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Posts posted by fabrica

  1. @Nikolay Zhelyazkov , looks like workaround didn't last long as the problems seems to have come back.


    I'm also  noticing that if I copy a viewport with a drawing label and change the drawing title in the object info menu that it does not update the copied drawing label. If I click on the viewport to edit annotations > it will hang with beach ball as the drawing label seems to be selected by default. 


    This file was originally started in 2018 and converted to 2019. 


    Screenshot 2018-11-29 at 16.14.58.png

    Screenshot 2018-11-29 at 16.15.01.png

  2. i've a standard custom window, 3 panels with top lights, top lights have glazing bars but it only seems to apply to the first window?


    (+ is it possible to change view controls to interior or exterior instead of front / back? makes no current sense)



    Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 15.07.49.png

    Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 15.08.15.png

  3. well, still a bit on topic?! €6k for a pro or €2k for C4D? (corona currently free as its in beta)


    I just imported the vectorworks file into C4D, this converts vectorworks materials to C4D materials.

    Changed the sun light to a corona sun/sky, changed the wall material, one of the chrome materials and the stone counters (they were very shiny when imported into C4d) , all the other materials are unchanged from vectorworks. (took a couple of minutes to do)

    Specified a 5min time limit in Corona and done...


    I like using renderworks in OpenGL to see how materials and lighting works in the design process etc ... but it can't compete with the dedicated render engines out there for speed/quality,  I'd still like a iMac pro though myself!!!

  4. 2-3 days! What !!

    if you want realistic renders then you may want to consider a third party render option instead of an iMac pro.  ie C4D and Corona Render?  (cheaper also!)


    Below is image , modelled in vectorworks  , exported to c4d and rendered in corona (1hr !) - you should also look at why render works is taking that long?!





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