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Everything posted by AlanW

  1. Anyone know how to convert all objects that have been drawn in screen plane to layer Plane. Opened an old file and half appears on screen plane so when you switch to a left iso view they still stay on the screen even if you toggle the unified view button on and off. Only way is to turn all those classes off. Thanks
  2. Do any of the Windoor tools have the option to place a door stop on the jamb? the window options are many and you can adjust just about any component of the window but the door seems to suffer. Thanks
  3. Hi, Does anyone know why the Automatic mode switches off at random times. Make a cube and spin a few times and the Automatic mode won't even toggle back on. I Have a house model and automatic does not work or toggle on or off. "Automatic working plane not available in current context" So you create a new file and draw a cube, hey presto Automatic mode, toggles on and off. Tab back to the house drawing and Automatic mode is working, but alas only for a few minutes. Anyone have any ideas how to make it stable. Thanks
  4. Hi, Having trouble setting the height of doors in relation to the wall. So I have a bound wall on a split level house and the elevation is -962 and design layer is 2-Slab. I set the wall to bound to foundation and top of structure. When I put a door in it attached to the high point of the wall with elev set to head of frame. The only way to move it down seems to guess the Elevation and put in -520 and it lowers down to floor. Anyone can suggest a good video or tutorial to better understand the bound wall / storey setup. If you dont have bound walls its easy to set door position, but that would defeat the purpose of the program opportunities available. Thanks
  5. Thank you very much:) Yes that's the one and it now works fine.
  6. Hi, I had this issue where one of the xrefed drawing viewports moved and we found that we fixed it by resetting the 0,0 point back on the reference drawing that moved. and reopened the drawing or refreshed the viewport reference and it came back to the original position. Don't try moving the drawing back. Just make sure they all have the same 0,0 point. Hope this helps.
  7. Hi, I had this issue where one of the xrefed drawing viewports moved and we found that we fixed it by resetting the 0,0 point back on the reference drawing that moved. and reopened the drawing or refreshed the viewport reference and it came back to the original position. Don't try moving the drawing back. Just make sure they all have the same 0,0 point. Hope this helps.
  8. Non Standard stair Configuration. I have V2015. In older versions you could configure your stair to add a landing and have the option to head off in a few directions with another flight etc. Can't find this option in the new version, only a set of standard configurations that you seem to be stuck with. Any ideas, Thanks
  9. Great, nice thanks for that, softer on the eyes than the stark white is.
  10. Is it possible to change the background to anything other than Black or White. maybe like the new Photshop or 3Dmax??? Also can you change the palette background colours to a light grey or ???/ Thanks
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