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Posts posted by jay_rhp
At the practice i work, we specify our doors on the schedule with the S/O (structural opening.
In a lot of cases the structural opening is actually larger than the the 'hole' in the wall of the timber cladding!
We need the 'exterior wall detail' and 'interior wall detail' tool in the door object to show in 3D as well as 2D!!!
Considering this subject was last talked about in 2008 and its now 2016, what have the vector works geeks been doing!
I still spend hours of my time adjusting surface hatches and duplication render textures just to make a surface hatch on the ground floor, line up with the same hatch on the first floor.
Can we please please please!! have a fix for this.
+ 1 to this, can we please bump it back up the request list please
And Acoustic rating option?
Is it possible to add a worksheet function for doors so we can state the number of leaves the door has and also the thickness of the wall its in?
Perhaps something like =(Door.WallDepth) & =(Door.NumLeaf)
Has this not been added yet?
the texture bed tool is pointless without this feature, i want my square tiles to run parallel with my building not 15 degrees off of it!!!
THIS WAS REQUESTED 16 years ago!
Why do our vectorworks classes need to tie up with uniclass?
Uniclass is a classification for an object rather than A class isn't it?
Uniclass codes are surely meant for the IFC data are they not?
I mean, why name your classes after uniclass codes if your exporting as IFC? Ifc doesn't include vectorworks classes.
Please clear this up for me. Am I off on a tangent here?
Just to make myself crystal clear,
Lets take a wall object as an example:
It is in my Vectorworks class named Building_Wall External.
(Now I want to start using Uniclass 2015 as it is a multi-discipline nationally recognised Classification system.)
I open my IFC tab on my 'object info' palette, tick 'Classification' and then add the uniclass code to the 'Classification Name' or Item reference as shown in the picture attached.
This Uniclass Classification will now be exported when i export an IFC model and will be recognised when imported by for example Revit.
Is this correct Christiaan?
you mean the psets for classification, classification 2 and 3? i think we have to specify the assignment much earlier, along with the classing system mapping
Yes Those classifications are empty and ready to be updated.
As I understand it then Christiaan, Uniclass 2015 is a classification rather than a class , and it would be in the IFC data tab that we can add the Uniclass Classifications?
Thus, we can continue using our own class names as, when we do export IFC objects, none of the native documents classes are exported anyway?
Currently there's no reason to use Uniclass 2015 as a Class template with regard to IFC. There are other reasons, such as becoming knowledgeable with an industry standard classification system, new employees who may know the classification already and for outside parties who send your DWGs to.
The incentive with regard to IFC will come when/if Vectorworks is able to add Classes to the IfcClassificationReference field of IFC exports.
If you don't want to use Uniclass 2015 as it is you could modify your own Class template to match its structure as closely as possible and then if you want to make the switch in the future it'll be as painless as possible.
Perhaps Im misinterpreting the whole BIM level 2 then?
As far as I was aware Uniclasses are a vital part of being BIM level 2 compliant. If I am wrong please correct me as Id love some feedback on my understandings of BIM level 2.
Also, again, correct me if I'm wrong but Vectorworks IS able to to add classes to the IFC classification reference field isn't it? There are 3 separate available fields for classification within the IFC data window.
I would be more than grateful for a response to this @christiaan as you seem to know what your talking about.
Not sure what version of Uniclass the BIM templates in Vw2015 are based on.
It seems that when opening this BIM template on Vectorworks, they are still using Uniclass 1.4 or similar.
The NBS have and are in the process of publishing Uniclass 2015 which is uniclass 2's Successor, and after changing their mind 3 times already, uniclass 2015 seems to be the format of Uniclass that is going to dominate and stick around.
My question however still stands, how do we effectively use Uniclass?
I personally think it will be counter-productive if we change our templates to host Uniclass 2015. It will take far to long to control and navigate through our classes when they are named so confusingly.
Don't get me wrong, I am in total support of the BIM movement and Im keen to start utilising Uniclass 2015, I just feel that there must be a way to assign this classification to an object without having to change the way humans view it.
The deadline for BIM level 2 is coming fast!
Some of you won't care, and some of you will. I for one, do.
Whilst I understand Uniclass 2015's purpose, what i don't fully understand is the most effective way to integrate it into Vectorworks.
It seems to me, that our own easily navigated classes are being pushed out of the boat and replaced with a string of numbers. This would be all very well if there were only 100 variants of this new class system but the fact is there are 1000's of different classes now published by the NBS that define what an object is.
So while the class i would choose for a door is....Door
NBS have called it Ss-25-30-20-30 this allows computers and us (apparently) to know that any object with this string of numbers as the class means its a "Frame and door leaf system"
My question is, can this new coding not be embedded into objects without us having to look at it?
My door class can then remain as Door and when i make a door I can add in the NBS code somewhere within the actual door itself, just like you can with U-values.
If Not,
Can I still have my class as Door but just add the code after the word to make it easier to navigate, like this:
will this still work as a uni-class?
Please help!
Using Vectorworks 2016, every time i place a window symbol in a roof face to create a roof light, the surface hatch set to the texture of that particular roof face fails to show on sheet space.
I can remove the roof light to then be able to see the surface hatch again.
Any ideas guys?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/oywe2u0chxi9q3j/Roof%20light%20gone%20wrong.png?dl=0 Im hoping this one works
Has anyone had the problem in 2016 where after inserting a roof light in a roof the section on a sheet refuses to show the components of the roof and sometimes decides to show the roof face higher than it is in the model?
as shown in attachment
dd3 I know what it is you are after and have figured out how to do this. with the help of Jonathan Pickup's Lean.Archoncad subscription i have and a little perseverance I got it sussed. let me know if you still need to get it done!
Thank you for your help. This has done the trick.
Due to VW 2009 no longer working in Mavericks we are testing 2014 (which I might add, does not exhibit 5 years of improvement) and deciding whether to upgrade.
Importing PNG files now doesn't work correctly, transparency renders solid black. Is there a fix for this/have I missed some related option?
Tried disabling Enhanced Nav Graphics/Quartz etc, no difference.
Also have this problem, but not with every single image file i try to import.
The only image file i want to import comes through green. I cannot find any way of getting around this. Help anybody?
you can only palce a dormer window into a Roof. you can't add a dormer window to a Roof Face.
to make a roof, select the walls or polygon for the area of the roof.
Thats not entirely true. Im not sure what version of Vectorworks you are using, but you CAN put a dormer in a roof face, using the window as a symbol.
Window / Door tools - Masonry Openings
in Architecture
+1 for the window head adjustment