I'm having issues with a graphic legend window schedule constantly crashing. It seems to have started since VW2024 Rev6. I can't update the schedule otherwise it crashes. I have tested this on a windows machine and it's fine, so seems to be a mac issue.
Attached is a small sample file. When defining the legend image, and changing the dimension settings in the annotation settings, causes VW to crash.
Is this a known issue?
I'm using VW2024 Rev6 on an iMac
Win Sched Test File.vwx
Hi Joseph
Just got the same message again.
Here's a link to the project file before the Metadata has been cleared. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8j6wpt10ahu7x5asjb65v/2311-WD01.02.vwxp?rlkey=m0oesrrd9289t4ccacyc9qxso&dl=0
We have just started working on a new project. The file is only about 50mb.
We received a message today saying that the metadata is too large. We have only just started, are we going to get this on a regular basis as it's a bit of a pain?
Is there anyway to prevent this happening?
After installing VW2024 Update 1, the window schedule I had drawn using a Graphic Legend seems to have an issue.
The design layer that the windows are drawn at is not at '0' and has an elevation of 293900.
However the graphic legend is now drawing the floor level at '0' and is also dimensioning the windows from '0' and I can't see how to make it show the floor level at the correct elevation?
Attached is a PDF of what the legend used to look like plus a VW file that has this issue.
Is there anyone that could spare a minute to check if there is a setting I am missing?
Note, the windows are 'Windoor' objects.
Graphic Legend Issue.vwx
Window Schedule 2023-10-12.pdf
When dragging a structural member that is pitched, the pitch changes. Being able to lock the pitch (or other values too) would be much more user friendly. I will try the tab suggestion, as this sounds good. We gave up using the structural member and went back to the framing member as it is easier to manipulate.
Having a 'direction' indicator would also be helpful.
Thanks, that is helpful. It is frustrating that a tool is close to being useful, just needs a bit of further development! fingers crossed before retirement, although with the state of the worlds finances, that may not be for some time yet!
Yes, I agree with everything you have said. I can't believe that you can't change the length of a sloping member without it changing the pitch? We had some issues with an IFC coordination with a structural draughting company where the framing members were 'shifting' in the file transfer & we had better results with using the structural member. These were however, horizontal members so were easier to reshape. It is a pain not being able to change the length of multiple structural members in one go.
Did you get an answer on this? I'm using it for roof framing members, but when I change the length of the structural member, the pitch changes & I can't see how to 'fix' the pitch?
Thanks for the file example. The dimensions seem to align okay with your doors & windows. We tried using the Windoor graphic legend so wonder if there might be an issue with that?
Have installed VW2023 and was keen to try the new graphic legend. Immediately noticed that if the windows have a value specified in the 'Z Off:' field, then the automatic dimensions do not align with the windows by this amount.
Is there a setting to select that allows for this?