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Posts posted by TheActivity-JSpodick

  1. Hey al,

    Is there a way to use a spreadsheet of X,Y,Z position data to populate the appropriate X,Y,Z fields of a symbol, fixture, or any object?

    For example, a designer i work with gave me an MA3D file created in 3D but i need to turn it into appropriate lighting plot paperwork. I have X,Y,Z data for every finxture and want to use an easy copy and paste to position all fixtures correctly in the drawing.

    I have tried using a lightwright data exchange, report functionality listing the X,Y,Z data of each fixture, and tried to create records with no luck. any time i populate the fileds in a spreadsheet, the changes do not get reflected on the fixtures. Any tips? Thanks!

  2. Got very excited when i saw a dropdown for "Fixture Mode" in the Obj Info palette but then noticed its only for vision integration. Would be great if we were able to custom create fixture modes that get attached to a fixture type, and have a place for this dropdown to be integrated into report worksheets, or into they instrumentation key. Instead of mickey-mousing a user field or some other field to hold this data.

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