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  1. The trouble with the dialogue is, its annoying. Every time the wrapper or object node is updated, the alert dialogue appears.
  2. I am not able to view this dropdown in the OIP after wrapping the network. It seems like it's not possible.
  3. @DomC can you add an output to the popup node that outputs the string of the selection?
  4. I will try to be more precise with my issue: I need the Marionette.WidgetType.Popup to reference the list of items imported into the node. I'm having a problem figuring out how to make that happen. The widget won't allow me to directly reference "dListItems" (my ported in list), and I'm not sure of the solution. I do not want to use the "options" input (as created by @MRoth), because I want to be able to update it via a worksheet. class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass): #APPEARANCE #Name this = Marionette.Node( 'Tour OIP Popup' ) #Input Ports dListItems = Marionette.PortIn( [], "listChoices" ) options = ('option 0', 'option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3', 'option 4' ) #OIP Controls input = Marionette.OIPControl( 'Tour', Marionette.WidgetType.Popup, 0, options ) #Output Ports int = Marionette.PortOut('i') int.SetDescription('The zero-based index of the selection.') str = Marionette.PortOut('s') str.SetDescription('The string of the selection.') #BEHAVIOR this.SetListAbsorb() def RunNode(self): #inputs int = self.Params.input.value str = self.Params.input.value dListItems = self.Params.dListItems.value #script str = dListItems[int] #outputs self.Params.int.value = int self.Params.str.value = str
  5. If you mean the one with the "popup dialog" node, yes. That one doesn't work for me. I want the pull down to be in the OIP, not a pop up window.
  6. Thanks Pat, Ill have to brush up on my German!
  7. This doesn't really solve my problem, I need the list to reference a worksheet.
  8. Has anyone built a marionette node for a dropdown in the OIP based on a worksheet (or list) ? I have figured out how to use the "popup dialogue" node for this, but it doesn't meet my needs completely. An OIP dropdown would make my life much simpler. Screenshot of how I am currently doing it below.
  9. I don't know why I didn't consider this! Thank you for the idea. +5 pro points for you
  10. @jcogdell Why has your team taken away very simple functionality that's been available for years? Why have developers elected to make my workflow MORE cumbersome? Why do I now have to create custom records and attach them to ever single hoist symbol? There has to be a better solution than this.
  11. The hoist tool seems to no longer have a "load weight" field in VW2021. I used this field to create simple rigging worksheets for the last several years. Now I am struggling to find a way to make my old workflow work. Has anyone else run into this and found a workaround? I don't have Braceworks, and don't intend to make that purchase anytime soon given the way 2020 went...
  12. For those experiencing windows files that keep reverting to read only: https://appuals.com/how-to-fix-folder-keeps-reverting-to-read-only-on-windows-10/ I had to use command prompt to remove the folder attributes. A real pain in the neck, but it solved the issue.
  13. You are correct! Now I have a new issue, where windows is not saving the change and reverts back to read only...🤦‍♂️
  14. I am having an issue saving customizations to the built in Plug Ins in VW Spotlight 2020. Specifically, I am trying to add cable options to the cable tools. Have done this in the past (on VW2019) without issue, only 2020 seems to be giving me problems. Once I close the plug in manager, nothing seems to save. Any thoughts?
  15. I did... still not functioning. Also, re-ran the SP2 installer and still no luck.
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