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Bas Vellekoop

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Posts posted by Bas Vellekoop

  1. Just now, Jim Wilson said:

    Ahh I see now, much tougher. Especially defining a particular fillet since it curves in 3 axes, I'll poke at it some more and see what I get.


    Yeah I know, but when possible very nice.

    The way i did it now is through a detour. I would be beter if it was possible on the nurbs sufaces.

    I thought i was maybe possible with the fillet tool from 2d pallet. I thought it worked on nurbs curves as well, but not sure.

  2. Hi guys,


    A model question. How would you guys model these kind of chairs in Vectorworks.







    I looking for a workflow in which i can easily change the angles and curves without the need of modeling everything from scratch.

    In this case specific for the tubular wood and steel parts.

    EAP is of course a great tool, but the polyline is converted to a nurbs curve which is harder to edit.


    Any help appreciated!


  3. @kduncan


    You could check in the Nvidia control panel if VW is using the gti or the intergrated graphics card. I have a xps 9560 and so far no big problems with opengl or redraws.

    Forcing VW to use the Nvidia card helped in my case allot.


  4. Hi all,


    I was wonderding if anybody has tips:


    I`m working on a design that can have several different finish.

    In a worksheet I want to calculate what the costs are for each finish

    At the moment I have attached a record to each symbol/product which has a number field for the price. But this is just one price.

    What is the best way of making it possible to attach several finishs that correspond with a different price?


    So product A with a attached record:


    Finish 1 - price 1

    Finish 2 - price 2



    It would be the most convient if I could selected in a worksheet the different finishes with the corresponding prices.

  5. Yesterday I found some tools in VW that I never used before, but came in pretty handy.

    In this case this where the 'drilled hole tool' in the 'fasteners tool set' and the 'geom dim tool' in the annotation tool set.


    Still learning about all the different possibilities in VW!





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  6. Hi all,


    I'm working more and more with worksheets so I can skip Excel for my Bill of Materials for my designs.


    My question:


    Is it possible to create a header (above the database header) which gets the Project Name automatically from the project data in the title block manager?

    Is this possible for print data, project date etc. as well?


    Thanks in advance!



  7. 2 minutes ago, Art V said:

    @Bas Vellekoop Thanks for the info, that sounds quite good then for a laptop, it will give me some idea of what to look for regarding hardware specs.


    Off topic: I got the xps 15 a few weeks ago. Since then Dell replaced the screen 3 times and the 4th time i got a complete new XPS (2 times several death pixels, 1 time the aluminum finish was a different color and 'rough', 1 time the webcam was broken)

    So i wouldn`t recommend a Dell at the moment, their seem to be 'some' quality issues.

    The latest (new) laptop has a screen that isn't completely centert in the case/body.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Andy Broomell said:

    Beautiful renderings!


    The white linework might not be for everyone, but I think it's really cool and lends a nice sketch quality to the renderings. It also keeps it lighter feeing as opposed to black lines.


    A few nitpicky thoughts if you're looking for suggestions, but nothing too important:

    • The tall curtain in the corner lends a nice soft quality. It seems like there should be some sort or track or something showing that it could be pulled across in front of those doors (unless I'm wrong about it being able to do that).
    • The TV seems too light of a grey. A turned-off TV would be much darker and perhaps include some reflection of the room. (Though I understand not going to dark so it's not a black hole in the rendering).
    • The three pendants hanging over the sink aren't spaced equally which might be intentional but seems odd to my eye.
    • My personal reaction to the white version of the kitchen (third image) is that it's a bit hot / over-exposed.
    • You might experiment with a larger size for Ambient Occlusion. It looks slightly fake in the corners when the walls are white.

    Awesome work!


    Thanks for the feedback!



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