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Benjamin Weill

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Everything posted by Benjamin Weill

  1. I don't even mind waiting for 2016 for a fix. It's not that far off. But waiting until 2017.....that'll be irritating.
  2. my custom title block is just in my template file. I never don't start a new show from my personal template, so it's fine to just be in the file to begin with. I also have multiple text blocks on different classes that auto populate depending on which plate I'm working on. I print all of my drawings from saved views on a single sheet layer, so the appropriate classes are automatically on inside the saved view.
  3. this is a similar thread that I posted in the general discussion section: https://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=42775&Number=213227#Post213227
  4. I think I get it. So, for this so for this to work, the class shouldn't have "use at creation" selected?
  5. hi hippothamus, so you mean each time i want to change the color, I should change the attributes of the class? Thanks
  6. Is there way to have only part of a class's attributes assert themselves when you create new objects? I have a class that has specific attributes - line thickness, opacity, and arrow markers - and I want to use all of that, but I don't want it to assert the color. I want to be able to drop lines that have all of the characteristics in the class attributes, but I want them to be whatever color that I have actively selected. I know I can go back after I've created all of the lines and change the color, but this seems like something I should be able to do more easily. Thanks
  7. This may be a novice question, but is there anyway to select all of one symbol type in a file? When dealing with lighting instruments, there is a way to select a specific light and then select all the others of the same type, but I've never been able to find a way to do this with plain old symbols. Thanks
  8. I'm sorry, I'm a bit a layman when it comes to scripting. How do I actually attach this script to a record format? Having part of a record format populate from a coordinate (specifically the Y coordinate) of a symbol has been something I've wanted for a while. Unfortunately, I don't know what the steps are between reading this script on the forums and having it work. Thanks!!
  9. Anthony, Importing a label legend from one file to another is just like importing any other symbol. 1) Be active in the file that you want to bring resources into. 2) in the Resource Browser select the file that you want to pull resources from. 3a) Double click on the symbol and then drop it into your document like you would any other symbol. This will import the symbol in and place it in the Top Menu of the resource browser. OR 3b) In the resource browser, select the symbol(s) that you want to import and right-click. Select "Import" from the drop down menu. A dialog box will appear asking you where you want to put the newly imported symbols. If you keep "Preserve Folder Hierarchy" then the symbol will be put into the same folder as it is in the original document. This is useful if you're pulling stuff from you old files are template files - anything where your organization is the same. If you choose "Select Destination Folder" then you can do just that - put it in any existing folder, or create a new one.
  10. Anthony, Importing a label legend from one file to another is just like importing any other symbol. 1) Be active in the file that you want to bring resources into. 2) in the Resource Browser select the file that you want to pull resources from. 3a) Double click on the symbol and then drop it into your document like you would any other symbol. This will import the symbol in and place it in the Top Menu of the resource browser. OR 3b) In the resource browser, select the symbol(s) that you want to import and right-click. Select "Import" from the drop down menu. A dialog box will appear asking you where you want to put the newly imported symbols. If you keep "Preserve Folder Hierarchy" then the symbol will be put into the same folder as it is in the original document. This is useful if you're pulling stuff from you old files are template files - anything where your organization is the same. If you choose "Select Destination Folder" then you can do just that - put it in any existing folder, or create a new one.
  11. Agreed, this would be great! Re-post it under the "wish list" forum
  12. That would be fantastic! I posted something similar to this a while ago, but looking to attach the "y" coordinate. https://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=42251&Number=210324#Post210324 THANKS!!
  13. It's a great App! Totally worth the price.
  14. Yes. You have to convert your old files to the new version. If it's just one file, then open it in your current version, and VW will ask if you want to save it for the proper version. If it's more than one file, there is a command called "batch convert" - I believe it's under the file menu - that will convert multiple files.
  15. The other thing I would do, after you create your symbols, is to create a template file. You can do that from: File -> Save As Template This will let you start a new project in a file that has all of your symbols/classes/layers/saved views already set up and ready to go. Just select your template from the drop down menu when you open a new document. It's great, and saves a lot of time.
  16. Do you still have the script? I don't have a lot of experience using scripts. It'd be great to see how it worked. Thanks!!
  17. Hi, This is a question that I posted earlier to the "general discussions" forum. But I thought this would also be a good place to post it as well, because if this isn't already a thing, it would be great to have it become one: Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to have a record format populate from a symbol's location? for example, I have a symbol in my template file for a line set schedule, that is itself made up multiple instances of another symbol for each individual line set. The individual lineset symbol has a record that lets me fill in it's distance from plaster line, it's line set number and what's on it. Is it possible to have the record for the distance from PL auto populate with the symbol's "Y" coordinate? That way I don't have to type it in twice whenever I set up a lineset schedule for a new venue - once in the symbol's "Y" coordinate field, and again in the record's "dist from PL" field. Thanks
  18. Ok, great. I still have the plug-in, so I can send that over. Is there anything specific I should mention in the subject/email body? Something referencing this thread? Thanks
  19. Hi Tim, I know that's something that I personally don't know how to do, but it would be great if it could be updated. How would we go about that, if it's possible? Thanks
  20. No, it wasn't great for things with multiple text blocks in them, sadly. It was more useful for things like notes or position labels - something where it was a text block within some sort of container. Personally, having lost that tool has severely slowed my workflow. Now, if I have a number of groups to edit, it's Double-Click on the group. Double-Click on the text. Edit the text. Exit the group. Switch back to the selection tool (since double clicking on the text bs dumps you into the text tool). Repeat for each instance. With the plug in it was just Click on the group. Edit the text. "Enter" repeat. It may only sound like a small difference, but it really adds up. It would actually be great if it could also work with symbol instances that have records attached. I know you can edit that all from the data tab, but if you have a lot to do, it'd be great and quick to be able to do it all from one tool. Thanks
  21. There used to be a VWPro plug-in that was a tool called "Edit text in Dialog." How it worked was, you clicked on any text box - or what was WAY more useful - any group containing text, and it popped up a dialog bow where you enter the text. You hit "enter" and the text populates into whatever you had clicked on. It was a GREAT tool, and extremely useful for editing groups quickly. The tool has stopped working with 2015. It would be amazing if a similar type-tool could be built into VectorWorks. Thanks
  22. In this vein, is there a way to set a dimension standard that would automatically "box" the text? It's a pain to have to set that each time, but I haven't found a way to make it automatic. Thanks
  23. Is there a way to include text setting (size and font) by class? For example, I have a class for my dimensions on my plots, that has color and line thickness preset in it, but I'd love to have the font and text size that I use for dimensions ALSO I'm the class. So that way I don't have to go through the extra step of setting that after I've created the dimensions. In general, I feel like having text be a class-optionable thing should exist. Am I just missing something? Thanks
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