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Posts posted by Farookey

  1. Hi there...

    Yes there is a way!

    Select the DL Viewport (Reference), and click 'Classes' in the OIP.

    You will need to import the Classes you wish to have control over, and 'Use Document Class Definition' instead of 'Viewport-Specific Class Definition' for the said classes. This can be done by toggling the small icons in the 'Source' column, till it looks like a VW document, instead of a viewport.

    You may have to answer some dialogs in the affirmative in order to continue correctly. Once this is done, you should have control over the visibilities of the classes as you wished.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Hi...

    'Tile-Symbols' are different to the tile fill attribute. 'Attribute-Tile Fills' is the folder that you are looking for to use with fill attributes.

    I believe the symbols used to be used as a separate command before where it duplicated the symbols to fill the space when the command was executed. This command can be found in the 'Legacy' category of the 'Menu' commands when you edit your workspace. The name of the command it self (I think) is 'Tile...'.

    Alternately, you can take the geometry of the desired tile symbol, and make a tile fill attribute out of it, and use it throughout the attribute palette.


  3. Hi...

    This has been like this for as long as I can remember. HDRI images do not render the image in such views. They are a different type of image, and (as far as I know) cannot be extracted as a flat image. At least, not the ones located in VW.

    I use a different (flat) image/sky for my elevational views, but still use the lighting from the HDRI used in perspective views.


  4. Hi...

    Welcome to VW Community Board...

    I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but if I understand you correctly, VW is working as it should. The change in the 'Default Story Layers' dialog will only come into effect on the subsequent story created. Existing stories will remain as they were, and must be changed manually. Try creating a new story after making the change in the defaults, and check if it works how you expect it to.


  5. Hi...

    Wondering the same thing...

    We've been using the same 'blank document' work around, and pasting it into the document in order to achieve our roofs!

    Bug? I think so!

  6. Hi...

    YES... You can clip a roof (relatively) similar to how it's done with Roof Faces WITHOUT losing it's 'intelligence'...

    Simply draw the shape of your subtraction, and cut/copy it... then... select the roof in question and...

    Modify > Edit Group

    You should now see a bunch of locked roof faces. Paste you subtracting shape into the desired area, and exit the 'Group'...



  7. Hi...

    I believe, Pat Stanford has a script for that. I have made it into a PIO, and use it all the time. Select a PIO you wish to check for records, and run this script... you are given a worksheet with possible data fields which can be used in your worksheets...

    Let me look for the link and post it here...

    One moment...

  8. I just realized that it is a NURBS Curve you have there, and not the Site Model itself.

    The Mesh Smoothing is for the Site Model when it is set to Mesh Solid, as well as for mesh objects. Unless you can convert the NURBS Curve to a mesh, my option wouldn't work. Sorry about that...

  9. That's a thought. Its a shame you can't control this on viewport by viewport basis though, because I want the reflectivity in other views.


    Here's a thought... (dunno if it'll work though!)

    Duplicate the texture for the glass of the window, leaving one as the original (with reflectivity on), and tone down (or turn off the reflectivity on the other). Using class overrides, and changing the texture, you should now be able to have different textures on the same windows in different viewports!


  10. Hi...

    There is obviously no specific way to do this. Each method has it's pros and cons. But the one you decide on, should be one that suits your needs.

    My method (not necessarily the best), would be to create a double height wall on a separate layer, and place the window in this wall at the right height.

    As it is one window, you can see it on both floors (if you need to), and changes only have to be done once. So, it'll work in plan, with relatively little hassle in making changes, and of course, it'll work in elevation pretty seamlessly.

    My 2 cents!


  11. Hi...

    Just so you are aware...

    Walls in VW have an outside, and an inside. The 'left' side is always the outside. Baring that in mind, you need to reverse the sides of the wall in order for the outside of your window to face the outside of the building. I'm not saying the 'Flip' shouldn't work, but as a general note, this is preferably how you should draw...


  12. You can achieve the same thing with the DLVP, by classing the DLVP as you would the group.

    The best way (in my opinion) to work normally is to separate certain elements of a building by layers as opposed to having EVERYTHING on one layer (in VW). Like, a standard 2 story building can be made up of (at a bare minimum); Ground Floor, First Floor, and Roof layers (3). Preferably, you would want additional layers for Floor Slabs (although it isn't necessary). You cannot (as far as I know) group objects/elements that are on different layers.

    Saying that, I am assuming that ALL elements in your case are on the one layer, therefore enabling you to group them. In my opinion at least, this wouldn't be best practice, but what I may prefer, you may not!


  13. Hi...

    I normally place the site model on a separate layer to the building. So, my building (Ground Floor) sits at 0, and I can easily calculate above layers.

    Depending on what my 'actual level in space is', I would 'drop' my site model layer to that level. i.e. If I wish for my GF to be at 950', I would set the 'Z' for my site model layer to -950' (minus nine hundred and fifty feet). This way, when the site model is created with actual values (940' to 1056'), my building would be at the desired level, yet, I will still maintain the GF level of 0'.

    You may need to use 'Unified View' to see the building and site together.


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