is better.

    It looks like it renders fine for half a second and then the lines appear, con sarn it! This is happening on my PowerBook G4 as well, by the way.

  7. Before 12.5, when I rendered a Roof Face with a double edge miter in hidden line I would get extra lines on the sides of the roof that would eminate from the corner of that double edge miter. Now with 12.5, I get those lines about half the time. Usually I'll create one roof face and then mirror duplicate it for the other side. The original will render without the lines and the mirror duplicate renders with those lines. I'd rather have it one way or the other. Has this been submitted as a bug yet?

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