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Jeff B

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Posts posted by Jeff B

  1. Thanks much Benson!! Just wasn't sure if there were pre-existing symbols out there, but this approach makes good sense. Thanks again.

    (Except I used the rounded rectangle tool to create the path object, worked great.)

    Oh, and ? and I knew better but I was "in a hurry!" ? I should have made one individual link a symbol before creating my other various length symbols - silly me

  2. Thanks Michael.

    I've been experimenting with putting each system (sides, bax, etc; as well as rep vs non-rep) on its own layer. I have found it overall quite helpful to be able to look at each system by itself. Which is why I was trying to use class options to control all the instruments more globally.

    I'm sure that if I ever figure out Vectorscripts it'll be easy to write custom selection scripts to do all this, but I'm trying to pick my battles. In the meantime it sounds like I can use class options for this purpose as long as I do so fairly carefully.

    Thanks for pointing out the "Symbol Options" button in Edit Symbol; I'll play around with that.

    Thanks again, and all my best,


  3. I remain confused about the relationship between objects' class visibility behavior, and the class assignments of symbols (and symbols' component parts).

    I understand that symbols themselves (and their components) are assigned to classes. What I don't understand is whether I need to re-edit the symbols if I want to put objects in different classes than the symbol definitions (and I want to use class options to control visibilities).

    For example, I want to use a "Lighting Instruments" class to control visibility for all lighting instruments. I assigned all lighting instruments to the Lighting Instruments class, and when I went to "Active Only" in class options, they all disappeared.

    I then edited all the individual lighting instrument symbols to make sure each component of every symbol/embedded symbol was in the Lighting Instruments class. (They hadn't been - some bits had been in that class and some in the None class.) But once I put them all in the Ltg Inst class it worked like I thought it should: under "Active Only" in class options I see only the lighting instruments. So in that sense, problem solved!

    However I remain confused. When I try to move a lighting instrument (in the document) into (for example) the None class, as soon as I select None class in the instrument's OIP, the light becomes de-selected and its class doesn't change.

    So is the only way to use class options to control visibilities, to edit every symbol, placing all the symbol's components into the class you want to put the objects in? Then create a different set of symbols if you want the same objects in other classes? I can't quite believe that would be the case, but I am baffled.

    Sorry for the really long question, and thanks for any clarification of what I'm sure is a simple basic principle.

  4. I too have been having trouble with my resource browser just today for the first time, the menu bars at the top aren't in their usual positions, the thumbnails are super-imposed underneath the menu bars, the whole thing is just acting wonky. I was thinking I'd have to re-install but I came to the forum first, however I'm not seeing any other options here... ?

  5. Bingo Josh, I was in "top" not "top/plan." Good to know. (Try finding that little tidbit in "VW Help" - ? Thank goodness for this forum!)

    Your plug-in objects look very cool. As a learning/practice exercise I'm going to keep creating my own for a while but I'll check out your website further in the near future.

    Thanks much,


    btw, my knowing to group the 2D/3D objects was scarcely "instinct" (so far my VW instincts are neanderthal at best) but rather learned through invaluable in-person instruction from the inimitable michaelk, the other responder to my post and a truly great (but apparently sleep-deprived) guy.

  6. Has to be a super-dumb question - I created a bunch of lighting positions yesterday with no problem. Happily got to creating more this morning but when I get to the part where I've got my 2D line and my 3D extrude grouped and selected, the "convert to light position" option (under the Spotlight menu) is grayed out. Seems to stay gray no matter whether I select a line or an extrude or a group or what. Gotta be something simple right !?

  7. I am trying to do a thing ("Align 3D" a pair of objects). When I hit "OK" out of the dialogue box I get a beep and a red-highlighted error message appears in the lower right corner of the screen. I'm glad there's an error message to go with the beep, but the trouble is the error message stays onscreen for exactly as long as the beep - not enough time to read it. I do actually want to know what it says. How can I say to VW "would you mind repeating that, a bit more slowly this time"?

  8. Must be doing something very basic very wrong - ? Trying to understand how object selection works with unified view on or off. I thought I understood that Show/Snap/Modify Others (layer options) would *not* work with Unified View turned on. But I seem to be finding just the opposite - it works with Unified View turned on but does not work when it's turned off. What am I missing?

  9. Basically a rank beginner here, trying to work my way thru J. Pickup's "Essential Tutorial Manual," when I follow the instructions to create an elevation from a 3D model (go to "x" view, Modify>Convert>Convert Copy to lines - use Hidden LIne Rendering) the resulting elevation doesn't include the windows I inserted in the wall (there are windows in every wall, same thing happens with every view). I have a feeling it has something to do with the windows I inserted. Suggestions?

  10. totally basic but I cannot figure it out - at present my marquee selection tool is selecting an entire object even when only part of the object is touched (the object doesn't have to be fully enclosed)... I know there has to be an easy way to fix it but I can't find it. (I'm not holding the option key when drawing the marquee).


  11. well ummmm no that isn't obvious. I will go ahead and send you the file I'm working on.

    However I believe I have figured out the mystery of the label legend in question. I'm modifying a plot supplied to me by the venue. It seems that if the position of the channel/circuit fields have been previously modified manually, they won't automatically go into their new positions if you apply a new label legend to the fixture. Which is what I was expecting them to do.

    I have run into another piece of weirdness though as I work on this plot, which is that in some cases when I manually move the chan/dim fields around on an instrument in the plot supplied by others, where I haven't replaced the symbol with one I "trust," the entire instrument symbol simply disappears. Is this a class/layer thing?

    Take a look - thanks.

  12. Hi, Jeff from Mpls here, having a bit of trouble with label legends myself. Following up on the prior conversation, I thought I had it figured, but not so. I create a label legend with the instrument symbol vertical (pointing up), the channel (in a hexagon) just below the instrument, the dimmer in a circle below that. Both fields are "right reading" and non-rotating is not checked. When I go to apply it to a sidelight hung on SL, facing SR, the channel hexagon moves as I expect (stays at the back of the unit) but the dimmer circle moves to the "front" (the left-hand, SR, side) of the instsrument. Tips?

    Also, is there a way to "duplicate" a label legend to use as a base for a new one, as opposed to starting completely from scratch? Or somehow copy one from a fixture where I've moved some stuff around, on the plot?

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