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Bruce Kieffer

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Everything posted by Bruce Kieffer

  1. Wow, that is nice! FYI... It does not work if the VP is of a symbol. Then the entire symbol is hidden, and that does limit this trick.
  2. Looks like this type viewport that I wanted back in 2023 can be achieved now in Vectorworks 2025. I'm still testing, but it looks like when I hide objects in a design layer those selections are also hidden in the VP. If this holds true it will greatly simplify and speed up my drawing time. One limitation is; you cannot go back to the DL, change which objects are hidden or showing, and then see those changes in the VP. That does not work. Here are a few examples from my current house project. This is a simple design, and not the best to use for an example, but it works.
  3. This RW background appears a lot in my RM in all of my files. Why is it, and how to I remove it permanetly?
  4. Update Plug-in Objects does not work. Move 0,0 DOES work. I suspect there are other ways too, but there should be a understandable command for this.
  5. I duplicated a file, changed the file name. I have a "File Name" data tag and that still shows the name of the old file. I know I can re-associate the data tag, but is there a simpler way to do this?
  6. That is not the problem. I cannot get it to select the data tags with the selection criteria set to Object Type. Isn't a data tag a type of object? When I use Object Type as the criteria, then only the Data Tag I click with the select similar tool is selected. None of the other data tags.
  7. I can't make this work, but I do have trouble selecting similar objects like data tags. I think there's a problem with the select similar tool.
  8. This works. I found the setting buried a bit. It will select them, but I still have to find the selections if they are not on the visible layer. I suppose I could narrow the selection to a layer. I have to work more on this.
  9. Here's an example: I have parts (objects) with alphabetical part ID records. I want to find all the parts with say the Part ID record A. Aside from creating a worksheet to see them and then find them by "selecting object", is there a simpler way?
  10. I have #20 biscuit symbols I created with a 3D locus in the center. Those 3D loci make a mess of the thumbnail preview in the RM. I have the biscuits inserted in other symbols like these two doors. I removed the loci from the front door symbol so you can see the difference of the preview image, they remain in the closet door symbol. Is there a way to hide 3D loci in the RM thumbnail view?
  11. Here's my current Vectorworks 2025 Electrical Devices file, I've added a few devices and new cover plates: Electrical Devices.vwx
  12. I revisited this issue yesterday and I found that since my question in 2009 Vectorworks has added an "Unequal sash" with a "Sash Scale Factor" setting to windows. It's very helpful and easy to use.
  13. That is what I am doing, but it's WAY more work than if I could place them in the VP. Being able to scale the Data Tag text helps.
  14. I have viewports that were created on design layers with symbols that have my Part ID data records attached. I need to be able to annotate the VP to place my Part ID data tags on the parts, but VW can't do that because the parts are in a symbol. This is sad and defeats the purpose of properly annotating a VP. I can convert the symbol on the design layer, then I can apply the data tags in the VP, but that defeats the purpose of having the symbol.
  15. Thanks @Tom W., that does work. There's a bit of summarizing and sorted that needs to be done after, but the same summarizing and sorted work has to be done with the more complicated way I was doing this.
  16. Is there some fast way to copy my worksheet's database formula? Faster than this way: right click/Edit Database Formula/copy.
  17. What is this Assign Classifications in the Data section of the OIP?
  18. If my memory is correct, I think we could see Finder icon previews of our Vectorworks files with 2024 and Mac Sonoma. Is that true? This is what I see with 2025 and Sequoia.
  19. The more complex a drawing gets the more saved sheets are needed. And it seems that every saved view has different classes and layers. Having a hierarchical organization would be helpful. The saved views search function is great if you can remember the name of the saved view you are looking for!
  20. Nice, but I want Vectorworks to remember the multi-pane setup and the views in each pane.
  21. I want to be able to make saved views of my multi pane view setups.
  22. Dimensioning should be placed as viewport annotations, but I cannot add dimensions that way if my VP view is right ISO. I want that ability. I added these dimensions in the design layer. Doing that makes my drawing far more complicated than it should be.
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