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Posts posted by MullinRJ

  1. Don't forget the CONCAT function. If you want to see the value in a string and don't care about the number of decimals, CONCAT is quick and easy. It works on a whole bunch of data types, too. MESSAGE does the same thing including posting the string to the Message Window. These are both great functions for debugging.


  2. I tried using GetPt() to pick the objects, but vectorworks crashes.

    Any suggstions on how to select the object the user clicks on?


    ???PickObject() - for picking the object under the cursor

    ???GetPickObjectInfo() - same as above, but will also return a handle for an object inside a container, such as a symbol in a wall. Not sure if it will find an object inside a group (from the outside a group), but it's worth a try.

    ???ForEachObjectAtPoint() - this is a procedural routine that will return all the handles that are under the cursor and allow you to do something with each of them.



  3. TextWrangler is just a word processor. Yes, you use $Include in your PIO to reference a text file on disk, which makes debugging your script faster than opening the PIO Script editor each time you want to effect a change. You keep the file open in TextWrangler (or any text based word processor), make a change, save the file to disk and run your PIO again to see the effect of your change.

    One nice thing about using TextWrangler is that it allows for text coloring of key words in VS by adding a plugin to TW. Orso Schmid posted such a PlugIn to TW with the list of keywords that TextWrangler will recognize when your file extension is .px, .vs, or a few others.

    You can find it and installation instructions here:


    You will also want to turn the Compiler Mode preference on, so your script gets compiled each time it is run.

    Tools>Scripts>VS Compiler Mode


  4. (I wish you could cut and paste a script in here without messing up the formatting)

    Hi Charles,

    ???You can, if you indent your source code with tabs. First, replace all tabs with three option-space (NBS = non-breaking space) characters, select all and copy, then undo (to restore your tabs). You can then paste on the tech-board and your indents remain. If you indent with spaces, it will be a bit trickier. (It appears you indented some of your code this way, just not all of it. I used NBS characters in my pasted code above and in my paragraph indents here.)

    ???The only issue I have with using arrays, especially static arrays, is that the code is not general enough. It will fail at the 1001'st object (citing yours and Petri's examples.) This is easy to adjust for us programmer types, but there are a lot of people who cringe at thought of modifying a script.

    ???The use of dynamic arrays can get around the static array limit, but you have to count everything first then declare your array size, and even then you are limited to 32K elements, which should be enough for most everything, but it's still not bullet proof.

    ???The method I used does not have a well defined upper limit, but speed may be the limiting factor for it. Remove the italicized lines and it will run faster, but then the replaced objects will be on the bottom of the stacking order instead of on the top. This may or may not be an issue. Tagging everything with a record for reselection is another way to tackle this problem, but it's also cumbersome to write and debug.

    ???The best part of this thread is there are four examples (actually five with Pat's two posts) of the same idea that a beginning scripter can compare. Happy scripting, y'all.


  5. So, how long is easy-as-pie? My guess is 2+ hours.

    OK, this appeared easier that it was, but with a little bit of effort, you can have your cake ? I mean pie ? and eat it, too.

    I think Petri's suggestion of using an array would have been easier, but we hates arrayssss.


    Procedure ReplaceWithSymbol;

    {Replaces every selected object with the active symbol definition}

    {Displays a message if no symbol definition is active.}

    {November 17, 2008}

    {? 2008, Coviana, Inc - Pat Stanford pat@coviana.com}

    {Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License}

    {February 26, 2009}

    {modified to select all symbols of the type used in the replace}

    {February 27, 2009 - RJM}

    {Move new symbols to back, so they stay selected.}

    {Uses HCenter to place symbol at center of selected object.}

    {Optionally, move symbols to front, so they keep relative stacking order.}


    ???SQ = chr(39);??????{ Single Quote }


    ???H, Hfo : Handle;

    ???X1, Y1 : Real;

    ???S1 : String;

    ???Procedure ReplaceObject(H1:Handle);


    ??????HCenter(H1, X1, Y1);

    ??????Symbol(S1, X1, Y1, 0);

    ??????HMoveBackward(LNewObj, True);????????????{ move to back instead of deselect }


    ???End;??????{ ReplaceObject }


    ???if (ActSymDef <> nil) then begin

    ??????Hfo := FActLayer;??????????????????????????????{ handle to first object on layer }

    ??????if Selected(Hfo) then Hfo := nil;

    ??????S1 := GetSDName(ActSymDef);

    ??????ForEachObject(ReplaceObject, SEL);

    ??????{ omit the following if stacking order is not important, }

    ??????{ otherwise this moves all new symbols to the front. }

    ??????if (FSActLayer <> nil) then begin????????????{ there were selected objects converted }

    ?????????if (Hfo = nil) then Hfo := NextDObj(FActLayer);???{ first deselected obj }

    ?????????if (Hfo = nil) then Hfo := LActLayer;??????{ top selected symbol }

    ?????????H := PrevObj(Hfo);

    ?????????while (H <> nil) do begin

    ????????????HMoveForward(H, True);

    ????????????H := PrevObj(Hfo);

    ?????????end;??????{ while }

    ??????end;??????{ if (FSActLayer <> nil) }


    ???else Message('No Symbol Definition Selected.');



  6. Assembly,

    ???Have you tested that "hobject" has a non-NIL value after CreateCustomObjectN() is executed? Your code gets executed several times when it is first placed. The order of events is very cryptic, to say the least. Tracking down when things happen is almost fun.

    ???Next question; on the line before Reset() you have:

    ??????SetRField(hobject, objectname, 'framedepth', 'width');

    Shouldn't WIDTH be unquoted, as it is in all the other SetRField statements?


  7. Are you sure the script has stopped running? If the script is still running then nothing will work. Do menu selections work? If not, try hitting Cmd-period several times to interrupt the script, assuming it's still active. If the script really has quit, then you'll have to provide more information.


  8. One small thing to consider, and I mean very small; if the accuracy of the circle's placement is critical, then the above script is only exact if there are an even number of points on the polyline, and they are equally spaced around the perimeter of the circle.

    If there are an odd number of points, or the spacing in non-uniform, then the accuracy of the center placement and the radius goes down as the point count goes down. For a large number of points the error is quite small.

    If the accuracy of the radius is critical, then the above script is only exact when there are polyline points on the 0?, 90?, 180??and 270? points of the circle. With an odd number of evenly spaced poly points, these criteria can never be met exactly.

    For what you are doing, this is most likely not a consideration, but I state it for others who may want use the script in the future.


  9. Hi Andrew,

    Ignore all of the "

    Tom was just bracketing his text, but he left out the ;

    The text you are changing is in an $Include file, so it is part of a larger VectorScript and each line must end in a semi-colon. All Pascal rules apply. The terms kSeriesDIN and kSeriesISO are the names of constants that some other script (the Bolt PIO) is using.

    Long story short, your file should have the following two lines (in either order) when you are done editing:

    kSeriesISO = 3;

    kSeriesDIN = 4;


  10. You can use a {$Include filename} comment in the script on each machine and have it point to a VectorScript file on a server. Maintain your scripts on the server. You can do this with PIOs or scripts in a palette.


  11. By the way what does "Curve length: Dump string" mean?

    I'm pretty sure it means there's a BUG in the code. It should be presenting a number (the length of the path), instead we get some meaningless text. Maybe not totally meaningless, as it may mean something to the programmer, but the meaning is lost on the uninitiated.


  12. Thanks, Patric,

    It's never as easy as it first seems. You obviously like puzzles, so, over time it will get easier. One of the joys of programming in VW is that you are manipulating images, so you can see the results of your efforts as you work, and sometimes the mistakes are more beautiful than the desired results - sometimes. I'm glad you're enjoying it.


    At times, I've used the indirect method for sorting arrays. I've not tested this, but for large arrays with a lot of data in each cell (as with a large structure), I wonder if the indirect method might be faster. If I ever figure it out, I'll let you know.


  13. Hi Petri,

    ???You almost had it. With a few minor changes it now works.


    PROCEDURE CentrePoints;


    ???obHd : HANDLE;

    ???clockWise : BOOLEAN;

    ???t : INTEGER;

    ???x, y, dx, dy, a, aR, a1, a2, r, d, l : REAL;

    ???x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 : REAL;???{ added these to make it compile }

    ???v1, v2 : VECTOR;


    ???obHd := FSACTLAYER;

    ???GETPOLYPT(obHd, 1, x1, y1);

    ???GETPOLYLINEVERTEX(obHd, 2, x2, y2, t, r);

    ???GETPOLYPT(obHd, 3, x3, y3);


    ???v1.x := x1-x2; v1.y := y1-y2;??????{ make vector v1 point away from point 2 }

    ???v2.x := x3-x2; v2.y := y3-y2;??????{ yes, points away from point 2 }

    ???a1 := VEC2ANG(v1);

    {??a2 := VEC2ANG(v2);}????????????????{ don't need this anymore }

    ???a := ANGBVEC(v1, v2)/2;??????????{ remove 180 from calculation, as v1 is now reversed }

    ???aR := TAN(DEG2RAD(a));

    ???d := r/aR;

    ???l := SQRT(r^2+d^2);


    ???{ use clockWise condition to add or subtract angle a to/from angle a1 }

    ???clockWise := GETOBJECTVARIABLEBOOLEAN(obHd, 652);

    ???if clockWise then a := DEG2RAD(a1+a)

    ???else a := DEG2RAD(a1-a);


    ???dx := l*COS(a);

    ???dy := l*SIN(a);

    ???LOCUS(x2+dx, y2+dy);



  14. Hi Patric,

    ???I think you should see your negative coordinate problem go away. One of the problems you were having was that you were swapping elements in the handle array, but not in the pX & pY arrays. You also needed to swap the same components in the pX and pY arrays when you swapped a handle in the H array if you wanted the handles and associated coordinates kept together.

    ???With an array of structures, you will be swapping whole structures from one position to another, guaranteeing that the X and Y travel with the H. This is why I proposed building the structure this way. Less things to go wrong when you finally get around to sorting the data the way you want.


  15. Patric, I think if you simplify your data structure, it will be a lot easier to manipulate the elements.

    Start by defining a "Structure" that you'll store in an array. It should contain a handle and a point.


    ???SymbolPositions = Structure

    ??????H :Handle;

    ??????P :Point;??????{ also a structure (predefined) }

    ???end;??????{ SymbolPositions }

    Now create an array to hold these elements.


    ???SymPosArray :Dynarray [] of SymbolPositions;


    It is not yet dimentioned, because you don't know how many elements you will put into it. This you will figure out at runtime.

    You may also need to create a variable of the same type as your structure that you can hold one array element in.

    ???SymPos : SymbolPositions;

    Next, in your main program, you need to count how many objects you want to collect data on. There are many ways to do it. I'll leave it to you to find the best way as I don't know how your drawing is structured. Often, you will select all items of interest then run you program against the selected objects, but that's only one way.

    When you have the count, CNT, you ALLOCATE your array size. The array is linear, as each element is a Structured variable, but each element has two parts, actually three because the second element of your structure, P, is also a structure of TYPE Point, where P has two parts, P.x and P.y.

    To access an element in your array, you can say:

    ???SymPos := SymPosArray[7];??????{ data stored in array position 7 - H and P}


    To access the pieces of your structure, say:

    ???SymHnd := SymPos.H;???????????????{ from a single variable }

    ???SymHnd := SymPosArray[7].H; ??{ from an array of structures }

    Since the point data in your structure is also a structure, acess it like this:

    ???SymX := SymPosArray[7].P.x;

    ???SymY := SymPosArray[7].P.y;


    This may be a lot for starters, but it is much easier to modify your code if your variables are built in a way that makes the code easier to manipulate. KISS is my guiding light. Now, back to the big picture...

    Your main program will have a format somewhat like this:


    ???{ Count your symbols }

    ???CNT := { some function to count them }

    ???Allocate SymPosArray [1..CNT];

    ???{ Read your handles and XY values into the array }

    ???SymHnd := { Get your first handle }

    ???for I := 1 to CNT do begin

    ??????SymPosArray.H := SymHnd;

    ??????GetSymLoc(SymHnd, SymPosArray.P.x, SymPosArray.P.y);

    ??????SymHnd := { Get your next handle, usually with NextSObj(SymHnd); }


    ???{ Now you can sort }

    ???{ I would try the VS command SortArray() here, but you may have to do it manually. }

    ???{ To sort on both X & Y variables, you need to sort your primary variable last. }

    ???{ The rest of your program... }


    Have fun,


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