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Everything posted by FRED JOHNSON

  1. I know... its the going back and forth that I don't like. The dimension class works automatically and a similar thing for text would be very gratefully received.
  2. Maybe this has been already done but I was wondering why Text does not "autoclass". It seems to me that this would be a natural feature.
  3. Herman, Need more info... Mac or PC? If Mac, what system?
  4. I think it would be nice if the Layers Window could be incorporated into some sort of "floating" pallet. I know it pulls down and takes a click to change layers but to do more you must open the layers window, ditto classes. Is a floating platted for each a reasonable direction?
  5. Just wondering what kind of performance I can expect using vwa10 under OS9.x.. are there any features I would lose...how does the interface appear onscreen. I want to upgrade vwa but OSX has no great appeal for me at the moment.
  6. Vik, I have inquired about this myself...the answer seems to be that if you are using OS9.x and MacPlot Pro you will have to upgrade to the latest version of MacPlot Raste to plot a carbon application (VW 9.5 and up. If you are using OS10x you will need the Microspot X-rip driver. There is a discount cost for upgrades and using VW, but the discount is not much. HTH, Fred
  7. Thanks Katie, as usual you have answered my question. I intend to upgrade as soon as possible.
  8. This is sort of related... In preparation to upgrading to VWA10 I downloaded CarbonLib 1.6 (I will be staying with 9.x for awhile) Now that I have 1.6 what do I do with it - exact directions would be helpful!
  9. kATIE, Thanks for the help - I already downloaded it to another mac and I will copy in on the other machine via zip and follow you instructions. KEVIN, Thanks also but the mac I'm installing it on is not connected to the internet.
  10. Is this tool still available in VWA 10? This could use a GOOD reworking - there is almost zero documentation in 8.5 and it actually takes HOURS to trace a small scanned photo. I would like to see improvements in the time, sensitivity and how about some tips on preparing your photo, say in photoshop, so that the vectorizing can be quicker and better.
  11. This is very helpful - how do you change the sizes of the various joist options - this is a very important object for my type of work.
  12. Katie, There is a description of a Bar Joist Tool but nothing on how it actually works. Is it a 2D symbol tool with a library , like the current structural steel shapes? Is it 3D also? The general feature listing seems impressive and a worthwhile upgrade, especially since microspot's newest x-rip driver update supports my trusty HP330.
  13. I have thought of upgrading... V9x is carbon, so.. new plotter software required - it adds up and when I consider that I normally use only a fraction of VW's features now the workarounds seem to make sense, moneywise.
  14. Katie, I am still using VW8.5 - that scale button does not seem to exist in this version. It is nice to know that newer versions have addressed this issue for when I upgrade. Fred
  15. I STILL think the issue is having a easy way to SCALE hatch patterns from the dialog window. Or even having the hatch scale relative to the layer scale would work better than it does now.
  16. I have never been happy using the hatch command; the more common architectural ones such as "concrete" and "earth" come in way to big. As a work-around I place the hatch, select it then scale it by 1/2 - this is visually better for me. I'm sure there are other ways to do this and I would appreciate input here. I would love it if in the hatch scale set up box there was a simple imput to scale the hatch up or down similar to autocad. the hatch scale feature is complicated to the poinbt of being unusable.
  17. Katie, There is also a free PDF Writer available at VectorDepot.


    Katie, In general, do you recommend postscript output for VW files?


    I forgot to mention that all of the above fonts are "True-type" fonts but, I believe there are postscript versions available. For pure postscript try "Tekton" a great looking font - try PhilsFonts.com for this.


    I use both "Mr Hand" and "Heavyhand" which I bought from Objects Online (.com) You can get there via link at the Vectorworks website. I also use "Graphite" which I got with a Mac/PC copatible HP Printer. All three are good "hand drafted" type fonts - Hand and Heavyhand appear like you added presssure to your triangle-type lettering. Regards, Fred
  21. I thought that this was fixed already in VW9x. I remember when upgrading from MiniCAd 7 to VW all minicad files would automatically open as VW with the option to save as MC7.
  22. I am not sure where you fellows are, but I usually take about 40 hours for a decent sized addition, which run 5 or 6 sheets. This includes initial and some client meetings. I have been a licensed architect since "78". I think that Cipes is closer to real world professional work here.
  23. I have partially solved my problem of having a dimension style for both 1/8 and 1/4 scale drawings where the arrows/slash is relative, by setting up an additional dimension standard. However, there is no way to modify the slash thickness for difference dimension standards. Once you set it it remains the same for all dimension standards. The routine which lets to change or customize standards as a VW preference should include this feature.
  24. Peter, I guess you are right. I was trying to eliminate setting up a stationary document just for use with 1/8 scale plans but maybe this is the way to go. It is not something I need very often. Thanks for responding, Fred
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