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Everything posted by fabrica

  1. The precipitation one doesn't seem to work with European Cities /Countries , all the others do? i.e., typing Rome in Temperature object works but not in precipitation....
  2. the bim object app is in the furniture/fixtures menu - you need to add it first with the customise tool. the sketch import was not worth it on the small test I did - the model came in as a messy wireframe symbol (uneditable), stayed wireframe in 3d also. probably just works on the few vectorworks models that were already on the bim object website.
  3. would be great if these could be saved as objects to the resource manager, not sure if they can be made into symbols and then 'unboxed' as needed?
  4. does the elevation of your layers effect web view? I am only getting the blue screening web browser with nothing in it?
  5. 2017, it seems to be the 1 file only, attached window from file that causes the crash, I also got this message when trying to save it. window.vwx
  6. I can't seem to use the custom window tool settings without an instant crash, can select custom then once I click to edit .... a full quit crash.
  7. its insane that the reveals of windows and doors are not rendered correctly when you have selected exterior completions in window tool. i.e. render for external face of wall but only 20mm edge is shown in 3d even though in plan its correct.
  8. Ah! I was right clicking in the left hand column not the next one over. thanks!
  9. Is it possible to delete folders from resource manager for projects ? i.e.. I can delete individual symbols fine but can't delete empty folders?
  10. can this be used in conjunction with stair tool? i.e. I see I can set a custom handrail for the railings but there is no similar option in the stair tool or is there a work around?
  11. looks very good Alan, great for workflow, well done. I've no marionette knowledge but is it possible to add a fill to the extrude so in plan view it reduces the amount of lines visible? (a problem with all EAP objects) If that was possible it would be brilliant and also great for skirtings and cornices !
  12. I thought Nemetschek owns both companies?
  13. only get the error when I copy symbol into another drawing file and in any view then. (still works but you have to click 'ok' on the script error first) Works fine on your original drawing.
  14. looks good ! (I'm getting a script error when I make changes in the obj info , but it still makes the changes when i click ok)
  15. checked with UK supplier here and they won't give access to cineversity.com with VSS ... which is a pity!
  16. Hi Phil, not too steep but I'm probably not using a quarter of the functions! The lights and the material settings are the things to learn if your modelling in VW and then transferring to C4D, and external renders are much easier than the internal ones. Along with Grey Scale Gorilla mentioned above here are some resources I used that helped: https://vimeo.com/konstantinmagnus - very detailed on lights and post production techniques - this method I use for internal renders (GI portals etc) - another good lighting tutorial/discussion - some texture tips for changing materials. - tip for objects and how to find items from the VW->C4D transfer
  17. some internal joinery images of retro fit project. Kitchen and bookcase etc modelled in VW , along with overall extension. then rendered in C4D (books etc a C4D plug-in) - haven't put any real post-production into them yet... (affinity photo for that!)
  18. maybe this is useful? http://ozbreed.com.au/landscape-gardening-plants-3d-graphics/
  19. seems odd that this is not available in architect package, or even a simple version?!
  20. as your up how about a few leaks for us Europeans to read on our lunch break!!...... :grin:
  21. for both doors and windows- be able to select a custom symbol/plan of architrave and the door tool will extrude architrave to match , same for windows
  22. that does sound a bit disappointing Marissa. I would not expect someone to go to all the effort and expense of writing something like the nitrobookcase for free. (I note vectorworks/maxon have now bought this for the latest version of C4D). As there is no ability to lock/encrypt an Marionette object it does not make sense for someone to go to the effort of producing professional objects for purchase that can be easily copied. (https://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=221095#Post221095) The worry then, is it will remain a hobbyist part of vectorworks for the foreseeable future? that seems a lost opportunity and will not encourage use or new users. As a customer of vectorworks, I'm looking for the software to speed-up my workflow without having to be an expert in every area of it, either through vectorworks or third party add-ons. And when its a good third party add-on, buy it to incorporate into the software! http://planet.vectorworks.net/2016/04/weve-acquired-panzercads-technology-help-makes-designs-picture-perfect/
  23. is Vectorworks Inc planning on making parametric objects with Marionette for its users? I'm thinking furniture options or something like this : http://nitro4d.com/blog/donationware/nitrobookcase/ - (a C4D object) I'm sure the early adopters don't want to give stuff away once they get the hang of it. I can figure out changing dimensions or materials on M objects but the thought of planning nodes etc gives me shivers!!
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