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Bruce Kieffer

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Posts posted by Bruce Kieffer

  1. 9 hours ago, Pat Stanford said:

    You don't have to go back to the Design Layer. Just use the Visibility Tool in the Object Visibility mode and set to Hide Objects. You can click on objects in the viewport from the sheet layer and hide them directly. Or unhide them in the Show Object. You even get a nice red preview of what is going to be shown or hidden.


    Thanks to @Tom W. for pointing this out in another thread.



    Wow, that is nice! FYI... It does not work if the VP is of a symbol. Then the entire symbol is hidden, and that does limit this trick.

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  2. Looks like this type viewport that I wanted back in 2023 can be achieved now in Vectorworks 2025. I'm still testing, but it looks like when I hide objects in a design layer those selections are also hidden in the VP. If this holds true it will greatly simplify and speed up my drawing time. One limitation is; you cannot go back to the DL, change which objects are hidden or showing, and then see those changes in the VP. That does not work. Here are a few examples from my current house project. This is a simple design, and not the best to use for an example, but it works.


  3. 7 hours ago, Tom W. said:

    Not sure whether Update Plug-in Objects would do it (Tools > Utilities)...?


    Or run a Move 0,0 on the tag?


    Update Plug-in Objects does not work.

    Move 0,0 DOES work.


    I suspect there are other ways too, but there should be a understandable command for this.

  4. I duplicated a file, changed the file name. I have a "File Name" data tag and that still shows the name of the old file. I know I can re-associate the data tag, but is there a simpler way to do this?

  5. 1 minute ago, Tom W. said:


    Ok I was trying it using objects where the Record included Pop-up fields. It doesn't seem to work if there are Pop-up fields.


    In terms of selecting Data Tags, I find that using 'Object type' as the criteria just selects Data Tags of the same style, not all the Data Tags. I kind of feel like Bruce that 'Data Tag' is the object type so why doesn't it select all Data Tags, regardless of the style?

    I agree. I think it should.

  6. 1 hour ago, markdd said:

    I tried it on a Data Tag with a record attached before posting the earlier comment, and it worked fine. Now and then, I can't select objects because this button was selected in the mode bar by mistake - Could that be the problem?



    That is not the problem. I cannot get it to select the data tags with the selection criteria set to Object Type. Isn't a data tag a type of object? When I use Object Type as the criteria, then only the Data Tag I click with the select similar tool is selected. None of the other data tags.



  7. 1 hour ago, Tom W. said:

    Tools > Custom Selection...?

    This works. I found the setting buried a bit. It will select them, but I still have to find the selections if they are not on the visible layer. I suppose I could narrow the selection to a layer. I have to work more on this.


  8. I have #20 biscuit symbols I created with a 3D locus in the center. Those 3D loci make a mess of the thumbnail preview in the RM. I have the biscuits inserted in other symbols like these two doors. I removed the loci from the front door symbol so you can see the difference of the preview image, they remain in the closet door symbol. Is there a way to hide 3D loci in the RM thumbnail view?



  9. I revisited this issue yesterday and I found that since my question in 2009 Vectorworks has added an "Unequal sash" with a "Sash Scale Factor" setting to windows. It's very helpful and easy to use.





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  10. 30 minutes ago, Tom W. said:

    In the meantime @Bruce Kieffer would placing the Data Tags inside the symbol (+ controlling their visibility in the VP by class) be a workable alternative...?

    That is what I am doing, but it's WAY more work than if I could place them in the VP. Being able to scale the Data Tag text helps.

  11. I have viewports that were created on design layers with symbols that have my Part ID data records attached. I need to be able to annotate the VP to place my Part ID data tags on the parts, but VW can't do that because the parts are in a symbol. This is sad and defeats the purpose of properly annotating a VP. I can convert the symbol on the design layer, then I can apply the data tags in the VP, but that defeats the purpose of having the symbol.

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