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Craig D.S.

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Everything posted by Craig D.S.

  1. Greetings, After one has inserted a camera, fine tuned the camera view and selected something in the view... How does one Reselect the Camera Object while still in the same view, because after selecting something else one looses the Camera Object Info... I know one can go to the top plan view and reselect the camera there, but can it still be done while still in the view? Thanks P.S. How does one attach an Image to their post off ones HD?
  2. OK thanks Jonathan, I will check it out
  3. Here is what I was able to produce using the Framing members for the scissor tinber truss, and Column for the KP. One other thing I would like to do is... put ridge caps on the gazebo roof hips to make it look more real...i don't imagine that there is a ridge capp roof accessory...nope just checked...whell I guess I'll have to extrude a little thickness on a roof face work plane... oh rats...don't know how to upload an inage attachment, though I did it once before
  4. Thanks Peter, that is what I infact did...please see also my reply to Tamsin for my next question
  5. Thanks Tamsin I have beed playing with the framing member tools and can see a use for them. though I did not notice a King Post option or member yet that can have a slope cut on both sides So I did the extruded profiles method... However, now they want to see how a scissor timber truss will look in the front of the porch...and that wont have a KP Which brings me to my next question... Can the framing member tools be used to make a scissor truss? where the seat cuts would have to be stacking on on the other, and the peak of the lower one butt under the slope cut of the one above...It wont matter that the left and right ones would overlap in the lower ceiling point...food for thought...
  6. Sorry, I guess I should have clarified it was Roof Truss that I was trying to make, and was looking for a customizable Roof Truss Object...I was aware of those light trusses...but did not notice any roof pitch adjustments in any that I checked out...if you know the name and the location of one that has roof pitch adjustments in the symbols, please let me know Thanks
  7. Is there no Truss object? I would like to show a TimberFrame Truss supporting a canopy, and it seems like one has to insert individual Framing Menbers or extrude profiles Take Care Craig using VW Designer 2011 SP5/Renderworks Windows 7 Professional 64 bit Intel Core i7 Quad-core i7-950 3.06GHz Processor EVGA GeForce GTX 460 1GB
  8. I'm generating this myself, from spot elevations a metre apart, to make a 21x21 or 25x25 grid, which can then be visualized in 3D Surface Charts
  9. As I'm not very familiar with survey files...How do I insert the extra fields for the" id Northing Easting Elevation Description "? is ID from 0 to n-1? Can Northing and Easting be 0,1,2 etc And I'm not uure of description I guess I'd better study up on this.
  10. Thanks for replying Jonathan. I should have stated that the Excel file has only Z height values, and is not the regular survey data file. that was why I was having trouble in this case. I can open the tab delineated text file in AccuTrans 3D, save it as a DXF, import that into VW and build the site model around that data. There does not seem to be an internal way to only insert Z height values...
  11. Pasting the data into a text file, and Import Survey File does not seem to import all cell data. So what are the best ways to import one's Excel spreadsheet data into a Site model
  12. Sorry, but I don't know what 'EAP' stands for, nor 'ed' surfaces. But i presume that one has to extrude a curb profile along a terrain hugging path.
  13. What is the best way to draw 3d curbs and sidewalks 6" above the Texture Bed modifier parking lot that follows the terrain? Slab/ Send to Surface does not follow the terrain, so can only be used in flat areas. A Pad SM seems to flood an area and is not constrained in the original PLine, so is useless for raised surfaces that follow the grade... Site Modifier Graders raise the Ground 6" following the Terrain, but do not have there own surface texture. adding a Texture Bed modifier on top does do it somewhat...but the updater considers it intersecting modifiers. I also need to create a B.F. Ramp from the front drop-off point that curves around to the lower level walk out entry point at the back. Thakks
  14. Is there a work around to plot this function? and other derived trig functions w/ the Log() in it? I was able to do it in TurboCAD VBA...
  15. Greetings I am running into some difficulty trying to create a LOG() function for plotting out some of the derived Inverse hyperbolic functions getting the error ' Cannot take sqrt or log of a negative number' Some guidence through this matter would be much appreciated Thanks
  16. Can one insert that FOR/TO/DO/BEGIN into the AddVertex3D line to script a curve? I get a couple errors as I'm not used to the syntax yet Found the problem Seems I forgot some semicolins in setting the Variables
  17. If I may add my 2 cents worth... The Maximium Texture Size and Number of Texture Units per material is determined by your graphics card As you can see in the attached by the way, 16,384 is one honkin' texture size
  18. There is a Flickr Vectorworks Group http://www.flickr.com/groups/868986@N20/ where one can post renderings and comment on others... I will post stuff there...
  19. Trying to insert multiple spheres like I could in AutoCAD VBA using a For/Next statement equivalent of FOR/DO, but it just inserts 1 Can someone guide me through this attached proceedure? Thanks
  20. That is a good place to start, thanks...its almost like a macro recorder...
  21. Greetings... I would like to begin learning VS after my income tax filing is over, and would like to start on some primitive creation first. anybody have any examples of creating 2d or 3d objects to get started with. I hope to learn how to cunstruct CSG objects eventually Much Appreciated
  22. Greetings... would there be any simple examples of creating Primitives or 2d objects to get started with. I would like to start on some fun stuff first starting with a ring of spheres or cones etc My only scripting experience is with AutoCAD/TurboCAD VBA Much Appreciated
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