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Miguel Barrera

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Everything posted by Miguel Barrera

  1. This graphical programming environment reminds me of Prograph which was developed for the Mac many years ago. You may want to take a look at this: Prograph CPX Tutorial
  2. I use the callout tool extensively for review notes but I usually copy and paste from sheet to sheet and it does scale proportionally as expected. It may be best then to create a duplicate view, change its scale and copy/paste the callouts from the original.
  3. 1. Choose paper size and orientation with "Page Setup" 2. Choose grid lines properties with "Document Setup" 3. The gray outline is the printer limits and not the sheet size. Draw a rectangle with the overall paper dimensions and center. You will see the non-printable border created between the printing area and the sheet size. I do not understand what are you trying to do with this? Design layer or sheet layer coordinate system?
  4. If you can draw the object manually and the geometry is not too complex, it can be done with VS. To start, draw a prototype of the object on a blank file and then export it to Vectorscript to see the object creation code.
  5. The timber framing would not be much different to make it earthquake resistant. Connections need to be reinforced and the walls framed with plywood if required by the calculated lateral force. I do not know about other places but California has required buildings to be earthquake resistant for decades.
  6. What are you trying to do? It may be easier to call a function with a dummy return value rather than a procedure.
  7. There is a sort order & summary options that you can apply to a worksheet column.
  8. I have used VW on a 10" screen and the only annoying thing besides less real estate to work with is that the standard menus will extend to another column and may fill your screen. But you can always modify the workspace and consolidate/group some of the menu items.
  9. Symbols will always have attached records in the Data Tab. The only way I know to have a record show up in the shape tab is to make the symbol a plug-in object (PIO) such as a window, door, etc.
  10. By definition, a pdf is a 2D object and can only be viewed in top/plan view. You can create 2 viewports; one in top/plan view for the pdf and the other in 3D front view.
  11. 1. Add a graphical scale? 2. Print to 100% (Page scaling = None)
  12. Have you tried: PROCEDURE ShowWS(worksheet:HANDLE; show:BOOLEAN);
  13. Do you mean outside the pio script and just having the handle to the object? Perhaps you cannot find it because it does not exist. I have not seen a function that will give you the name directly since I last checked, so you will have to get it through the record name.
  14. As of version 2010, tools cannot respond to events like plug-in objects so you still need to click on the drawing to execute the tool script.
  15. Why not draw whatever object(s) you need first and then use the custom tool to change the attributes by clicking on the object(s)?
  16. You can also send messages to another PIO's hidden parameter field. After a reset, the other object can update accordingly.
  17. An automatic translator is fine as a starting point but one must be certain it is appropriate for the target audience. Some spanish words do not have the same meaning in all the countries were it is spoken and probably goes the same for other languages. That is why you need local VW distributors to customize the program for the area. For example, "concha" has different meaning in some coutries. It can mean the following in Mexico: 1. A shell 2. A type of sweet bread in the form of a shell. 3. Nickname for persons named Concepcion But as I learned recently, it can be very offensive in other countries. The expression "Que concha" would mean "What a lazy bum" (just like a shell which does nothing) but it would be as bad as saying the english "F" word in other countries. In the example above, Landmark was translated as "lugar the referencia" and "equipo the campo" means field equipment, which are incorrect.
  18. Pat Sorry to disagree because I use this method in all the scripts and it has always worked for me. I believe if you go back some months ago, we already had this discussion and I found out that it does not work with variables that are 5 characters or less in length. I usually use more descriptive variable names which are more than 5 characters, so I never get that bug. I know that you want to keep it simple and use single character variables in your scripts such as A,B,C but just for clarity I prefer using the longer names.
  19. Why do you need to assign extra quote marks to a string since by definition a string requires only one set of quote marks? If you define criteria as a string variable: VAR totPio: LONGINT; criteria: STRING; BEGIN criteria:= 'obj type'; totPio:= Count(PON=criteria); END;
  20. From your code which uses ResetObject, it seems that the lighting device is a PIO. So assuming this is true, did you know that with an event enabled PIO and with reset on rotation checked, the legend can be updated automatically when the PIO is rotated?
  21. Rather than starting from scratch, use the VW pio's to create a base object. 1. Model it as close as what you need using the wall pio 2. Convert to group the 2D definition and create a symbol 3. Convert to group the 3D definition from a copy of the wall pio and add it to the symbol. 4. Edit the symbol and make the desired changes to the 2D & 3D objects. 5. Insert symbol.
  22. A record attached to the symbol with the perimeter value would be the best way to reference in a worksheet. The following code will give you the handle to each object in the symbol: SetActSymbol('symbol name'); IF ActSymDef <> NIL THEN BEGIN objInSym:= FInSymDef(ActSymDef); WHILE objInSym <> NIL DO BEGIN ...... ...... objInSym:= NextSymDef(objInSym); END; END;
  23. Back to the subject of the "None" class. I learned early in my workflow to leave always the "None" class as the default for new objects and then if needed, assign to specific classes after creation through the OIP. I have never had a problem since by following this procedure. I do not understand why users need to change the "None" class as the default.
  24. Yes, it can be done with a script by changing the sheet layer name to include the revision number before exporting to pdf
  25. I do not think you will find that file. The best source for the values is the SDK. The following values I found in the VW2008 header file MiniCadHookIntf.h but this file may have changed in recent versions. const ObjectPropID kObjXPropSpecialEdit = 3; // kObjectSpecialEditPropertyID property values: const unsigned char kObjXPropSpecialEditDefault = 0; const unsigned char kObjXPropSpecialEditCustom = 1; const unsigned char kObjXPropSpecialEditProperties = 2; const unsigned char kObjXPropSpecialEditReshape = 3; const ObjectEventID kObjOnSpecialEditID = 7; const ObjectEventID kObjOnReshape = 9;
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