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Alexandre Villares

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Posts posted by Alexandre Villares

  1. 1) ODBC

    Me too!

    2) Folders in layers.

    I would like to be able to group different layers similar to the hierarchical way McIntosh stores files inside folders.

    Something like the "-" sub-menu classes would be nice...

    3) A keyboard command to rotate 45?.

    This would be like the rotate 90? command but would not require that I access a dialog box and enter a value.

    This is feasible with VectorScript, you can then edit your workspace and add a keyboard shortcut.

  2. A bit crude, it lacks a failure (parallel) flag, but it works ok.

    Provide two line handles and it'll give back a

    'vector', it's components are the point's coordinates.

    Now on VW10 we have the POINT structure, but then, we have LineLineIntersect...


    Function IntersectP (hd1,hd2:HANDLE): VECTOR;



    p1_1,p1_2,p2_1,p2_2:VECTOR; {quatro pontos}

    a1,a2, b1,b2:REAL; {A ? a inclina??o , B o ponto no eixo Y}

    L1,L2, P :VECTOR;



    GetSegPt1(hd1, p1_1.X, p1_1.Y);

    GetSegPt2(hd1, p1_2.X, p1_2.Y);

    GetSegPt1(hd2, p2_1.X, p2_1.Y);

    GetSegPt2(hd2, p2_2.X, p2_2.Y);

    L1.x:= p1_2.x - p1_1.x;

    L1.y:= p1_2.y - p1_1.y;

    IF L1.x<>0 THEN BEGIN



    b1:= p1_1.y- a1*p1_1.x;





    L2.x:= p2_2.x - p2_1.x;

    L2.y:= p2_2.y - p2_1.y;

    IF L2.x<>0 THEN BEGIN



    b2:= p2_1.y- a2*p2_1.x;





    IF V1 then begin

    P.X := b1;

    P.Y := (a2 * b1) + b2;

    end else IF V2 then begin

    P.X := b2;

    P.Y := (a1 * b2) + b1;

    end else begin

    P.X := (b2 - b1) / (a1 - a2);

    P.Y := (a1 * P.X) + b1;


    IntersectP.X := P.X;

    IntersectP.Y := P.Y;


    End; {IntersectP}


    [ 11-28-2002, 06:28 AM: Message edited by: Alexandre B A Villares ]

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by Mat Caird:

    [...] I would have hoped "Going from 1:10 to 1:50, the text should" ... actually print on paper the same size.

    Turning the "scale text" check box OFF on your "Layer Scale..." panel will make your copied text look always the same size when printed.

    Turning it ON will make the text behave like an ordinary drawing object, it will appear smaller at 1:50 than at 1:10 (but will be the same size relative to the building beeing drawn).

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by JKoppi:

    [QB]The VectorScript Function Reference for VW 10 is now available on our website. You can view it online or download the files to your computer.

    Many thanks!



  5. I wish the I,J coordinates activated by a page grid angle change would be consistent with the I,J of the 3D working planes. It would then be possible to use the Working Planes palette to name and save differently rotaded 2D grids.

    Also there is no 2D Move on I,J that I know of, and this seems a serious limitation as there is no way of rotating the whole page as in ... other programs.

    A hard to implement wish would be to have selection handles that conform to a I,J coordinate system and rotated rectangles as core objects. As of today, a rotaded rectange becomes a polygon.

  6. On VectorWorks 10 there is a way for programers to hide a parameter, so these "do no edit" fields will no longer show.

    (Each Obj. Info field is a parameter stored in a hidden record tha has the same name as the PIO)

    On the same topic, out of curiosity, what kind of hidden variable would you be inclined to store on a PIO parameter between regenerations (PIO redraws) ?

  7. I guess you could make a script that reads the selected wall info and sets the parameter defaults of your Plug-in Object using this:

    SetRField(GetObject('plug-in-object-name'), 'plug-in-object-name', 'parameter-name', 'value-as-string');

    But note that a VS tool that has it's own parameters is unable to place a plug-in object.

    [ 11-07-2002, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: Alexandre B A Villares ]

  8. Talking of coordinate system consistency...

    I wish the I,J coordinates activated by a page grid angle change would be the same as the I,J of the 3D working planes...

    Moving 3D on I,J might then be the same as moving 2D I,J for horiz WPs. (there is no Move 2D for I,J yet!)

    Also it would be possible to use the working planes palette to name and save differently rotaded 2D grids.

  9. This surely became a very nice discussion thread!

    Now, about the origin change when "group editing" 3D objects: I wonder if it hasn't something to do with the freedom one has of rotating the final 3D object.

    Note that one gets this cool "dynamic origin sync" on floors and columns (i.e. one can cut & paste in place objects from outside to inside them and vice-versa) , and those one can't rotate in 3D.

    [ 11-04-2002, 09:23 PM: Message edited by: Alexandre B A Villares ]

  10. quote:

    Originally posted by propstuff:

    [...] If you want to change its dimensions you have to make a new one.[...]

    Woa! The extrude along path (as well as the sweep, another simple way of making a toroidal object) can be edited by using the Edit Group command (at the Organise menu). This is one of the best features provided by VW. It works with solid subtractions, floors, roof faces, extrudes etc...

    One of the reasons I love VectorWorks for is you almost never have to make an object from scratch if you just want to make a correction to an existing one.

  11. As iboymatt said, this grey+snap state can be achieved by:

    Setting default colors for your layers at the Layers... Panel (Colors...). Try grey.

    Setting the "Use Layer Colors" at the Document Preferences... (Display tab). Use "Show /Snap Others" now.

    The catch is that all objects on your active layer are set to some default color too (i.e. black).

    [i've never used this colored layer stuff myself, I use Classes for graphic attributes]



  12. The styles pop-ups will assign different classes to each element of the PIO, this will allow one to render them with different finishings.

    Example: Make the Style-1 class transparent and assign it to the glass panels. Make the Style-2 class wood-looking and assign it to the other window parts.


  13. My advice would be:

    If you can view one Layer/Plan at a time then export a single DWG for each one of them, by repeating the export procedure on each view.Floor Plan -> floor.dwg Roof Plan -> roof.dwg,etc.

    As you are on a Mac, don't forget to add the ".dwg" extention to your filenames.

    Download the DropZip or the ZipIt compression utility and always send your files 'zipped'. Make sure your compressed filenames look like: "archivename.zip"

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