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Picapau Amarelo

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Everything posted by Picapau Amarelo

  1. hi Christian (and everyone) Sorry, It sounds like you shared a file, but i’m unable to see the link. is it still available? I’ve been searching for ci/sfb, uniclass 1.4 or ISO 13567 kind of template. I’m not fan of the recent classification systems. Personally I would like to try an implementation of the old sfb system, it has a very clear structure. Maybe someone could share something like it. I would appreciate it! thanks
  2. Most of the times when we create a wall style we need to create all components from beguining. Tedious time consuming! It would be very handy to create an independent wall/roof/slab component (a specific construction material), with all relevant physical and oher usefull info attached to it: the I in BIM, and be able to add it to the wall/roof/slab without the need to recreate it each time from zero. (1) This could be achieved by being able to import a previous saved component style (a construction material) to the wall/roof/slab style. This could also be achieved by being able to join/agregate diferent wall/roof/slab styles (2). We could create several wall styles (with one or more components), and compose diferent wall/../.. styles by joining diferent wall styles (monocomponents or not). Also, related to this... In 2D workflow we can use double polyline tool to create a multicomponent similar to wall/roof/slab 2d/3d tools. It would be very helpful to create styles on this doubleline tool. By developing this tool further, it could be even more integrated with the 3d tools, complementing it, exploring its full potencial in a very simple maner. Bidimensional, threedimensional tools sharing the same structure of thinking. For example: I know I can use the 3d tools to work on a 2d workflow environment, ie: floor plans. But working on a section with this 3d tools on an exclusive 2d workflow is not handy. It is a bit messy to use a wall 2d plan representation to draw a slab in 2d. Its very subversive but just to get the idea. This is why I mentioned the double polygon that coud be very useful on this 2d exclusive workflow. Sorry the fuzziness. Thanks (1) Similar to Archicad construction material (2) Similar to Revit Join walls capability
  3. Persists the warning message "Comma expected" for every class I have on my vw file. Then the worksheet opens filled with the classes info on top. Second table empty info. Both methods the same result.
  4. Hi Pat Stanford, Is better now. No error messages. However persists a warning message "Comma expected" for every class I have on my vw file. Then the worksheet opens filled with the classes info on top. I tested it by pasting on a script via resourse file manager and creating a .vs filetype via notepad (as cited on your previous post). For both the same result. pleased to contribute
  5. Sir Stanford, I´ve sent you an email, please check.
  6. It would be useful, in my perspective, if the design layer organization could be structured "hieralquicaly" like classes. At least a way to organize in themes/topics the several layers. Sometimes the Design layers lists gets too extensive. Better organization and clearity woud be achieved.
  7. Totaly agree with previous posts. I´m sure it´s easy to to do and it woud be very very usefull. The primary reason I prefer vectorworks to other platforms is the way information is structured in VW...
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