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Miguel Barrera

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Posts posted by Miguel Barrera

  1. {This modified script will give you a choice of delimiters and add the id and description fields from the stake record}

    PROCEDURE Export_Stake_Data;


    kCVS = 1; {comma delimited}

    kTAB = 2; {tabbed delimited}

    kSPC = 3; {space delimitied}

    kDEC = 3; {decimal precision}



    delim: INTEGER;

    PROCEDURE Write_Stake_Data(stkObj:HANDLE);



    eastStr,northStr,elevStr,idNo,desc,lineStr: STRING;



    eastStr:= Num2Str(kDEC,x);

    northStr:= Num2Str(kDEC,y);

    elevStr:= Num2Str(kDEC,z);

    idNo:= GetRField(stkObj,'Stake Object','ID');

    desc:= GetRField(stkObj,'Stake Object','Data');

    {format a line for each stake object. You may need to change the order of the

    values to match the survey equipment. Delimeters may be a string or a character

    as shown for the tab = Chr(9) but you would need to know the Ascii number.}

    CASE delim OF


    lineStr:= Concat(idNo,',',desc,',',northStr,',',eastStr,',',elevStr);


    lineStr:= Concat(idNo,Chr(9),desc,Chr(9),northStr,Chr(9),eastStr,Chr(9),elevStr);


    lineStr:= Concat(idNo,' ',desc,' ',northStr,' ',eastStr,' ',elevStr);




    {The next line writes the data}




    {Assign the delim value from the constants at the top}

    delim:= kTAB;

    PutFile('Write the Stake Export file:','Stake Export File.TXT',Filename);

    ForEachObject(Write_Stake_Data,R IN ['Stake Object']);




  2. I have Landmark v11 running on a Windows 2000 Pro, 350Mhz Pentium II without a problem. It obviously runs slower than in my Pentium III laptop but still runs. If you are having problems, it is probably the OS that you are using rather than the computer.

  3. A PIO has its own drawing environment and objects within it are not the same as in the sheet layers. The groups may be selected but are outside the scope of the PIO. When you call the scale function there are no objects drawn and consequently no objects selected within the PIO itself. I am not sure what you are trying to do but the scaling should be taken cared by the layer scale. The only time you would use the scale object function is if you want to change the dimensions of the object (i.e. from a 1" side square to a 0.5" side square)

  4. One way would be to create a number ID parameter and then use ForEachObject(,) to iterate thru each PIO to get the value of the parameter. You can then test for any gaps in the sequence or find the highest value.


  5. Assuming you are using VW 10 or later:

    1. Do not change the name of the parameter. If you want to change the name displayed on the Object Info pane, enter the name in the Alternate Name of the parameter edit dialog.

    2. Why do you want to change the name of the plug-in anyways? If you want to keep track of the version, add a string for the version in the VectorScript Plug-In Editor

    3. If you need to change the plug-in name or add new plug-ins, then include also the modified workspace with the renamed and added plug-ins.

    The only problem is that you would need to remove the old ones manually if you want to keep the plug-ins folder clean.

  6. hi nicholas,

    all you have to do is add {$DEBUG} inside the procedure call and also make sure you have in the last line Run(procedurename).

    procedurename being the name you assign to the procedure.

    After you have added the pio, tool or menu command to the workspace, then run the program. You should get the debug window were you can do a step by step debug or even stop at some point in the program.

    good luck,


  7. As an integral part of developing Wall Framer, I had to extract wall dimensions and also symbol dimensions within the wall. My ultimate goal in developing the program was to produce a list of materials. As a start, the program reported all the framing needed for the walls and eventually, I was going to report on all the sheathing and roof framing required.

    Since NNA now owns the program, they already have the code to extract wall information and should not take them that long to develop a list of materials.

    Besides the wall area, what other information would you like to get?

  8. I am not sure if this has to do with your geographical location but as I studied in college and use them in my profession, survey bearings are expressed as North degrees due East or West; or South degrees due East or West. With this notation the angle can be either clockwise or counterclockwise. If you start at the North (0 degrees pointing to the top) and rotate towards the East, the angle is clockwise starting at the top. If on the other hand you rotate towards the West, the angle is counterclockwise starting at the top. Similarly, if the bearing starts with a South notation, the angle is measured counterclockwise towards the East and clockwise towards the West.

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