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Jose Maria

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  1. Yes, that made it! Dankjewel Maarten This is the resulting code: symH := FIn3D(wallH); { first symbol in the WALL } while (symH <> nil) do begin ObjType := GetTypeN(symH); if (ObjType = 15) then begin { it's a Symbol } symN:=GetSymName(symH); objH:=FInSymDef(GetObject(symN)); {Process window/door/whatever objH} end; symH := nextobj(symH ); end; { while }
  2. Hi folks, my big question is: is it possible to edit a symbol in vectorscript? I have a symbol in a wall, that symbol is a custom door, so in the interface I can go to the edit mode, and edit the door params by double clicking. I would like to modify some of those parameters (door jamb, width and so on) in vectorscript but Im not able to get the door object inside the symbol. Ive been searching in the forums long time but Im stuck here. Any clue? thanks in advance. Jose
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