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Everything posted by AlanW

  1. The way i have always worked is my VW model controls the model in TM. All the dress up is done in TM, furniture etc. I dont move any VW item in TM. This is simple when exporting as Cinema 4D but with Data Smith you can move all the VW file items which can be dangerous as you can lose track of the real model. Wonder if there is a way to lock the VW-DS file in TM so you can opt to change or not.
  2. Hi, Question, I am playing with DataSmith and it seems if i move an object in TM that came from VW Datasmith i cant get it back to the same location as was in VW. Update DS and the ball stays in moved location. Seems the only way to get it back to VW location is to delete it from TM & cut from VW and repaste back into VW in place and it magically appears in TM. Is this how it is supposed to work???
  3. @zoomer No additional pan, started a rectangle and pulled mouse off screen to all sides for second point and no scroll.
  4. Hi I have a PC and cant get it to happen. Is it a Mac thing??
  5. @carlotta curtiHi, You have a title page but your viewport is way off at 1:1 see attached. You have also drawn on the sheet layer over your viewport. Your viewport needs to be say 1:100 and moved down to the title page and the landscape needs to be in the design layer. See attached. HTH
  6. @Juan RuizHi, Just tested with an xref grid and added grids and all was good. Attached example. HTH Grid Xref.vwx Grids.vwx
  7. @ShortnortHi Example attached. HTH Grids_v2022.vwx
  8. @ShortnortHi, Make a design Layer called common and put them on this design layer along with section markers, boundaries etc. then tun that layer on in all the viewports. HTH
  9. @LHSydHi, it appears that this .txt file is missing,? I think.
  10. @Anelisa THi, here is an example. HTH 2057063880_CustomWindowsv2022.vwx
  11. @MGuilfoileHi have you tried Twin Motion for your renderings? Lighting works well there and easy.
  12. @E|FAIf i were you and do what i did when the office was VW2008 with no upgrades and crap computers. l learned the program in my own time and when the time came to show them what can be done it was a no brainer. No way it was going to happen in 3d but once they saw the value and saved a few projects for them because the client could understand what they were getting. One telling moment was the client could not understand the house and was coming in to go through a resign. I threw the model into Twin motion and the clients sat down to a large screen and said is that our new design, no its your current one. they walked around in 3d and could understand it. It saved the day. we never have looked back.
  13. I work in a small practice of 12 but only 3 draw in VW. the time and cost saving documenting in 3D has been proven by constant monitoring of the times. The ability to use the model for many things has proven useful. Presentation in Twin Motion for example. Most clients have limited ability to understand their project in 2D. by showing them in 3D they are amazed and can understand the spaces. When you use the model and place a VR head set on them they fully understand, it makes the job of having them understand so simple. Changes make life easy, so many time i have had to move a wall, window or roof line, imagine re-drawng all the elevations again. 3D all the elevations generate automatically. That's my 2 pennies worth. Enjoy documenting anyway that you feel comfortable with. Example attached of a quick 3Dmodel to Twin Motion. All very quick .
  14. @grodrHi Not wishing to leave you with no example, attached is a small section of a file where we use 2D & 3D. 2D components make for a quick 2D plan, tiles furniture etc while the main building generates the plane and elevations. HTH Testv2023_v2022.vwx
  15. We always work the 3D model. it allows you to draw all the elevations automatically. change one thing on one facade and all the other elevations change. We even model the downpipes. Your floor plans are already 3D if yo set your levels and wall heights. No way 2D elevations, this is dark age stuff. Sorry but you will be better off in the long run going down the 3D path. Persist and you will be rewarded.
  16. @Ramon PGHi Assume you are not using windoor, all the components are set to <door Class>. if you make a new class called door swing and change the class in the Door Settings you will be able to change it in the viewport. Door leaf closed??? may have to draw a swing separate. Will look further into it. HTH
  17. @Eric MarinHi see attached Open DP script to see extrude along path. HTH 1254008156_DPby2_001v2017.vwx
  18. @jmhanbyHi Download my last file and view all the setting and see if they match your classes and settings as per my images. One wrong and nothing works. HTH
  19. @domer1322 Hi Class must be set to Solid for a texture to appear solid in 3D. HTH
  20. @Chris Fleming https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/103729-datasmith-not-working-with-twin-motion/
  21. @jmhandy i notice you using by object, best use by class and make sure your roof components are by class and the classes are set correctly. HTH Roofv2022.vwx
  22. @ShortnortHi, so you double click on top of the wall and you get nodes. hit the + and you can click on one of the nodes and it will drag, so just keep ding this, yo can do it by typing in distances also. HTH
  23. You could always use the create wall recess, But VW appears to still have the problem where it can't close off the end part of wall even though the extrude goes past the end of the wall see attached. 
  24. Thanks, I don’t mind but it’s annoying a few work colleagues
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