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Bruce Kieffer

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Everything posted by Bruce Kieffer

  1. I have a worksheet that counts symbols by symbol name. If I change a symbol's name in the RM, then my worksheet losses that symbol's reference, and I have to edit the worksheet's criteria and reassociate the symbol's to its revised name. Is there a way to update the worksheet to recognize the symbols revised name?
  2. I made a profile shape that I want to extrude, but I'm not sure the profile is correct, so I made it a symbol thinking I could later come back and modify the symbol's profile shape and then all the extrudes would change. I tried to extrude the symbol, but no luck. Is there a way to do this?
  3. No go on the refresh. No go with renaming the user folder. Vectorworks really did not like that. It wanted my serial #. OK. I added it, then Vectorworks said I had reached my limit. Yes I am using .sta files, in fact I made a few new templates from the file menu and none of those show on the Home screen either. I'm going to give up on this and I will just open templates using file/new use template.
  4. I checked and I have all set up correctly. I even added a Workgroup folder and placed a template in that. I restarted Vectorworks a few times, and restarted my Mac, but still nothing shows in the Home Templates tab.
  5. Templates do not show in the "Templates" tab on my Home Screen, but I do have a template. Is there something I am missing or doing wrong?
  6. This is a problem with Mac OS Sequoia and Vectorworks 2025. I can now reproduce the problem. If I right click an object and hold the mouse button down and go to a command, then the command does not work. If I right click an object and release the mouse button down and go to a command, then the command works. Another user confirm they see this same behavior.
  7. More testing is making me wonder if this is a conflict with Keyboard Maestro. There's something definitely strange going on. If I long pause on a Vectorworks 2025 contextual menu item, click it, then it works, and then all the context menu commands work after the first one does. Keyboard Maestro running or not. I hate troubleshooting!
  8. I found the problem. It's a conflict with Keyboard Maestro. I don't have this problem with Vectorworks 2024, or any other app. I let support know I found the conflict. Hopefully they will fix it soon.
  9. No, but I did think about booting in Safe Mode. And I have a few other things to try this morning before I call support again.
  10. No, but I did think about booting in Safe Mode. And I have a few other things to try this morning before I call support again.
  11. I found out today that none of my contextual menu commands are working. I'm reinstalling Vectorworks now. I sure hope that fixes this problem.
  12. I (with great difficulty) added the Hide Selected Objects command in my object context menu, but it does not work there. The menu command does work. Anyone else notice this issue?
  13. Thanks Pat, don't do work on it. I don't have much need for that functionality beyond last night. I was just wondering if was built into Vectorworks and I did not know.
  14. Each palette has its own search field, and Quick Search only searches Tools and Menus or both simultaneously. I want to simultaneously search the layers, sheet layer, viewports, and saved views palettes.
  15. @Rob C., Vectorworks stopped hosting community groups about 4 months ago. Our group held its last meeting in July. There are 5 groups remaining that have virtual meetings. Here's a link to a calendar showing their meetings. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=vectorworks.communities@gmail.com&ctz=America/New_York&pli=1
  16. Exactly what was going on. I found out a moment before you replied!
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