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Michael Knoepfle

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Everything posted by Michael Knoepfle

  1. Imported from any length CSV or txt files and generates an lokus point and links them to a database. The first line must contain the column names. It does not matter how many columns or rows, the file contains For Sarah Barrett 's "Existing Tree Record name" requirement. Thanks Dom for import CSV and Patrick for a new Repeat. Have Fun Mike Baumkataster.vwx
  2. In what syntax do I have to enter the arg if I want to convert a number of decimal places. It does not work. Python arguments like {:.2f} or %1.2f does not works with the format string note. Thank you for answer Mike
  3. I read directly from the object database. I found the mistake. In the German version no point but a comma is generated. That can Python not convert. Thank you
  4. I need help. In a query the database values come out in exponential notation. I can not find a note that transforms me into a real number. Can someone help me. best regards Mike
  5. Hello DomC Your answers were very helpful. All my problems with Marionette are fixed. I hope I can now soon to introduce my first program here . Mike
  6. Hello there, I'm new with marionette. Can someone show me how to create a list from a database. The note "Get Record Field" is always only the first value. Thank you
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