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Everything posted by michaelk

  1. Nope. Unless there's something in the SDK. I did it unsuccessfully for a while just using the usuall methods. Then I tried exporting a file with nothing but a callout as a VS and got that nonsense. Turns out that nonsense is totally necessary to create a new callout from scratch if you want the leader line to work. Without the nonsense you can create a callout, but nothing you do in the OIP after creation will create a leader line. It looks like the nonsense controls the attributes. Which I assume is why you can't do it the normal way with your menu command. There's a hidden field in the Callout record called __SubObjectDataAttributes which is a big concat. Somehow I think THAT is controlling the attributes.
  2. I could only get one of them to open. The other seems damaged/corrupted. Project 4-Bedroom v2023.vwx
  3. @Josh Loy That's exactly what I'm seeing. Once in a while editing a SLVP and choosing a design layer will do it.
  4. Callouts are not normal. Here's a script that changes a text object to a callout. You would think that to create a callout you just CreateCustomObject('Callout',…. Then write some data to the record and Bob's your uncle. Nope. Take a look at how attributes are handled inside of what looks like comments. PROCEDURE Test; VAR hCallout,hText,Waldo : HANDLE; tempHandle, objectHandle, textHandle:HANDLE; objectName:STRING; index:INTEGER; s1 : DYNARRAY[] of CHAR; fakeName : STRING; objType : INTEGER; xx,yy,zz : REAL; BEGIN; Locus(0,0); Waldo := LNewObj; hText := PrevSObj(Waldo); DelObject(Waldo); HCenter(hText,xx,yy); fakeName := Date(2,1); SetName(hText,fakeName); objType := ObjectType(N = fakeName); IF objType = 10 THEN BEGIN {AlrtDialog(CONCAT('Objecty Type: ',objtype));} s1 := GetText(hText); {AlrtDialog(s1);} tempHandle := CreateCustomObject('Callout',0",0",#0.0000000000000d); objectHandle := LNewObj; SetDropShadowData(objectHandle, 0,0.003937,0.001969,#315.0000000000d,75,0,0,0); EnableDropShadow(objectHandle, FALSE); objectHandle := LNewObj; {SetObjectVariableBoolean(objectHandle, 1160, FALSE);} Record(LNewObj,'Callout'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Link To Database','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Place As Keynote','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Keynote Prefix',''); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Keynote Suffix',''); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','BubbWidth','2"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Vertical Placement','Auto'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Orientation','Auto'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Left','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Bubble Style','None'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Radius Factor','0.046850393700787"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Margin','0.046850393700787"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Bubble Shadow','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Shoulder','1''0.000000000000002"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Leader Type','Straight'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Leader Style','Line'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','LineLength','7''2.331410057273573"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__ShowDialog','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Rise','0.19"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Text',S1); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','DNE','Solid Arrow\1\-1'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','TextFont','Arial'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','TextSize','203.200000'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','TextStyle','Plain'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint01X','-1''7.526018289463835"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint01Y','-1''11.734217624645211"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint02X','-4''7.239175964666458"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint02Y','-1''7.431487403991564"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint03X','1''0.000000000000002"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint03Y','0"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint04X','9''0.046850393700751"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint04Y','0"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__dbName',''); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__dbUUID',''); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__NoteUUID','{FFA5C43C-FC3C-40A2-AC80-C4D561E385E2}'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__NoteDescrip','This is a callout'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__KeynoteNumber','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldPlaceAs','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldBubbWidth','2"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldShoulder','1''0.000000000000002"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldLeaderStyle',''); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__IsFlipped','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__isNew','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__version','2800'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__markerCode','1;0;15;0.125000;0.000000;2;2.000000;'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Arrow Style',''); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Marker Symbol',''); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Marker Scale Factor','0.039370078740157"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','MarkerAng','15'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Marker Weight','1'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldCtrlPt03X','304.8'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldCtrlPt03Y','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldCtrlPt04X','2744.39'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldCtrlPt04Y','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Keynote Legend','Default Legend'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldKeynoteLegend','Default Legend'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Leader Radius','0"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','OldText','This is a callout'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__IsUseReletivePath','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__DBReletivePath',''); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Text Angle','0.00°'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Rotate Text','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldTextAngle','0.00°'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__BubbleShadowPenColor','-3'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__BubbleShadowFillColor','-3'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','HorizontalTextAlignment','Center'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','New Bubble Style V20','None'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','New Vertical Placement','Auto'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Draw Extended Shoulder','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Text Style Ref','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Text Spacing Index','2'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Text Spacing Value','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Leader Angle','-150.00°'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__ObjectRotationAngle','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__DrawTwoSoulders','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__LeadingLeaderPointX','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__LeadingLeaderPointY','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__SecondaryLeaderPointX','2028.6094375'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__SecondaryLeaderPointY','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint05X','5''7.866513287401574"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','ControlPoint05Y','0"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldSecondaryShoulderPointX','1723.8094375'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldSecondaryShoulderPointY','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__LeaderLinesData','{ "handles" : [ { "index" : 1, "firstPtIndex" : 1, "lastPtIndex" : 4, "leaderType" : 0 } ] }'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__CustomPointsData',Concat('{ "handles" : [ { "index" : 1, "type" : 1, "x" : 0, ',' "y" : 0, "bezier" : false }, { "index" : 2, "typ','e" : 2, "x" : -1899.0359340549093758, "y" : -1096.40890772','73740713, "bezier" : false }, { "index" : 3, "type"',' : 4, "x" : -495.96086455238139479, "y" : -602.84912766598','836242, "bezier" : true }, { "index" : 4, "type" : ','5, "x" : -1403.0750695025280947, "y" : -493.55978006138570','89, "bezier" : true } ] }')); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Max Leader Lines','2'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__ActiveSubObject','4'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__SubObjectDataAttributes',Concat('{ "handles" : [ { "index" : 1, "objectType" : 1, "hi','ghlightingObject" : false, "objectPenStyle" : 1, "objectCl','assPenStyle" : 1, "objectPenPatternIndex" : 2, "objectPenP','atternForeColor" : 257, "objectPenPatternBackColor" : 256, ',' "objectPenColor" : 257, "objectPenLineType" : 2, "objectP','enLineTypeName" : "", "objectThickness" : 2, "objectMarker','Style" : 0, "objectMarkernAngle" : 15, "objectMarkerdSize"',' : 0.125, "objectMarkerdWidth" : 0, "objectMarkernThicknes','sBasis" : 2, "objectMarkerdThickness" : 2, "objectFillOpac','ity" : 100, "objectOpacity" : 100, "fillColorByClass" : fa','lse, "penColorByClass" : false, "thicknessByClass" : false',', "markerByClass" : false, "fillOpacityByClass" : false, ',' "opacityByClass" : false }, { "index" : 2, "objectTy','pe" : 2, "highlightingObject" : false, "objectPenStyle" : ','1, "objectClassPenStyle" : 1, "objectPenPatternIndex" : 2,',' "objectPenPatternForeColor" : 257, "objectPenPatternBackC','olor" : 256, "objectPenColor" : 257, "objectPenLineType" :',' 2, "objectPenLineTypeName" : "", "objectThickness" : 2, ',' "objectMarkerStyle" : 0, "objectMarkernAngle" : 15, "obj','ectMarkerdSize" : 0.125, "objectMarkerdWidth" : 0, "object','MarkernThicknessBasis" : 2, "objectMarkerdThickness" : 2, ','"objectFillOpacity" : 100, "objectOpacity" : 100, "fillCol','orByClass" : false, "penColorByClass" : false, "thicknessB','yClass" : false, "markerByClass" : false, "fillOpacityByCl','ass" : false, "opacityByClass" : false }, { "index" : ','3, "objectType" : 3, "highlightingObject" : false, "obj','ectPenStyle" : 1, "objectClassPenStyle" : 1, "objectPenPat','ternIndex" : 2, "objectPenPatternForeColor" : 257, "object','PenPatternBackColor" : 256, "objectPenColor" : 257, "objec','tPenLineType" : 2, "objectPenLineTypeName" : "", "objectTh','ickness" : 2, "objectMarkerStyle" : 0, "objectMarkernAngle','" : 15, "objectMarkerdSize" : 0.125, "objectMarkerdWidth" ',': 0, "objectMarkernThicknessBasis" : 2, "objectMarkerdThic','kness" : 2, "objectFillOpacity" : 100, "objectOpacity" : 1','00, "fillColorByClass" : false, "penColorByClass" : false,',' "thicknessByClass" : false, "markerByClass" : false, "','fillOpacityByClass" : false, "opacityByClass" : false }, ','{ "index" : 4, "objectType" : 4, "highlightingObject" :',' false, "objectPenStyle" : 1, "objectClassPenStyle" : 1, ',' "objectPenPatternIndex" : 2, "objectPenPatternForeColor" : ','257, "objectPenPatternBackColor" : 256, "objectPenColor" :',' 257, "objectPenLineType" : 2, "objectPenLineTypeName" : "','", "objectThickness" : 2, "objectMarkerStyle" : 0, "obj','ectMarkernAngle" : 15, "objectMarkerdSize" : 0.125, "objec','tMarkerdWidth" : 0, "objectMarkernThicknessBasis" : 2, "ob','jectMarkerdThickness" : 2, "objectFillOpacity" : 100, "obj','ectOpacity" : 100, "fillColorByClass" : false, "penColorBy','Class" : false, "thicknessByClass" : false, "markerByClass','" : false, "fillOpacityByClass" : false, "opacityByClass" ',': false } ] }')); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__KeynotesListUpdate','False'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','TextSizePagePoints','12.000000'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Auto Fit Bubble Width','True'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Max Bubble Width','2"'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','Keynote Identifier','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__OldKeynoteIdentifier','0'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__IsNoteUpdated','True'); SetRField(LNewObj,'Callout','__UseFirst42','True'); ResetObject(LNewObj); HMove(LNewObj,xx,yy); DelObject(hText); DelName(fakeName); END ELSE BEGIN SysBeep; AlrtDialog('No Text Object Selected'); END; END; RUN(Test);
  5. Hi @Josh Loy I think I may have already submitted this into JIRA, but I don't remember if I had a sample file. Next time it happens you'll get a file! PS. If I remember - to give credit where credit is due - it was @Jesse Cogswell who pointed out the navigation from Sheet Layer to Design Layer cause to me.
  6. I don't think you should change it. Anyone who is capable of installing a 3rd party tool and cares enough to make sure everything is in the right class is advanced enough to handle seeing non localized record names.
  7. I really hesitate to tell you this, but…. The slight offset in the column headers in the header row and in the body between Object Type and # in drawing that you see in Windows is more offset in Mac. I can see the R in Record. This is just going to make me go back over all your other menu commands and try to move columns around.
  8. That's hilarious. I remember being told in college that we could NOT use GOTO statements. Now I'm going to start GOTOing everything.
  9. You can be certain that I was poking the columns with a stick. I saw something there and moved the columns to figure out what was going on. I just tried running Locate Class Objects with developer mode turned off. No error message!
  10. @Jesse Cogswell I think the hijack is my fault. I like your GOTO method!
  11. @Jesse Cogswell btw, in 2024 I'm getting a error when running this menu command. It's just a warning on Line 67, 68, 69 where you have GOTO 99. The error is Warning: GOTO into a FOR or CASE structure is usually an error. It still runs and works as expected. Maybe it only displays that when running in developer mode?
  12. I was just having a conversation about this recently. I wrote this script for someone else. It creates/updates classes AND their descriptions in a VW drawing. If you hover over a class in the Nav Palette and the class has a description, that description will pop up. So you can have a description of a class that says "This class is for plumbing fixtures only. NOT windows. NOT lobby furniture!" Run this script and it will create classes and create/update their descriptions. It will NOT delete existing classes. I think it will NOT make anyone check the descriptions, but you will know that you tried. PS. I've always wanted an option to have the screen flash red whenever creating objects while NOT in the None class. And an option to define classes, like the None class, that the Visibility Tool Ignores when the mode is set to invisible. Create Classes From Worksheet v2024.vwx
  13. I was pointing out the menu commend that Jesse wrote. For example. Using Jesse's menu command, here's a list of all the objects - including objects inside wall comments and symbol definitions! - in the drawing I'm working on now that are in the Demo class. You can go to an object straight from the list or create a worksheet. I'm not as good as Jesse at creating cool dialog boxes. So in the past I've just made my own worksheets and changed the criteria manually to discover how many walls got put into the class Site-DTM-Modifier.
  14. I have a bunch of old worksheets. But - of course - @Jesse Cogswell has a really cool menu command to do exactly this. I used it all the time now 🙂.
  15. I'm seeing this issue as well. It gets triggered when using a script to navigate from a sheet layer to a design layer or when editing a viewport and choosing to edit the design layer. Sometimes that causes Unified View to get turned off.
  16. Like @Tom W. I try to keep everything in the None class on sheet layers with a few exceptions: Graphic division lines that divide the page for clarity. Those are in their own class to make controlling the graphic attributes simpler. Revision Clouds are in their own classes by revision number. I used to class title blocks by phases of the project for sheet index organization. But now I usually just attach a record format to each title block. And avoid projects with phases.
  17. In VW 2024 SP2 is anyone else having a problem with the B key not invoking X-Ray Select Mode? I'm seeing it flash on for a quick instant and then turn off. 16" MBP M2 Max 96GB OS 13.2
  18. Just tested it. It works fine until the wall is about 4991 meters from the origin. At about 4991 meters from the origin it vanishes in 3D view and reappears about 1 cm further out without the 3D edits showing.
  19. Check out the alert at the bottom of the image you posted. "A component of this wall is using a story bound that does not exist". If the wall is styled, edit the components of the style. If it's not styled you can edit the components right from the OIP. Check each component to see what the bounds are. If that makes zero sense, post a file with the wall in it. 🙂
  20. The stairs are using the texture Composite Decking Azek Weathered Teak RT. That texture has the hatch Board 200mm HF imbedded in it. The lines you are seeing in hidden line view are that hatch. You can either edit the renderworks texture and remove the imbedded hatch or just delete the hatch from the resource manager and that will get rid of those lines in hidden line view.
  21. But not always. I'm able to get it to fail when pasting it into a new drawing at the origin. Sometimes.
  22. I tried all those too. Have you tried opening a blank file drawing a curved wall, then pasting in the "bad" wall? That worked for me.
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