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Posts posted by ericl

  1. Hi All,

    If I delete a lighting instrument and then hit undo, it returns as a Renderworks light as opposed to a lighting instrument. Anyone know what might be causing this? It's happened to me in multiple unrelated documents and is driving me insane.


  2. I am trying to print directly from VectorWorks to an HP Photosmart Pro B8350. When I try to print most documents, the job goes into the print queue and immidiately dissapears without printing. Some VW documents seem to print fine--there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to which ones print and which ones don't. One of my co-workers with an Apple can print to it directly from VectorWorks without a problem. When I print from any other program I have no problems.

    Any suggestions?

  3. I have several vectorscripts that run when I change views, mostly so that when I go into a section/elevation/back to plan all of my 3d layers align themselves. For example:

    DoMenuTextByName('Standard Views',4);

    DoMenuTextByName('Align Layer Views',0);

    Until I started using 2008, this worked fine. Now I get a vectorscript error:

    Error: no name DOMENUTEXTBYNAME - Menu cannot be found. Align Layer Views

    I can't figure out what's wrong with the script, if anything. Has something been added in 2008 that makes this easier so maybe I don't have to bother with vectorscript at all?

  4. Is there a way when rotating an instrument in 2d, (i.e. by hitting cmd-L or tool --> rotate --> rotate) to make it rotate around the center of the symbol (as determined in the edit symbol screen), as opposed to rotating around the center based on any label information?

    I hate rotating lights and having them no longer be on 1'6" centers or even on the pipe anymore.

    If there is not a way to do this currently, may I suggest it for VW 12?

  5. I always save as a PDF before I print (i'm using 9.5.3)--since I don't actually use print center out of Panther, can I still use 9.5? Or will there be errors with that as well? Has anyone tried saving to a PDF out of VW 9.5 in panther? Any response is appreciated.

  6. I am using the stair tool in the scenic elements pallete, and I am wondering if it is possible to make the railings have posts going from them to the stairs. As it stands, when i turn on the railings they float 3' above the stairs.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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