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310 Spectacular

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  • Occupation
    Senior Solutions Specialist (Entertainment). Vectorworks user since 2001, Lighting Programmer, Designer since 2004
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    Lighting, Cycling, Cooking.
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    United Kingdom

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  1. Hi @LedgeDesign To be honest you assumption "Showcase is only setup to run DMX files as a previz for a lighting designer's full show" is correct. You can loop a QuickTime file on a video screen but you cannot Q it effectively. We are aware of this but this is really a case of let Vectorworks do what it does best and let a media server/Lighting Console manufacturer do what it does best. We are exploring ways to facilitate this in future but if you are wanting to run lighting and video I would look at a simple playback software like QLab. It might be easier than you think.
  2. The Light Info Record has a GDTF Fixture field which you can use to pre-assign. Then you can use the GDTF command "Update GDTF Files"
  3. Is this on a Mac on Sonoma? Or on PC, either way I would contact support urgently.
  4. It shouldn't however show 2 shutters and beam. This could be a bug.
  5. "It also looks like if you use the "Lamp Rotation Angle" the projected light does not actually rotate" This sounds like how I would expect that to behave. I understand Lamp rotation to be for PAR lamps. It sounds to me like you are looking to rotate the lens tube like you can with an ETC Source 4 Lekp or rotate the shutter assembly with a moving light. I don't know of a way to do this in Spotlight.
  6. Could also be the geometry type and fill/none (wipeout?!), Or VGM related, I think Pats right to check classes first, If not edit the symbol and see if you can convert the geometry to generic solids,
  7. I believe you can only attach hoists to the generic bumpers as the Bumper content does not include the rigging point information. So if you can try with a generic bumper then this should work. I will defer to my colleagues on the content team to confirm this.
  8. Yes, apple have fixed the external display issue with Sequoia, I don't seem to have this issue anymore. I have however found some other networking issues with Zoom on Sequoia so up to you.
  9. Yes, these people are image props, use 3d models instead. The textures on the image props have an alpha channel in VW, Its likely the texture will need to be re-defined in Vision I will defer to my colleagues to confirm. Easiest to use different models to be honest.
  10. Hi @Chame_liam In terms of switching back to Sacn, I would contact tech support to get a case started. In some cases we have seen security software disrupt connectivity. Are you on a managed wifi network? Google chrome uses a ton of resources but 64gb should be enough for 40 lights. There is an issue when running Sonoma on an external display, this could be throttling performance, I have heard Apple may have fixed this in Sequoia. "Showcase will have a "Live" mode that could suspend some of Vectorworks' other functions that could be causing a drain on performance? Or is Showcase also doing this now when you start it?" You are correct, as far as I am aware Showcase is suspending these other functions, hence how some commands and tools are either locked out or showcase stops when editing various objects or using tools. Showcase really needs Vram, your Mac should be ok, if I were building a machine for showcase it would likely be a PC with a dedicated graphics card. I am running a 96gb M3 Max and Showcase fly's along.
  11. Hi @Scott C. Parker It would be great if users could use the 'Styles' functionality here. Is there a VE? Or should I make one?
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