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Posts posted by cberg

  1. It's pretty easy to replicate this problem.


    1.  Full Graphic Legend with Annotations.




    2.  I edit the style.




    3.  Adding a rectangle to the Cell Layout does not affect the annotations. 






    4.  However changing/editing the label does.  In this instance I wanted to add a title field accessing the acoustic rating of the wall assembly.




    Et voilà!!  Annotations magically disappear!



  2. I have a really annoying 3/8" gap between the wall and the edge of the window trim in Windoor.  I thought that setting "Offset (3)" to zero would work.  But nothing in this group of settings actually eliminates this gap. 


    Is there another setting somewhere else?






  3. No.  I mostly avoid the structural member tool.  VW's focus on data at the expense figuring out a tool that better meshes with construction is a little problematic, with respect to this tool.  The structural member tool is scheduled to be improved in the VW roadmap. (probably in September)  Not sure if this will be one of the changes. 


    I use the framing tool for roof framing members and even for many of my steel detailing projects.  The framing member has a useful dialogue box that allows you to lock the end on resize which is especially helpful when doing roofs.  It shows the start and ends of members.  It also allows you to group and stretch multiple members.  While simpler, the framing tool is infinitely more flexible.  Data is more easily applied via record formats, since everyone's data needs can vary. 


    It would be really good if the both tools could show wood members in section.  (Like in the graphic below).





  4. I am trying to develop a graphic legend that shows the R-Value, and I am getting inconsistent results.


    I have defined the dynamic text via the wall's IFC Entity - Thermal Transmittance.

    In the wall style, I have set to override the calculated R-Value.  Because I manually calculated.

    For some walls the values show up correctly.  And others, they do not, and I can't figure out why.  I don't think the .1 is a U-Value, because in other walls I get random numbers. 


    Any ideas? 


    As an aside, walls need a dedicated record format like other parametric objects. It is very difficult to locate their data.





    ScreenShot2023-06-08at4_36_27PM.png.00052aa5419faa7ef50f75fc817bcc73.pngTest File2.vwx



  5. In the example below, I want the layer "Steel" to show up in black.  And "Background Layer 2" to show up in gray.  Setting the layer section viewport layers to gray, or adjusting the layer opacity doesn't gray out the layers. (Did VW always work this way???)


    So I set up a data visualization which grays out everything on Background Layer 2.  This works, but the data visualization shows up on top of the Steel Layer.  --- See screenshot below.  (For graphic clarity, I want the base plates to show up in front of the gray background lines.)


    Adjusting the layer stack order doesn't seem to change anything.  The layer visualization is always drawn on top. 


    Is there a better way to achieve this?



  6. I was working on a file all day yesterday, mostly with section viewports.  Toward the end of the day, all my section viewports started to show up with transparent lines.  See screenshot below.  Restarting VW did not help.  Is there any way to fix the file?  Is it a setting somewhere?   Or did the file get corrupted. 








    The screenshot below is from an earlier backup file. 





    Test PDF.pdf

  7. Make sure to keep a second copy of any data in Graphic Legends Annotation space elsewhere.  Any minor change you make to the data legend layout or style will cause the annotations to disappear. 


    I submitted as a bug back in February.  I am not sure whether it is actually a bug, or whether that is just how this tool was designed to work.  

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  8. When you click on the line types... you can load the VW Defaults by browsing to the the default Line Types File in the VW Library.


    If you have a file with custom line types you can add it to your User Library. 




  9. I noticed another problem with dwg exports. 


    In VW there is a setting to export hatches and 2d fills into separate dwg/dxf layers.  Unfortunately this doesn't apply to Renderworks surface hatches. 


    In the elevation below the walls are on a class called Ex_Wall Exterior.  One would expect the surface hatches to export to a separate ACAD Layer.  However they don't.  The solid fills for the elevation benchmarks in the annotations layer are the only element that makes it onto a dedicated Autocad layer.  You can play with the autocad file on the link below. 





  10. That said, while separating the section is a partial workaround,  the exported dwg line work is not correct. 


    I went through a lot of effort to get the section looking the way it needs to.  It is very inconvenient to adjust each viewport for dwg export and then undo these changes for PDF export. 



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  11. I figured out why.  The flaw occurs when you select "Merge Cross Section"....  Here were the settings for the first section (above).   I typically flatten the model into 2d Graphics.







    Here are the settings for the second section...  And it works.  I will submit as a bug.







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