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Posts posted by Hippocode

  1. no ... I don't want to change the order of the data fields. In this case, the OIP does not show the door plug-in object data field for key code. I want to make it show up in the OIP so i don't have to always access the "settings" dialog box to get to it.

    any other suggestions ?

    What you are requesting is something that has to be hardcoded in the plug-in. The space object for example can do this. You can choose which parameters appear on the OIP.

    If you do not have the option for the door, then there is no way of doing it.

  2. Maybe a valid workaround is to create a viewport based on the view settings ?

    I had a script that created unlimited A4 sized pages (based on input), added a viewport that scaled down to fit into the drawing border frame and lastly printed each page to PDF.

    As I ended up with a lot of presentation layers I didn't need afterwards I changed the code to use only one predefined presentation layer and to switch the viewport settings for each iteration.

    The only difference with what you need are additional class and layer settings to be saved into the viewport. Maybe that even works by just creating the viewport after loading the view instance.

  3. Vectorworks stores dimensions in WorldCoord which at this point is equal to one mm. When you used 50cm in VS it would automatically convert it into 500. Regardless of the unit settings, that is the value, always.

    When showing the coordinates to the user, the value is modified based on the unit settings, but the length is always the same.

    Can't this function do the same ?


  4. I don't think so.

    Maybe you could generate a fairly simple script to do that for you:

    - Read the header and data line

    - Create a presentation sheet our output location

    - Print until you reach the height of your presentation sheet frame

    - Next sheet...

  5. Can you confirm that nothing is selected when you modify the record field settings ? That can be the only reason why it isn't working.

    If you do have something selected you are modifying data attached to the objects inside your symbol, not the symbol definition.

  6. Hi again and thanks for reply :-)

    What I intended to do is the following:

    Im using the "move by Points" tool a lot, and it is a bit annoying to swich between the "retain" and "No retain" option. ( It's always 3 clicks). So I thought two scripts for that would be fine, one that sets the move by point tool with "Retain" activated and one that does not...

    I'm pretty sure this is impossible, unless the tool saves its settings into the active document which you could change prior to calling the tool. IF that is the case, the tool should remember your last setting when you close VW and reopen the same drawing.

    Most cases, this is a private setting in the tool event sink and can't be changed manually.

    I've tried the scripts in VW 2015 too with the same result: The script works properly, but the preferances of the tool will not be changed, VW always keeps the last settings of the document. It seems to be no issue of VW2016. Maybe what I'm trying does not work at all...

    This is intended behavior.

    The PushAttrs command has nothing to do with tool modes / settings.

  7. It is not possible to manually save those settings but it isn't required anyway.

    the CallTool command just activates a tool and will do anything the tool is programmed to do, including keeping track of it's settings.

    I've tried your script and the tool settings are saved without any problem. I see you are using 2016, might be related if anyone else can verify.

  8. I don't think there is an easy solution as you would have using excel. Keeping that in mind wouldn't it be easier to create a worksheet showing each length in a seperate column and porting it into excel ?

    On the other side you can create a separate if(.a1 == 25)... criteria for each field or you use a script to print the data instead.

  9. Im trying to add the last revision letter, revision date & issue dates to a worksheet schedule similar to the info you've been discussing, Ive found the following info on a Dutch VW forum which may be of use to others -

    DATABASE = ((R IN ['Drawing Border - Universal']))

    and then the cells:

    Revision information:

    = ('Revision Date'. "Date-1)

    = ('Revision Date'. 'Zone 1')

    = ('Revision Date'. "Approved-1)

    = ('Revision Date'. 'Description-1)


    = ('Issue Date'. 'Number-one')

    = ('Issue Date'. "Date-1)

    = ('Issue Date'. "Note-1)

    = ('Issue Date'. "Approved-1)

    Note that those " 1 "Here always represents the line of the revision or comment.

    Can anyone help me work out what the formula needs to be to get the LAST revision & revision date to work in a drawing issue worksheet? - as this only gives you the first rev or second if you change it to "2" etc..

    Sadly for you, there is nowhere a field saved that holds the index of the last added revision.

    There is a solution for you but you would need to use a script to find the last used index by traversing the list until you find an empty one...

  10. Does anyone know whether it is possible to have something like "default date = now" in a textfield ? I want to have the printdate automatcally updated on a sheet layer when printed or published.

    Pas possible.

    The best thing you can do is to write a script that sets the current date into a field of your drawing border.

    In fact you could even add the publish command to it as well so you have your custom command that sets the correct date, then prompts you the publish dialog. This makes sure you don't forget to set the correct date prior to publishing.

    On the other hand, there are some tools running around the web offering such capabilties, for a small price.

  11. There is indeed no field for the revision number as it's not needed. Their scripts just number them based on the parameter names. xxx1 xxx2 xxx3.

    The conversion from char<>number depends on the setting in the drawing border.

    This is the SDK function to unhide the object, in vs you probably have a similar function SetProperty or something.

    gSDK->SetObjectVariable(RecordFormatHandle, ovFormatVisibility, TVariableBlock((Boolean) false));

    ovFormatVisibility = 900 btw.

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