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Bas Vellekoop

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Posts posted by Bas Vellekoop

  1. When you go to the render tab of the the object info palette you can change the texture of the individual parts.

    This solves your problem.


    But I would recommend to create walls with components and for each component a individual class so your can control those through classes.


    image.thumb.png.a15527ed86239ad0bf74711a1e68d17b.pngut i would 


  2. 19 hours ago, line-weight said:

    There's another approach which potentially avoids modelling twice: forget about top/plan view and generate floorplans using horizontal sections. Then there's no problem with elements spanning several storeys, or worries about how top/plan is going to interpret solid objects. Of course, you then lose some stuff like how things like stairs and doors are drawn in plan. How much this matters depends on the nature of the project.


    I'm actually trying out this approach on a small project I'm doing at the moment where not much stuff can be covered using the standard VW objects anyway. Still using top/plan view for editing purposes, but the floorplans that are output will be generated as horizontal sections.


    maybe it is useless but...


    A :


    what if you:


    1 - create a separate layer for the chimney where you model the whole thing

    2 - create your regular layers for your first and second floor without the chimney.

    3 - create 2 design layer section viewport of the chimney layer for both floors on the correct heights 

    4 - put the design layer section viewport in the correct place on the floorplans


    Another option:




    Something else i noticed is that you can create 3d symbol of the chimney. You can paste the symbol on both layers and adjust the Z value of the symbol so it is at the correct height.

    On each layer you now can create an auto hybrid of the symbol. If modeled correctly this should show the correct 2d plan.

    (at first sight there are no problems with coplanar faces in Opengl if both layers are turned on)


    Both maybe totally useless, but Vectorworks seems to be so close 😂



    chimney test.vwx


  3. 18 hours ago, Matt Panzer said:


    Have you tried removing the user folder, but copying your custom workspace back? While I'm not certain, I doubt the problem has to do with your custom workspace.


    This works. At the moment i have no black backgrounds when i render in Opengl.

    But i had to redo stuff like the location where all my VW autosave files go to.

    That`s probably for all plugin as well?


  4. 2 hours ago, Matt Panzer said:


    Have you tried removing the user folder, but copying your custom workspace back? While I'm not certain, I doubt the problem has to do with your custom workspace.

    I will check this, in my mind that was the same 🤯

  5. 9 minutes ago, Daimon said:

    It's a Mac Pro on High sierra, I've sent everything to VW and they still can't fix it - I think I should get a refund for this years licence, but haven't got the time! My view ports all have black backgrounds and it means re setting every page from scratch,



    This one is pretty frustrating.

    I have the same problem. 

    For me 2 solutions work:


    - removing the user folder of vw 2019.

    Vw then automatically makes a new one and this solves the black background problem. You have to put back all you personal settings for your workspace so this can be time consuming. For me personally a no-go, but.it works.


    - if you set your open gl viewports to a white background instead of none you have relatively quick fix. The viewports then render as crisps as always. Using the similar selection tool lets you select al viewports quickly and edit them quickly.


    Hope this helps a little bit.

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  6. To my knowledge Vectorworks uses the Graphics Card heavily.

    A Mac Mini does not have a dedicated card and that is advisable.

    For me personally a GPU score lower than what i would have now would be a 'no-go'.

    A better GPU affects your daily interaction allot i think.


    Have a look at this thread:


    If I`m correct wireframe is done by the GPU and hidden Line by the CPU


  7. 32 minutes ago, Jim Smith said:

    I agree Kevin, & I might add that like everything in Architecture Use drives everything. For example the Royal Ontario Museum added the  Carbuncle    Chrystal entrance & abandoned the old main entrance & made it chair storage. After a few years of use the old entrance has been quietly refurbished and users get to ignore the Carbuncle Chrystal if they choose - & they do.

    So file all of this under "be careful what you wish for".  I thought that when I saw the Multi View Panes this would be a vast improvement to my workflow. At first it was a huge pain (pun intended) until I customized my hot key back to unconstrained Dims. I use Multi View, sometimes; but it's not been the huge improvement I thought it would be. Would I go back to not having the option? I might if meant that I could have things like bringing back hot keys to align walls when they are replaced, or even little things like fixing the screen lag with rotated objects.  


    I used Google images to see what 'carbuncle' means,  such a bad idea in hindsight🤮

    But learned a new English word today 😂

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  8. Great help Pat! 

    The only thing i now have to look out for is that everything has the record attached, otherwise I`m missing parts in the BOM.


    I`m not finding 'concat' in the edit report dialog box in the section of columns and then searching in the functions? Is this correct?

  9. Hi guys,


    I`m doing allot of designs which need a BOM when they go in production.

    My setup of for that now is: all objects are symbols with an attached record. In this way I can count the amounts and get information about the materials and give them a brief description

    If I use a plugin object like a set screw from the fasteners palette I put them in a symbol and attach my own record to it with the chosen length and diameter manually.

    This is prone to error and double work because al this information is automatically attached to the plugin object by VW.


    My questions i hope you guys can help with:


    Is there anyway I can create a worksheets in which there  is column that uses my manually created records and the plugin record without the need of a column for each individual setting in the plugin object?


    Is it normal that you can not 'read' the hidden records from a plugin object inside a symbol like the length?





    Attached a simple file to illustrate what I`m looking for.










    test for bom.vwx

  10. 9 minutes ago, line-weight said:

    I think this is just another instance of the long-running 'black render' problem that has remained unfixed over several releases including 2019?



    Sometimes I experience the situation where the whole render goes black, sometimes more like what is described above where portions render as black. When it's just portions that render black, it often seems to be reflective (or transparent?) surfaces that are involved. I'll sometimes see it with windows, sometimes where I have a body of water. Solutions include if you are lucky, simply duplicating and re-rendering the viewport, or if you are less lucky, a requirement to completely reboot VW each time it happens.

    IMO i do not think this is the same thing, it this is a very persistent problem.

    A restart does not fix it and it is visible in the resourse browser as well.

  11. 1 hour ago, chris said:

    After seeing all the comments about Corona, I downloaded a trial version of C4D and the Corona plugin, and I am really impressed with how easy and quick it is to render. I've only played around for a couple of hours, but managed to do these renders which only took 15 mins to complete.



     It`s pretty amazing indeed, did some testing as well.

    A shame you cant buy a license, but that they have a subscription model.

    I read that in 2019 they are going to drop the beta version and change it to the subscription model.

  12. I'm doing some testing as well.

    Allot of materials have a bump texture, like the walls etc.

    My experience with Cinema 4d is that the bump takes allot of time when the render engine is doing the lighting calculations.

    I now removed them from the bump channel and changed the color setting to a noise texture so you get the nuance in color, but not the render times.

    The lighting calculations (interior 16 bounces) where done in 10 /12 minutes on my laptop.image.thumb.png.55274fa3cd8883215b5ff15afdb183ba.png

    In 21 minutes the render was as far as you can see in the picture.

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