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Everything posted by SNOJNKY

  1. I usually bail on the standard stair and create a new "custom stair". It sucks to have to transfer all of the information, but it is the only way I've been able to do what you're trying to do. Good luck!
  2. I would love to have a timer showing "remaining time to render" in Renderworks. It would answer the question, "Do I wait for this viewport rendering to finish at final quality or do I bail now because it will take 20 minutes?" It would also help us decide which rendering settings require the most rendering time without wasting our time trying them all out (only to be disappointed and suddenly behind schedule).
  3. Neil, I was able to program my Spacemouse to shift+c on one button (3D navigate) and it made VW very angry, thinking for multiple seconds only to then require using a standard mouse to orbit around. I've given up on trying to program a button, for now. I cannot seem to orbit and zoom simultaneously, however. I need to click the 3D left button to switch from 3D navigation (twisting around) to 2D (zooming and panning). I've reset my buttons to 3D mouse defaults and this was the result. Suggestions on how to zoom and orbit simultaneously or how to successfully use the programmable buttons in VW? Jim, your posts give me hope that you've got a solution for me! Thank you for your help! Carol VW Architect 2014 SP3 w/ Renderworks iMac 27" OSX 10.7.5 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 8GB 1333 MHz DDDR3
  4. I have a vague idea of what that takes. Since I'm crunching on a deadline, I'll tackle that after I get my permit set printed. Thank you! (I'll also tackle a more meaningful signature with my VW info, too.)
  5. NOT SOLVED! It's now sporadic. Sometimes I can make and maintain chain dims and sometimes I can't - ALL WITHIN THE SAME VIEWPORT!
  6. Inexplicably solved. The problem was in viewports and the viewports had been moved on the sheet, which Will T. has submitted as a bug. I did a custom selection/modification on all viewport dimensions and chain dimensions, moved that selection to a new class and then back to the "dims" class, and I no longer have the problem. -Carol
  7. Suddenly my associative chain dimensions in one file are no longer chained together, but are separate dimensions. If I cut and paste chained dims from another file, they remained chained in this problem file. I can no longer create chained dims in this file. When I create "chain dims" in this file, everything looks normal, with the bullseye cursor, but when I select the series of dim lines after its created, in the Object Info Palette, it is labeled as "Dimension" not "Chain Dimension". I've checked everything I can think of, including switching to a new Workspace Editor. This happened after a crash last night. I've restarted VW and rebooted the computer. Other files seem to be unaffected. Is there a toggle somewhere that I don't know about? Of course, I need to submit this set of drawings for a building permit in the morning! I'm running 2012 with SP3 on a killer iMac. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And thanks for working on a Sunday with me! -Carol
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