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  1. Here is what I finally created in small scale to present the idea first before applying the honeycomb/nest shape to the whole design. It is obvious that this kinda shape would be almost impossible to creat from extrusion of 2D surface. I used copied individual cell and a whole extruded generic solid to form this, it turns out to be very helpful, and this is in this 25cm scale, the slowness is still acceptable, while the actual product will reach 65cm which will definitely turns to be horrible work in turtle slowness. And have to process and design every small detail very carefully, as long as we need to change the size related to the comb cell, it drives me crazy. Is there any hardware capable of processing such stuff or any smart way to get aroud it?
  2. I made a very complicated 3D model like honeycomb but with swept object subtracted. And I duplicated the cell about 200 times then merged into a huge plate with honeycomb structure. The file size reaches 536mb when I saved it. But today when I came to work, it kept cashing when I tried to switch to this layer after I opened it. Vectorworks App kept not responding then quite spontaneously. Sometimes my system cashes also, blackout then restarted. Here is the hardware I use, maybe they are just not good enough?
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