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Everything posted by MKingsley

  1. I love a good render, but I'm curious to know if there are any clients in the residential design market that want, and are willing to pay for, such high quality renders. How much are they willing to pay? Or is this more for the large commercial projects, lighting design or for smaller object modeling which would be easier to do in those better modeling programs?
  2. Dang! I hate it when I give myself reasons to spend more money! Just watched that "new feature" movie. Pretty cool.
  3. Scaling isn't the problem. What I meant was fixing something like this, where the hatch doesn't shift with the wall.
  4. Here's one at 1:1 with the batt width at 1". You can duplicate and rescale it as needed. I don't know the best way to get the hatch squiggles to fit like they should within the cavity.
  5. My favorite: Cordless Trackman Wheel
  6. So is exporting to DXF or 3DS not an option for going from VW to Maxwell?
  7. Thanks for the verification guys. I think I'll stick with the slicing/extrude method rather than subtracting solids which I'm guessing would result in more bloated file sizes. I don't like OpenGL as a presentation type anyway, it's more useful for quick visualizing for me during the design process. Has this been submitted as a bug yet by anybody? NNA? It sure seems like one.
  8. I'm getting these extra lines appearing where they shouldn't when I have "draw edges" selected for the OpenGL options. These are simple extrudes, and playing with all the other options (anti-aliasing, detail levels, quartz, line render smoothing angles, 3D conv. res.) doesn't change anything. Has anyone seen this before? This a new file generated in VW2009
  9. What does Maxwell have that C4D doesn't?
  10. Thanks Ray. The "Add Surfaces" issue seems to be the only one affecting me and I haven't run into that problem. I guess I haven't made that "specific polygon" yet..
  11. Are there any compelling reasons for us regular Leopards to upgrade our 2009s to SP5? Were other bug fixes addressed?
  12. Yes yes. Like I said a month ago (http://techboard.nemetschek.net/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=131718#Post131718) you can convert a copy to a group and rotate that right before printing - pain.
  13. If you're talking about creating the roof surface, you can "shell" the interpolated surface to the thickness you want. Don't know why you can't extend the walls to the surface. I can't remember what VW 11.5 was capable of.
  14. I just found this out recently. If you're setting the Overall button to Class Texture with all the other parts set to "Revert to Overall", you won't get a texture on your wall unless you have the center texture checked under the wall tab in the class attributes edit window for that particular class. Apparently that's where the "Overall (class texture)" is connected to, the center texture. HTH
  15. I don't know if you can set this up already but I would love to be able to do this. When I'm trying to grab an object by one of its endpoints to drag somewhere else, I spend too much time hovering over that point looking for the grab crosshairs to appear and the interactive scaling icon to disappear. I typically like to have the interactive scaling mode turned on, so instead of hitting the "U" key a couple of times to disable and then again to enable it, I'm looking for a key to press that will force the selection crosshairs to become active momentarily (or the scaling mode to disable) until I can grab that point and then I let go of that key to get back to normal, just like pressing the space bar enables the pan tool only while you're pressing it. Make sense?
  16. That doesn't seem to work either. The viewport rotates but the worksheet becomes grayed and x-ed out. The last resort seems to be converting a copy to a group right before printing, but then the database link to the objects is gone.
  17. I'm still in v2009 and I haven't seen anything in the new feature list for v2010 that suggests you can do this. Am I wrong?
  18. The difference in cost between those three options is substantial, not to mention the time spent with the learning curves of each if you have no experience with them. I've only experimented briefly with C4D which I would love to own and master, but for what you want to do, I'll bet AnimationWorks would get you the fastest results with less money out of your pocket.
  19. If Landmark can have wallstyles, why can't those of us with Architect have the ability to import shapefiles in VW2010? C'mon.
  20. You can create your own brick texture in the resource browser very easily that has a white brick color and any line color and size you want.
  21. Hatches will work for straight on elevations but not for isometrics or perspectives.
  22. Excuse my ignorance, but what's a spider.
  23. Sorry, I was working in a VW2008 file which has this display preference. Don't know why they took it out in 2009...
  24. How about checking the "Hardware accelerated 2D navigation" in the display preferences.
  25. Go to the Window Settings>General dialog, choose the custom option for the sash operation and then click on the options button. Give yourself 2 columns and go through that dialog window for your dimensions and types of operation for each column.
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