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Everything posted by StaticDOS

  1. Well theres the textures library taht comes with Vectorworks which is ok, or you could just create your own which I find much better.
  2. Hi Jeffrey, thanks thats what ive been doing in the past, was hoping there was a quicker way of doing it but alas.
  3. Maybe you have a certain background on that layer have you the background set to none?
  4. Hmmm was hoping it wouldnt have to come to that
  5. File-> Document settings-> Document setup-> gridlines off
  6. Howdy gents, is there anyway to flatten out the sides of a room e.g when you look at the plan you see the floor and the walls flattened down aswell like if you got a shoe box and cut the corners and flattened them out, ive tried the unfold surfaces command but that doesn't work on the walls, any ideas?
  7. Howdy gents whats the easiest way to get a bill of materials out of vectorworks, the only way I can see of doing it is attatching a record to an object and then creating a report, is there a quicker way?
  8. Or right click the viewport->properties->advanced properties->black and white only.
  9. Howdy gents, im exporting some PDFs of drawings but I find the renders in viewports seem very blurry in the PDFs, ive changed the resolution but the quality doesn't seem to change?
  10. I occasionally get this problem also, I set the scale to 1:10 for example but the scale and custom scale differ for some reason and the viewport appears on a random scale so I just have to delete it and do it again.
  11. Nothing seems to work, I think ill just have to modify the texture for this pdf only, which is a pain in the ass.
  12. Ive turned off the ambient and envirnomental lighting but it doesnt seem to make a difference.
  13. Howdy gents, ive drawn an acoustic hanger and I want to send a PDF but the Final Quality Renders seem very bright and I dont want shadows to be cast but I cant seem to change it in the Lighting Options in the OIP?
  14. Howdy Gents, I seem to be having a problem rendering my drawing in artistic render, everything appears in white except my renderworks background, the materials appear correctly in final quality renderworks.
  15. Happens to me sometimes when I drag an object, just use move by points command.
  16. Well if your exterior trim becomes the interior trim then should the interior trim not then become your exterior trim?
  17. Howdy gents, i want to do a high quality artistic render to put on a website but whenever I do the render the lines appear very thick, ive checked the thickness of them in the render options and there set to the minimum? Also if i increase the dpi the render just appears as a final quality render and not an artistic render?
  18. Howdy gents, silly question but its annoying me, im dimensioning my drawing and have put in an angular dimension and reduced the text but I cant seem to be able to reduce the arrow size at the ends of the dimension, I created a new dimension style but there doesn't seem to be an option for it there either? I know its probably going to be something really simple.
  19. Well i have mod floor 1 selected yet objects drawn on mod floor 1 turn gray even when i have "active only" selected, and im able to select objects on different layers
  20. Yeah Ray, but since im working on the ground floor and there all on the same layer anyway should that not matter?
  21. Howdy gents, this is prpbably a stupid question but I dont use layers that much as I stick to classes, but I have a 2 storey building on two different layers but for some reason I cant select or snap to certain objects that are on the same layer, also when I select "active only" certain objects disappear even though there on the same layer, the objects that disappear seem to change depending on what class I have selected.
  22. Howdy gents, Im trying to calculate the amount of material needed in a studio and I am currently calculating the doors, how do I calculate the amount of material needed for the architrave of the door, it only seems to show the width and thickness for the int/ext trim and id like more options than that. Also regarding skirting board I just drew them with polylines and extruded them but when I calculate the length etc. on the report the values seem to be all wrong and change depending on what view im looking at in the drawing, I think I can solve that problem by drawing a wall of height 150mm and just use it as skirting board but surely theres an easier way?
  23. Howdy gents, does anyone else find the walkthrough extremely confusing in VW? In AutoCAD you can just draw a polyline and have the camera follow that around the drawing, is there anyway to do that in VW while its rendered in final quality renderworks?
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