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Everything posted by fabrica

  1. the sketch option in viewports does not seem to stick in 2022. The custom sketch style will show in preview, but when 'ok' confirmed it goes to another sketch style?
  2. can select ok, but I'm on mac os 11.6
  3. Is it fair to say , it's not ready for use at the moment? (not that I can get it working yet...) Update: looks like 2021 files converted to 2022 don't do it - needs to be new drawing in 2022 to work.
  4. @Mitchell (the other one) not sure about the red ! 😃
  5. same - my preview says its working but the wall doesn't change...
  6. @Kazemester ouch ! 40mins...
  7. any benchmarks to see the speed difference from 2021 to 2022?
  8. command 'I' the vectorworks 2022 application (in 2022 folder) and drag .icns image onto top left icon in info window (for Mac) - no idea for PC!
  9. as is now customary each year 🤣 - icon options for the latest release.... going with 'bright skies' this year.... logo_2022.icns.zip
  10. not sure vectorworks has the option you need, or you could export pdf to affinity or pixelmator and add an inner shadow layer?
  11. ah sorry - should have read your first question properly !
  12. in preferences , under session >
  13. it's 2021, and vectorworks still can't do a usable window schedule by default .... numerous workarounds if you search forum
  14. modify > combine , turns connected lines into a polygon. https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2021/eng/index.htm#t=VW2021_Guide%2FObjects_edit2%2FSingle_object_connect.htm%23XREF_60702_Single_Object&rhsearch=combine&rhsyns=
  15. I use AF designs gutter, baseboard and downspouts plugins all the time - very good. I use the baseboard one for soffits and fascia's also, as they can be put into a class of there own. Mouldings plugin is great for wall panelling and the like.
  16. anyone know where the public roadmap has gone? link not working anymore.....
  17. might be the height range in viewport advanced settings?
  18. it goes back to the default wall style insertion option, which is ok? you've changed the bounding with your levels from the default wall style. Hang in there, it does make sense eventually !!!!
  19. thought this was also interesting, along with new image capture : https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10077/ create 3d models with image capture: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10076/
  20. doesn't solve your problem, but making a custom workspace with all the repeating tools you use across the top (or preferred location) has been a great help to me. Also custom right & left click commands and custom hot keys way to go! I'm only clicketyclick speed though......!!!
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