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Posts posted by gester

  1. i've just watched the vw 2024 excel referencing video. i think the ids case could be performed in a similar manner: just importing ids in the excel-import style.


    of course, it's just an idea, i still dunno if it makes sense and how to implement it.

    such import would have to go directly into ifc properties (or via data manager), not as a worksheet...

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  2. On 11/20/2023 at 5:08 PM, matteoluigi said:

    @gester and of course BSDD should be implemented as well for an integral workflow sth like a BSDD -interface for the datamanager

    you really need bsdd matrix in vectorworks?

    it's an external link between the ifc guids and the classification and real life objects, containing rfids, qr's, or gs1 gtins.


    we need ids in the first place, just in order to populate our ifc models with properties.


    btw: i don't see pictures in the translated computerworks presentation. can you provide the link to the german version?

  3. hi,

    is the importing of the new information requirements format (development supported by buildingsmart int'l) named .ids (information delivery specification) planned, or maybe already in the pipeline? 


    this format is both machine and human readable, and is supposed to import owner's requirements (now governed by paper-based documents: air - asset information requirements, pir - project information requirements, and eir - exchange information requirements, these are destined to be abandoned in the future) into the properties that can be used for the ifc data exported from the application.


    do vectorworks, inc. think about it?




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  4. 1 hour ago, zoomer said:

    On one hand it is a collaboration tool between users of different software

    Rhino <> Revit <> Archicad <> IFC <> Blender <> Unreal <> ......

    i'm an advocate of a _one_ common exchange format. we have too much dark data in the construction industry, and no converter is reliable to not to lose data during translation. 

    that's why blenderbim with the native ifc is such a highlight.


    1 hour ago, zoomer said:

    But as said,

    there is currently no Speckle Connector for VW or Bricscad in sight.

    yes, i know it.

  5. 14 hours ago, Tom W. said:

    Yes you can apply Data Visualisations to the model on the design layer + save them in Saved Views. They are very useful for interrogating the model as you design. As well as applying them to viewports as well of course.

    so as i get it, for my initial wall colours visualization example:


    1. i save the original view with my walls

    2. i change the colours for those walls according to their fire resistance values

    3. save this new view

    4. recall the original saved view (must check if the original colours can come back)


    is that it?

  6. hi,

    another question after the viewing of the archicad 27 webinar:


    is it possible to do datavisualization in vectorworks file, except that not on the viewports, but directly in the model?

    e.g. colouring of the walls according to the different fire resistance (red - 60 minutes, orange  - 30 minutes, yellow - 15 minutes) directly in the model, and save it for future views...




  7. hi,

    i've just watched the archicad 27 webinar and i'm just wondering if it's possible to have many versions of the design solutions parallelly in one vwx file?

    in archicad there's a commitment button which links the chosen version into the current project, the other versions are being removed. the versions can contain any set of options referring to selected model elements. these options are then added to the aproppriate versions. eg. version 1 has a steel construction, version 2 has a concrete one, a.s.o. 


    the reason for this query is the target value delivery method from the lean construction, where you postpone the design solution choice until the lrm (last responsible moment), where all other options can be rendered obsolete.


    thanks for any help.


  8. cove.tool is supposed to connect to vectorworks via plugin to be released this march.

    1. is this already working?

    2. is it available also for localized versions of vectorworks?


  9. On 7/14/2020 at 8:31 PM, Taproot said:

    @Donald G. Martin @gester  


    Would you be willing to post a sampling of some of the classes that you use so that we can get a sense of your naming strategy?



    we use sfb system in our polish vectorworks localization (this is a 1959 swedish system which is widely used in the benelux countries, especially in the netherlands). 

    the codes base on numbers, and the exterior walls are like '21 exterior wall some description', or '22 interior wall ssome description', or '31 opening in the exterior wall some description', '27 roof some description', a.s.o., according to the table below (sorry, i haven't found it in english, and it's the part of the whole).


    the system is pretty straightforward, it bases on the overall building structure, but has been examined and abandoned by the uk subjects while working on their classification, which became uniclass 2015.




    of course, you can use any classification system (including your own), but the presence of this option alone gives vectorworks an edge, when it comes to the mapping of the codes and guids.


  10. 1 hour ago, Christiaan said:

    ..The AEC UK BIM protocol says no more than one building to be modelled in a single file, with a separate container model to bring them together...


    such container would be a separately required (by polish law) site development plan (which is in a 1:500, or sometimes 1:1000 scale). this plan is in world coordinates (required by the authorities of the infrastructure planning), and with true north orientation, as opposed to the edifice models that are in 1:50 or 1:100. 


    the edifice models are referenced in the site model, and all changes in storeys are handled separately for each building. i use such a workflow for years, but i will listen to other options.


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  11. @jmanganelli 

    afaik the iesve is a costly application. similarly is (was?) with the ecodesigner star and its integration with archicad, where both licenses were necessary.

    isn't it the case with revit and iesve?


    i think that vw users are in need of a fast and reliable energy calculation tool, at best within the aplication and its price. the next step might be an integration with something bigger, but the energos level is pretty good for the designed calculations. not everyone can afford professional energy calculation applications.



  12. @ilimatiare 


    the wip work (iso 19650:1, cde environment) is supposed to be carried out in one technology standard for a particular branch. every shared work piece (export) is a noneditable information, and as ifc is supposed to be managed in the asset delivery on the building site. if you try to do it now, it may be disappointing, but as said: one branch (architect / structural engineer / mechanical designer a.s.o.) should each one use one specific data format for their piece of work.


    in the future

    the wip work is the same, but we will have an option to work on the pure geometry from the ifc in the dtv (editable design transfer view) mvd mode, regardless if it's the wip/shared/published part of the bim process. buildingsmart's decoupling (complete separation of geometry data from the alphanumeric for the ifc) is underway...


    the british bim level 3 is a common work on open formats in the iot environment.

    • Like 1
  13. we now use the sfb system from the design express localisation versions (dutch, french and polish have the same classing setup).


    as soon as the polish classification system is ready (currently we work in the polish chapter of the buildingsmart int'l on it - the priority is the emerging cci system based on the danish ccs and swedish coclass) it'll replace the sfb in the pl vectorworks version. we give it some 2 years...


    the integration of the building classification system in the bim authoring app is essential - otherwise the digital supply chain is not possible.


    the digital supply chain integration is a 3-step procedure:


    1. the objects in the 3d model are placed in the classification codes. the ifc export drags the classification codes with into the ifc models.

    2. the ifc guids are being mapped to the bsdd guids (bsdd = buildingsmart data dictionary - a martix to map all classifications between them, and with the ifc)

    3. the gtins (gs1 product codes) are being mapped to the bsdd guids via digital link.


    thus the delvered products and materials know where they are to be built-in into the physical asset, based on the model information. this connection remains for the management stage of the asset (at best as the digital twin). remember: the uk initiated the process of building a digital twin of the whole country...


    as for the digital supply chain: check out the dscibe (digital supply chain in the built environment) and digiplace, both started last year.


  14. coming back to design layers - i use many of them for each storey. there are a few reasons:


    - in the project sharing you reserve and check out objects by layers at best. checking by objects themselves might wind up chaotic.

    - the grouping of similar objects per design layer (e.g. slabs, walls, furniture objects, spaces or installations) helps better visibility control of the objects in the various display options.

    - the choice of layers for ifc exports is pretty straightforward, compared to setting up classes' visibility for these exports.


    i always model slab construction separately from the floor layers, but both are on the same design layer.


    as for classes - they should correspond to the classification system, e.g. omniclass in the north america, uniclass in the uk (they have the uniclass 2015 classing system in their vectorworks' release). so the classing of the design layers is not recommended in such a system unless you have one design layer for a storey (also not recommended - why then stories at all?).



    btw: i avoid 2d elements in the 3d space - all possible 2d's are in the annotations of the sheet layers.

  15. leed and breeam analyses base on the same energy calculations, maybe with the exception of the imposed proprietary rules, but it's an overlay.

    the results may be different, although the starting point is exactly the same. let's not get crazy about the official energy standards 🙂


  16. @jeff prince 

    generally you're right, but sometimes exact measures are necessary for the built-in professional equipment, like e.g. in the healthcare (even movable beds require there particular room for manoeuvring) or in the heating rooms.

    but, most of all, exact measures are required for digital twins of the physical assets, where the operational phase usually lasts decades. you never know how exactly modelled your asset should be for certain actions. if you don't need it today, you might need it in two months or years.

    unfortunately we still don't have reliable solids, automatically generated from point clouds.


    another thing are the as-built models, where the native models for ifc export are being checked against the point cloud surveys, an example of such application being bim & scan®'s autocor(tm). the designer's professional liability is at stake...


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