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Bruce Kieffer

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Everything posted by Bruce Kieffer

  1. I found it! Vertical Position in the OIP. Fixed the spelling too!
  2. Is there a setting to move the callout leader shoulder up or down relative to the callout text?
  3. Thanks @Jonathan Pickup I use that too. I have it set too mouse hover and press the command key.
  4. I realize I could delete and "set" a new version of the data tag. Just wondering if there's a faster way?
  5. Thanks @rDesign, that's more than I want to do, and I don't want to mess with other colors on my screen. I will continue to use the OS Accessibility settings zoom I set up. I can see the text if I zoom in about 300%. Easy enough to do with my mouse's scroll wheel.
  6. Give me (us) the option to change the green text color of RM resources like these. I am color blind, and I can hardly see this text.
  7. This is sad. I wish the designers would consider how the colors they choose affect color blind people. It's not just Vectorworks. I encounter this all the time. In this case it might be an easy fix to include allow changing the color in the interactive settings. I will post this "wish".
  8. Is there an interactive setting to change the color of the text for Data Tags in the RM? I can hardly see the color of the right hand text.
  9. I often see two tool icons highlighted. I assume it's a bug.
  10. OK, so like I considered earlier, I set up a data tag to grab the text from the name field in the OIP. It's a bit of work, but easy enough. I copy the title of the worksheet, type into the OIP Name field "WS: " and then paste the worksheet title text. Then I associate the data tag to the worksheet.
  11. I just tired to create a simple file to send you @rDesign that would show the snapping problem. I opened a new blank file and placed a symbol that I have trouble snapping in my complex file when I drill into the symbol. No problems in the blank file, but still problems in my complex file. I don't know how to show you this problem easily. I will send you a file someday if I ever figure out how to reproduce it simply.
  12. Thanks @Pat Stanford I was hoping for a simpler solution in the provided data tag formula options. I'll give your method a try, but I may just use the "name" part in the OIP.
  13. Is there a formula I can use to make the title of a worksheet appear in a data tag. I know about #N# where I can add a name in the OIP, but I want Vectorworks to pick up the worksheet title given in the RM. This one:
  14. I have symbols nested inside of other symbols, and solid objects nested inside other solid objects. When I go to edit them, at a certain depth of nesting object snapping does not work. It's like three or more levels in. Is there a way to make object snapping work in this situation? Is there a workaround?
  15. What is the formula to make the name "Viewport-12" appear in a Data Tag? I'm trying to create a data tag to pick up viewport names. I know how to get to the tag editor and the place to input the formula, but I can't find the correct formula from the available options.
  16. Yes it does! I've seen #### while editing the worksheet, but I don't recall seeing just one # outside of edit mode.
  17. It looks like this. What does it mean? I know what --- means, but I don't know what # means.
  18. Got it. I think I do want them to be world based. I need to experiment. I wish that formatting data tags was simpler.
  19. I do have them set that way. Maybe I should try turning that off?
  20. Yes I am. Will do, but first I need to determine the cause, or the sequence of events.
  21. My fonts size of some Data Tags, and the positions of some Data Tags, change for no reason that I can tell. What might be making them change?
  22. I have an M1 iMac with an LG 27" Fine Line 5K second display.
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