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Samuel Derenboim

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Posts posted by Samuel Derenboim

  1. Has anyone ever linked records using Marionnette tool? The reason I'm asking is - say you have an inhouse record management system and you want to synchronize it with IFC records? or say you imported revit symbols with their own record system, and want to update that with your record management and ifc. Has anyone encountered this problem before?

  2. Has anyone had any experience using the data manager and parametric objects like windows and doors?


    The reason for the question is to link external databases that have information on doors and windows to parametric objects without having to create styles individually. Going to manufacturer to manufacturer and custom make parametric objects is unfortunately very tedious, and wanted to speed up the process. Like for example Marvin and Pella windows - vectorworks created a great catalog however some information and sizing is outdated (particularly product names) which makes me feel a bit wary of using them, therefore i end up creating my own when i have the time. However there are also some other companies like anderson, and even European windows like zola etc... that would still need some kind of integration on the users behalf. VW obviously doesn't have the resources to produce something like that, and I don't expect them to since the features they're working on i believe should be the priority.


    With my recent discovery that ODBC can be referenced remotely, I have a renewed desire to link database libraries to parametric objects. How would one go about doing this?


    Has anyone experienced this? Any thoughts?

  3. On 2/25/2021 at 5:40 PM, Ben Beaumont said:

    We have constructed localised libraries of 100's, (pushing 1000's) of Materials. @Julian Carr has written a script to create Materials from Textures which helped enormously. There is also a Worksheet that can push other material values into Material Styles. This is a boon for building libraries with repetitive information. We have updated our Wall and Slab styles such that the external and internal components (only) use Materials. Typically the external face is textured with an associated surface hatch (eg; painted weatherboard) so the component has a discernable thickness. The weatherboard Material library has any given profile in multiple popular colours. There are around 5 common weatherboard profiles and 100+ popular exterior colours. I don't think we can reasonably use Classes to manage the attributes of 500+ weatherboard options alone.
    We have constructed an 'Applied Finishes' Materials library with about 150 popular and fashionable paint colours from a leading paint supplier. The Wall styles have a 0.1mm internal Component for the 'Applied finish'. The slab styles (for ceilings) have the same. The Wall Styles in our libraries have 'Natural White' associated with them, the ceilings have 'Ceiling White' associated with them.

    The Attributes of the other Wall and Slab components are still 'by Class'. We have a short list of (legacy?) Component Classes to control these attributes.  
    It is a pleasure to use the Wall and Slab Styles straight from the library and to be able to simply swap out the Material with a preferred option (also straight from the library).
    I hear the comments about the absence of Class override type control for Materials, but for me the flatter workflow of simply applying a Material to an object is a far lesser evil than trying to do it with Classes. Considering the ease with which a model can be 'painted' in some other platforms, Materials are a welcome development.

    @Ben Beaumont


    Are these scripts available? I have been searching for something like that for the longest.


    1. Script to create Materials from Textures

    2. Script to write info into the material settings

    • Like 2
  4. @elepp


    I agree . Great potential.

    I'll start another post later, but combing this with a web gui remotely will sky rocket it's potential.


    May I ask, what do you use it for in particular ? Sorry about that, too early in the morning, didn't see you mention you used it for windows.


    Do window sizes auto update upon selection of the record?


    And can you lookup database tables to cross reference records in a worksheet? ( it's a topic I will start a new post on soon )

  5. UPDATE 3


    When you start stacking up with the ODBC datasources, you still need to delete the ones that do not work.




    Go into administrative tools and ODBC Data sources and remove any data sources you do not need.


    Also, if you want to set up new datasources flexibly without VECTORWORKS, this is the way to do it! In vectorworks you cannot modify existing ODBC databases. Here you can.





    • Like 1
  6. great news everyone, ODBC works for mssql . however I am missing something. I am still getting an error after setting up a connection after successful test via ODBC.


    I used MS SQL server 2019. Am i to use an earlier version?


     I was able to set up a table inside the container and was able to connect via test connection when setting up ODBC parameters.







    after setting up the connection - i get this error





    Note - I have confirmed the sql tables work via noco database, so the problem lies with either the driver, sql version number, or something else. (see screenshot below)


    connection currently works, i just don't know why it rejects the connection after successful test.



  7. @jeff prince@unearthed

    I'll do some experiments, stay tuned!


    But here is the summary of what I've discovered so far (on a local level)

    When using an sqlite file, I modify the sqlite file in an open source sqlite file editor - something like



    I add tables to it specifically to what I need (I.E. product database with insulation characteristics, or pricing tables, or zoning / building code reference database and I link the database to record information in VW in read only mode.


    When i assign that record to an object - it does not update immediately, i have to use the update vectorworks database in order for it to choose. The table above was an experiment of sqlite database reference - and in large databases, a search query or search by record would be fundamental to using ODBC.


    The part that is annoying is that I can change a record in the sqlite file upon entering the information, but I cannot update the object upon selecting the record, which is a bit frustrating.




    I'll try using ODBC with mysql hosted on a local docker vm and update my progress soon.


  8. Can someone please explain this to me? We can host SQL servers to carry database information???? 😁


    Does that mean I can host an MYSQL Server on docker and use it for referencing and crossreferencing databases?



  9. 18 minutes ago, Nikolay Zhelyazkov said:

    - I am happy to have helped! If we go for Bulgarian it is "Благодаря" 🙂


    - Have you tried setting the text wrap of the objects in the tag layout? I think that this might be what you are looking for. If this is not the case, can you give me some more details on what exactly do you mean?


    @Nikolay Zhelyazkov

    In that case, Благодаря !  🙂


    Also regarding your question - see screenshot below. This is a comparison between a tag vs a annotation callout . A callout has toggles, but no database reference.

    It would be nice to resize text like a callout in a limited size viewport in case it is needed.


    (also, I have a hunch that a future feature - legends will work very similarly to a tag, only summarizing in bulk all of the elements referenced...might eliminate this need entirely if the text in the legends can be resized similarly...


    I also have a hunch that you are also directly related to that feature!....but alas, it is only a hunch! 😁 )




    • Like 4
  10. 3 hours ago, Tom W. said:

    @Samuel Derenboim see: 



    Can be used to tag materialmanufacturer, materialreferenceID, etc as well. Unless it's a Compound Material in which case you can only return the Description, Mark + Keynote fields as far as I can tell


    Thank you for letting me know! Posted a formula for regular geometry as well.


    Will be very useful in the future for detail call outs (creating a custom set). Originally intended on using symbols with custom records for annotation and callouts.

    I also noticed a custom record option in materials - it would be interesting to see how that works as well! I will keep experimenting

  11. Each detail would be a separate symbol. (to me sheet does not mean sheet layers). If by sheet you mean what is in the design layer viewport - then yes.


    Detail number for the detail works, but if it can be detail + drawing name (i.e. . But I will rename each symbol to be the detail name later if we cant do baseflashing for wall deck. etc... (like it is in the detail itself, that would be even better). But if you can't, it's not a big deal.


    Yes, I think you summarized my intent correctly.


    Modified Bitumin would be the parent folder if it only had symbols inside. Modified bitumin is part of an Asphaltic line of details, so it would be best to inherit the folders inside the base folder. I.e. Lets say Asphalt Details => Modified Bitumin => DWG symbols.


    Thank you again!!!!!

  12. @Pat Stanford





    Pardon my non specificity.


    So this is the way i did it previously - import dwg batch - > in advance preferenced i was able to set all lines to black and white. What it doesnt do is import the dwg files into their respective folders.



    Then another method came up - using import symbol (batch command)





    It in turn created all subfolders in the directory!






    what it doesn't have the option to do is convert lines to black and white as shown below




    But most importantly, it eliminates the name of the detail, and detail no. of the mfg.


    Now if i import the detail as a layer and not as a symbol - it provides all of the information that was in the record (see below)



    My concern and original question is


    1. How do i preserve the record information upon import as a 'symbol'

    2. convert all lines to black and white

    3. distribute all symbols in their respective sub-folders when importing from a directory with subfolders


    Polylines, rectangles etc.. preferably shouldn't be exploded to retain hatches or fill. i only asked because if the symbol would be converted to group, the information would be retained. But that was a sort of convoluted way of going about it.










  13. 21 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

    Basically No.


    The internal VW scripting model only runs in a single file. This applies to Marionette, Vectorscript, and Python. That means that you can not start a script and have it open a different VW File and manipulate that file.


    Long ago I wrote an AppleScript that took a folder of VW files and opened each one and then ran a Vectorscript to export each file to a DWG file.


    Something similar could probably be done for your import thing, but since you are on Windows, you don't have the AppleScript option.


    If this is a one time conversion project I might be able to help. If this is an ongoing need, then I don't have any other great ideas.


    Thank you for your response regarding this matter! unfortunately yes this is ongoing. Ok, ill drop that idea, however i noticed that with import symbol (batch) - vectorworks can import dwg files by folder quite seamlessly, however there are still a few things i want it to do while it is importing which is -


    batch import = > explode all symbols = > convert all lines to black = > proceed with import

  14. I'm Having a bit of an issue with importing dwg files as symbols as it does not do a few things i prefer like :


    1. import folder structure the dwg subfolder directory

    2. import / convert to group any elements that have record information (normally does not import record information as nested symbol)

    3. name all symbols by record name (inside of symbol) rather than file name of dwg file.


    I thought about going about it a little differently -


    batch convert to vwx in place, and then reimport every vwx file as a symbol.


    Another workaround can be convert bulk dwg files in place - but with every action save extents of imported layer as symbol


    I feel like this can be done with the marionette tool - however i do not see any nodes for :

    1. creating symbols

    2. opening vwx files

    3. converting design layer to symbol


    Is this possible?

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