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Bas Vellekoop

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Posts posted by Bas Vellekoop

  1. Almost everything in Vectorworks can be ungrouped. Design Layer Viewports can not.




    Ability to ungroup Design Layer Viewports so it imports geometry to the design layer where the viewport is on. This should be possible from within the document (from another layer) or an external document.


    Additional it would be nice if specific parts (objects / layers / classes) of a viewports could be imported into the model.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Stephan Moenninghoff said:

    No trouble at all!

    1. Yes. You can tell your Marionette to do whatever you want it to. (Always remember that you may need to regenerate it though!)

    2. Not for me to say.


    The exclamation point makes it seem that i should know what 'regenerate' in this situation means, I do not,  please help 😂

  3. 17 minutes ago, Stephan Moenninghoff said:

     Even if I did, it has nothing to do with how VWX implements anything 🙂


    Sorry, I do not get it I think 🙂

    If I was unclear then let me try to rephrase it. 


    1. Is it through a script or Marionette possible to create some sort of button that makes Vectorworks recalculate the CSG solids that are present in the VW file?

    2. Would through an VW enhancement request it be possible to add this as an automatic part of History-Based Modelling? (Vectorworks recognizes you changed a symbol that is used in a solid addition or subtraction and recalculates the CSG solid automatically?


    Thanks for your help and patience 🙂  




  4. 1 hour ago, Stephan Moenninghoff said:

    The VWX event system does not notify CSG solids of changes to Symbols that are part of a boolean operation. I think this is the issue.


    Ah ok, hmmm, do you know if it is possible inside of Parasolid modeling kernel? 

    Is this the same as the VWX event system?

    Maybe Vectorworks can tap into this?


    Questions questions 🙂


  5. For designing furniture I use symbols as solid subtractions and solid additions.

    This helps allot in automating the drawing and designing proces.

    It prevents mistakes and the need of double checking stuff.


    A good example is sheet metal with several M5 screw holes

    For the screw holes I use an  M5  symbol which I use as an solid subtraction from the sheet metal.


    At the moment the proces is as follows:


    Step 1: draw sheet metal plate (extruded rectangle)

    Step 2: create an symbol of an M5 hole (extruded circle)

    Step 3: place symbols in the correct spot on the sheet metal

    Step 4: subtract the symbols from the sheet metal 


    Client says: use M6 instead of M5 screw.


    Step 5: change the symbol of the M5 hole to a M6 hole

    Step 6: go into the solid subtraction of the sheet metal so the symbols automatically  change from M5 to M6 (because of step 5)

    Step 7: go out of the solid substraction > tadddaa! all subtractions are M6 now without the need of editing every single hole one-by-one


    To my question:


    Is it possible to force Vectorworks to recalculate al the solid geometry so that you do not have to go back in al the different solid subtraction to make step 6 happen? (even when there are several levels with fillets, additions and ... of geometry?) 


    Would this something that could be accomplished with Marionette?

    Adding the Marionette Jedi Masters 🙂 @sbarrett @Marissa Farrell @Stephan Moenninghoff @DomC




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  6. Seeing how quick things go and the flu/virus spreads i completely understand this decision.


    As someone living in Europe / The Netherlands I can only say that you can not be to carefull about this. It is going pretty fast from something we made jokes about to empty fridges in the supermarket, the closing of museums, sport events and just all kind of gatherings .  In the Netherlands everyone who can work from home is expected to do this for the coming weeks. And that is probably not the last measure the government is going take to try to slow this thing as much as possible so the hospital's aren't going to 'overload'.

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  7. On 10/23/2019 at 8:22 PM, archdaly said:

    Did this feature ever get added to the functionality of VW?


    Furthermore, is there any way to change the plane of a mirrored extrude so it remains in context relative to other objects?


    Never been added, please vote up to get it higher on the wishlist.


    You can mirror it back, this makes it context relative again, but that is probabilly not what you want.

    • Like 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, shorter said:


    Why do you do that?


    In my case i do this because I design allot of products / furniture.


    For example: when i design a table with a wooden table top  I create  part symbols and assembly symbols.

    Each part, in this case a screw, piece of folded sheet metal, a wooden table top, etc, gets his own part-symbol (P_01, P_02, P_02)

    Each assembly gets his own symbol as well: main assembly > A_01, sub assembly > A_02, A_03, A_... etc.

    Al these individual part-symbols and assembly-symbols have there own individual design layer, and there own individual sheet layer that all correspond with the symbol name.

    The separate design layers are needed to be able to create sheet layers with views of each specific part or assembly.


    I would be amazing to just be able to drag-and-drop symbols on sheet layers for the creation of viewports (left, right, top, bottom, back, isometric, perspective)

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  9. If u use the compose command (modify menu > compose) you get one nurbs curve, then create a nurbs surface from that (model menu > 3d power pack > create nurbs surface).

    A nurbs surface can be shelled (3d tools in pallete) 

    This will give you an extruded nurbs 🙂

  10. Hi all,


    When working on design proposals I make extensive use of design layer viewports.

    This is great for the creation of different options, styles and colors.


    Now to my question: Is it possible to 'import' the geometry shown through the DLVP on the layer where the DLVP is on, like an ungroup/decompose or an old fashioned autocad explode 😉 ?

  11. 34 minutes ago, Andy Broomell said:

    Regarding full screen preview (from a reference guide I wrote for a class that I teach):


    When this checkbox is enabled, the entire render will start coming into view at once, starting blurry at first then improving with subsequent passes. This function allows you to more quickly get a general sense of what the rendering will look like, so you can make judgments sooner. Conversely, when this is unchecked the viewport renders small squares starting at the center of the image and working outwards, but each square is the final state of the render. It is personal preference whether to utilize this function, but it should only be used for test renders and not final renders, because even though you can see an overall low-quality image sooner, it actually takes slightly longer to finalize the rendering process compared to if the function were turned off. Therefore it’s useful only if you’re actively “watching” the render happen.


    Ahhhh, can we please have this text in the help file of Vectorworks 😉 @Luis M Ruiz 🙂 

    In C4D this is the progressive mode I think.

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