Suddenly my associative chain dimensions in one file are no longer chained together, but are separate dimensions. If I cut and paste chained dims from another file, they remained chained in this problem file. I can no longer create chained dims in this file. When I create "chain dims" in this file, everything looks normal, with the bullseye cursor, but when I select the series of dim lines after its created, in the Object Info Palette, it is labeled as "Dimension" not "Chain Dimension". I've checked everything I can think of, including switching to a new Workspace Editor.
This happened after a crash last night. I've restarted VW and rebooted the computer. Other files seem to be unaffected. Is there a toggle somewhere that I don't know about?
Of course, I need to submit this set of drawings for a building permit in the morning! I'm running 2012 with SP3 on a killer iMac. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And thanks for working on a Sunday with me!