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Miguel Barrera

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Posts posted by Miguel Barrera

  1. I believe you are setting the wrong scale:

    1/4" = 1'-0" => 1/4" = 12" => 1" = 48" (1:48)

    You really want the object to be 1/4 of its size which is a scale of 3" = 1'-0"

    3" = 1'-0" => 3" = 12" => 1" = 4" (1:4)

  2. Just to expand on the vector solution:


    vec1,vect2: VECTOR;

    p1X,p1Y,p1Z,p2X,p2Y,p2Z,p3X,p3Y,p3Z,dist1,dist2: REAL;




    {vector starting at p1 and ending at p2}

    vec1.x:= p2X - p1X;

    vec1.y:= p2Y - p1Y;

    vec1.z:= p2Z - p1Z;

    dist1:= Norm(vec1); {Length of vec1}

    dist2:= dist1 - 5; {Assuming mm is the default unit. Otherwise use 5mm}

    vect2:= dist2 * UnitVec(vec1); {UnitVec is the vector that is 1 unit long}

    {p3 is 5 units shorter than p2}

    p3X:= p1X + vect2.x;

    p3Y:= p1Y + vect2.y;

    p3Z:= p1Z + vect2.z;




  3. All plugin objects have a record with the name of the plugin so you would need to get a handle to this record. In older versions, the parametric record would be the last one but now you can get a handle directly with GetParametricRecord.

    pX,pY: REAL;
    objHdl: HANDLE;
    pioName: STRING;
    FUNCTION GetPioName(pioHdl: HANDLE): STRING;
    	recTot: INTEGER;
    	recHdl: HANDLE;
    IF GetType(pioHdl) = 86 THEN
    	recHdl:= GetParametricRecord(pioHdl);
    { or this code if an older version}
    {		recTot:= NumRecords(pioHdl);
    	recHdl:= GetRecord(pioHdl,recTot);
    	GetPioName:= GetName(recHdl);
    	GetPioName:= '';
    objHdl:= PickObject(pX,pY);
    IF (objHdl <> NIL) THEN
    pioName:= GetPioName(objHdl);
    IF Len(pioName) > 0 THEN
    	Message('Not a plug-in object');

  4. This is something that I have thought about but have not had a need to code it. I would think that you can create a custom plugin and then embed the vw plugin within it. You will have to duplicate the vw plugin parameters to control it from your plugin. Then you can add your own code to customize your plugin further.

  5. It seems odd that you would have that limitation on a windows machine. My largest plug-in is 272 kb (= 272,000 char) and is running from a single file.

    I had this problem about 8 years ago but it seems it got fixed on the Windows side around that time because all the newer plug-ins I have created since then are larger than 32 kb and running without problems.

  6. I multiply to 1000 (units for volume and area are in sqm)

    That is exactly what I am talking about. Your display units may be cubic & square meters but internally, it is calculated as cubic & square millimeters. So volume/area will give you linear millimeters, and in your case it is 4500 mm = 450 cm.

  7. First you are trying to connect a database to a worksheet which cannot be done automatically. The ODBC is designed to connect an external database to objects that have attached records. An object is then matched to a row in the external database with a common field value.

    However, it is feasible to match the database to vw worksheet with scripts that will read from or write to the database.

    a sample script can be found at


  8. There is also 2 other alternatives that you may want to consider.

    The one that will give you more flexibility and two way communication is ODBC but it is also the most complicated to set up.

    The other one is creating a *.csv file, also a text file, that can be read directly by excel. This last one was the only way to set up databases some time ago and I still use this method to read from data tables.

  9. I am having a similar problem when choosing OpenGL as the render mode in a viewport. It shows the wireframe rendering of the object instead of OpenGL. All other modes do change and render as expected.

    I have a windows laptop with 2 GPU. If I use the built-in Intel, it will not even change to a 3D view and gives the Out of Memory error. If I use the NVidia with 1 GB VRAM, it works fine except for the problem above.

    Win 7, i7-2670QM, 14GB RAM

    NVidia GeForce GT 540M

  10. These are parameters in the "Extrude Along Path" pio:

    SetRField(extrudeHdl, 'Extrude Along Path', 'Scale', 'Exponential');
    SetRField(extrudeHdl, 'Extrude Along Path', 'Factor', '-0.555827');
    SetRField(extrudeHdl, 'Extrude Along Path', 'Lock Profile Plane', 'True');
    SetRField(extrudeHdl, 'Extrude Along Path', 'Fix Profile', 'No');

  11. I see that there are some functions to specify the pen and fill styles of a class, but none to actually set them active, for example, I can set the foreground Color used for solid fills, but how can I actually set the class to "solid fill"?

    Use PROCEDURE SetClFPat(className:STRING; fillpattern:LONGINT);

    basic fillpattern codes:

    0 = No fill

    1 = foreground color

    2 = background color

    normally, you would set an object fill to the background color.

  12. Piet,

    The following code will let you select 2 lines and will join them similar to the way is done with the Join menu command.

    The Join procedure is the same format that you suggested:

    PROCEDURE JoinLines;
    line1Hdl,line2Hdl: HANDLE;
    selPt: POINT3D;
    FUNCTION CheckObjCallback(h : HANDLE; px, py : REAL) : BOOLEAN;
    IF GetType(h) = 2 THEN
    	CheckObjCallback:= TRUE
    	CheckObjCallback:= FALSE;
    PROCEDURE Join(VAR line1,line2: HANDLE);
    	dist1,dist2: REAL;
    	parallel, intOnLines : BOOLEAN;
    	ln1beg,ln1end,ln2beg,ln2end,intPt: POINT;
    dist1:= Distance(ln1beg.x,ln1beg.y,intPt.x,intPt.y);
    dist2:= Distance(ln1end.x,ln1end.y,intPt.x,intPt.y);
    IF dist1 > dist2 THEN
    dist1:= Distance(ln2beg.x,ln2beg.y,intPt.x,intPt.y);
    dist2:= Distance(ln2end.x,ln2end.y,intPt.x,intPt.y);
    IF dist1 > dist2 THEN
    TrackObject(CheckObjCallback, line1Hdl, selPt.x, selPt.y, selPt.z);
    IF line1Hdl <> NIL THEN
    TrackObject(CheckObjCallback, line2Hdl, selPt.x, selPt.y, selPt.z);
    IF line2Hdl <> NIL THEN

  13. If you can select them, then you should be able to change the end points. You can find the intersection point with:

    PROCEDURE LineLineIntersection(

    l1start :POINT;

    l1end :POINT;

    l2start :POINT;

    l2end :POINT;

    VAR parallel :BOOLEAN;

    VAR intOnLines :BOOLEAN;

    VAR sectpt :POINT);

  14. Yes but you can't do that when you start from a 3D path based object where each vertex might have a different elevation.

    All you have to do is change the elevation of each NURBS vertex. In the example above if you start at 0.00 and end at 12.00 elevation, you then assign the appropriate elevation to the other mid points, which in this case is 4.00 & 8.00. The effect is a quarter spiral. In my experience, getting the NURBS object in the correct shape or roundness is far more complicated than setting elevations. By converting a polyline to a NURBS curve, most of the hard work is already done.

    Its probably possible doing it all manually but that's a bit too much effort I guess

    Is it a bit too much effort? Yes, it is and the NURBS learning curve is steep. I spent countless hours trying to get a traffic signal mast arm (a tapered path extrude) in the right shape so that I could calculate the elevation at any point along the arm axis.

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