Benjamin Weill
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Posts posted by Benjamin Weill
Hi all,
I'm not sure if this counts as "Troubleshooting" or "General" but I'll start here. Since v2018, I've not been able to Tab between fields in menus or other windows. It'll work fine in the OIP, but in anything that opens a dialog box - SmartCursor settings, Title Block settings - Tab doesn't work to move the cursor from field to field. It's very annoying to have to go back to the mouse every time I need to move between fields.
I'm running 2019 SP3 both a MacMini w/ 10.14 and a MBP w/ 10.12. All are up-to-date.
Has anyone this issue or discovered a work-around?
19 minutes ago, anshu said:
Woah. This is shockingly awful. Renders SP3 unusable. Is there a quick fix coming out ASAP????
I hope so. I had to downgrade back to SP2
23 hours ago, VeryCrunchyTaco said:
I haven't ran into this myself, but just heard of someone else running into it. I would assume resetting preferences would work, and am bummed to hear that didn't do it!
You could try reverting to SP2, but to do that, you'd need to uninstall VW 2018, then reinstall with the VW 2018 SP2 installer (there's no way to push it back just one version, sadly.) Links for Mac and Windows below.
Mac Installer | http://release.vectorworks.net/nnapub/mac/2018/SP2/401138/NNA/eng/installer2/Vectorworks2018-SP2-401138-SeriesE-installer2-osx.dmg
Windows Installer | http://release.vectorworks.net/nnapub/win/2018/SP2/401138/NNA/eng/installer2/Vectorworks2018-SP2-401138-SeriesE-installer2-win.zip
Let me know if that helps. I'll keep you posted if I find any fix on my end, and let me know if you're able to replicate this in SP2.
Thanks. I went back to SP2, and it all works again.
On 3/25/2018 at 11:11 AM, markdd said:
I've never seen this before. Clutching at straws, but have you tried resetting your user preferences?
I tried all of these steps on my mac (which basically factory defaulted my Vectorworks) but the problem still persists. Has anyone had success in fixing this? not being able to do "full exports" to LW is crippling.
HI All,
I feel like I saw something about this a while ago, but I can't find it now, so forgive me if this is a repeat.
I have had issues with being able to Tab between fields in 2018. When I open dialog boxes, like the grid settings for example, I used to be able to double tap "a" to open the dialog box, and then "Tab" from the left-hand column of cursor options, to the text fields for entering the grid spacing. Now I have to mouse over to the text fields instead of using Tab. There are other instances where this is an issue as well, but more often than not, this is the one that annoys me the most. I know it doesn't sound like a huge inconvenience, but it does interrupt my workflow a lot more than you'd think - not to mention trying to break the muscle memory I've built up over the years.
I'd hoped this would have been fixed in SP3, but alas, it seems not to have been.
HI All,
Has anyone else noticed some changes in the way that the "Tab" key works in 2018? It's not much, but I've noticed some areas where it doesn't work in some instances where it used to. I've noticed it in a number of places, but the most noticeable (and annoying) is in the grid snapping dialog box. In the past, I could double tap the "a" button on my keyboard, and then tab over to the text fields to change the grid size. Now, tab doesn't take me to the text fields, I have to mouse over to the dialogue box.
Like I said, it's not much, but it is a little annoyance that I wish I didn't have to deal with.
Hi all,
I've been having problems with the Soft Goods Tool since updating to 2018-SP2.
When I try to create a new Soft Good, when I double-click to end the line, the object isn't there. I've made sure that all classes are on, but nothing appears.
When I try to edit a Soft Good in a file created in SP1 or earlier, I get this dialog: “Object creation failed due to invalid parameter(s). Please use different parameter(s).” This happens when I try to do anything, adjust the length, the opening, even the pleat details.
Right now, this tool has become, sadly, pretty useless. Has anyone else had these issues? Know of a fix?
On 11/7/2016 at 4:02 PM, JimW said:
I was thinking of putting up a Buyers Guide at least on the Mac side, for which models I recommend and don't recommend. This is nearly impossible for full machines on windows since there are literally thousands of models but from Apple there are maybe 40 total so i could make a definitive list. If anyone would be interested in that, let me know.
I'd be extremely interested. I'm hoping that they refresh some of their desk-tops soon!
On 1/24/2017 at 10:41 AM, JimW said:
You should fully reinstall Vectorworks after the OS upgrade.
Out of curiously, why?
did you download the lighting symbol libraries from the service select download manager?
It's under Help->Download Content
This, I find, is the big problem with multi-circuit. usually, If I have to change them, I just have to delete the first instance and re-drop. if you're swapping to something that is the same size, or if you know the centers are still the same, then I'll usually drop locus points on the fixtures before I delete them. then I use those points to add the new fixtures.
but very annoying
Hi All,
Has anyone else had trouble snapping to End-points of lines and objects? I can snap to all other "Snappable" attributes, but not end-points. It's very annoying.
Macbook Pro 15"
El Capitan
2.6GHz Processor
16GB Memory
1 minute ago, RGyori said:
Careful what you wish for... might not be so much fun after 8 hours of arm waving.. err finger dragging. I'm old enough to remember how much I relied on the old drafting table for support during those long nights!
agreed. I saw an ad for this a while ago and I just found myself thinking, "wow....that looks like it'd be VIOLENTLY uncomfortable to work with for any serious length of time."
THANKS! I found them. That seems like a bizarre place for them.....
HI All,
I've downloaded all the additional content for 2017, but I can't find the Spotlight Lighting Symbols anywhere. I have all the other "Objects - Entertainment" folders except for "Lighting."
I've even tried "browsing a document" instead of going through the resource browser, and still nothing.
whenever I use this function, I just do it through the OIP, but if there is a file-menu command, then you can create your own shortcuts. You can do that in either the Workspace Editor, or if you're on a mac, OS X lets you create application-specific keyboard shortcuts for anything with a file-menu command. Windows may have a similar feature, but I'm a mac guy :).
Thanks all! I'll try the "Rasterize" option tonight. I'm not that concerned about the text being selectable in PDF - It'd be a nice perk, but it's not required. more important is printed clarity.
What is strange, is that the PDFs seem to print fine from other machines - My boss has never commented on a funky print on anything I've sent him.
I generally use the "Publish" method as I'm usually working on multi-page documents.
So, I'm having an issue where the text from PDFs (exported from VW) print as gibberish. The text in the PDF is correct, there's no problem with it on the screen - only when printed.
I have a Brand New - 1 week out of the box - Brother All-In-One printer.
Attached are pictures of both the PDF on Screen and PDF on paper.
Is this a printer issue? Is this a VW issue?
Thanks! I had been trying, but was using "simple," not "complex."
Hi all,
Does anyone know if it's possible to create a line-type that includes text? I'm trying to create a line that has text regularly interspersed within the line. The picture attached is a mock-up of what I'm talking about.
If anyone is interested, these are the ones that I made:
Thanks! I'm a fan of it. It makes them pop a bit more, I find.
you're not gonna have the kind of luck I think you're hoping for. Lightwright doesn't store any coordinate data so any symbol the LW brings into VW - and yes, it will import them - will be at one end of the lighting position listed in LW. IF there's no lighting position listed, or the position listed doesn't exist in the VW drawing, then the symbol will appear at the origin (0,0).
Also, unless the venue file already has the same symbols that the previous LD used - and I mean word-for-word the same in their naming, they'll all show up as a generic rectangle, because VW won't know what symbol you're trying to import.
I just opened a show file and LW that I've been working on. in LW, I added 10 VL2500 Spots - a fixture that I'm not using in the show - on the 1st Electric. I've also added a Mac700 - also not used - on the 9th Electric. I already have a 1st electric in my VW file, but no 9th Electric.
So you can see in the pics, the VLs just all dropped (as rectangles) on the end of the 1st E. and the Mac700 dropped at the origin, since there is no 9th electric.
I hope that helps
what font size do you have selected from the "Text" drop-down menu? have nothing selected, and then go through the menu and set a size. THAT size will become the default until you choose a new one.
SP3 has broken my default label legend...
in Entertainment
HI all,
It seems that SP3 has broken my default label legend, and any legend built off duplicating my default one. I guess I don't know for sure that it's SP3's fault, but this wasn't a problem before I updated. It's odd that it seems to only be SOME of my legends, not all of them. I've attached screenshots to show what I mean. I can delete the default legend and then rebuild it - and it works - but I don't know/remember how to assign it to be the default legend that will be used whenever I drop a light. when I build the new one, all lights get dropped with "<<none>>" as the legend and then I have to assign one to it...
Has anyone else encountered this or found a fix?