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File Comments posted by DomC

  1. With look you mean the Attributes or the algorithm?

    1. Well the Attributes depends on the classes and the classes depends on the different name of the matrial you have in your list. If you create the classes first, you can define the attributes before the script runs.

    2. The Packing algorithm and settings of the PIO defined in the pio. You could test your settings first with a smaller list by input a smaller copy of your worksheet. And then for final calculation link your real-list.

    While it is a plug in you can only change one parameter at a time. It will recalculate after every change.

    Also maybe sort your list by materials. So you can work in etapes.

    3. To prevent this. For your usecase you could double click the PIO, edit the script. copy the network. Then close file and reopen (because recalculation of script could take a while)
    then paste the script on the construction layer.

    Here you can change as many inputs values as you want and run the network manually. The script should run ourside the PIO without modifications, just delete the big rectangle in the background after creation


  2. 1. Table with output boards would be possible by enhancing the script. But never heard before of that because you count the needed boards very fast.  Also on your file. You need less than one board for every material. For what usecase this would be needed, would it save time or is it prevent misscounting?

    2. Graphical Attributes.
    For ever Material autmatically a class is created and you can just change the class style to change the attributes.

    Note you have some Workpieces without a Material 

    You have a class for Platten (Boards) and Teile (Parts). For the Text you had a Text-Style, but you deleted. Take it back from the Template. Then you can set Text Size and Text centered etc. 

    Best looking Optimizing Software ever 🙂


  3. On 8/21/2024 at 6:17 PM, JP3112 said:

    Would it be somhow possible to use the net area instead of gross?


    Yes it should be possible. If you edit the script you find the string input for the feald name of the area

    Since 2024 it is a new field (MeasuredNetAreaNum) you can see the right field names with a worksheet as example. In past i did used other fields but i think i never used the grossArea (BruttoFläche) Field. The Field MeasuredNetAreaNum is a special Field which is compatible with Vectorscript and has not to be parsed from a string to a number which created so many troubles in past version (while the biggest time consume of the script was the game, how to convert a Text like "1.045,186m2" (which can be different for every document settings, and country settings of the computer)    in a number like 1045.2?)
    Just to say, why i recommend to use one of the field with ... Num at the End. This can be converted to a Number in a reliable way by the custom Marionette Node Str2Num from the Wohnungsstempel Marionette.


  4. Hi

    Create Additional (dynamic or non dynamic Field) in the Tag:
    1.  Edit Record Format and create new field
    2. Edit Symbol and link new Textfield to that new Record Field
    image.png.b61c244e485fdb3b056a8ba8c4b64703.png  image.png.01b391df4ea73633897b211acbc4bc2f.png    image.png.f82c1c35c43c796eeb4d3316aeec3500.png
    3. Edit the Script and link an input or a computed value to that record field

    Exit the Script Style and then you should have a new input Field. 


    Importand. Edit the right Symbol, which you use in the Wohungsstempel. 


    • Like 1
  5. Hello
    Possible, that the Objects got Broken (there was a Bug, Styled Marionette PIOs got Broken in Projekt Sharing under specific Circumstances lower than Version Update 5). Or maybe the Symbol Based Graphic is hidden in 2D and just visible in 3D View. There you had to change The Object inside the Symbol all on top view or all on 3D. If you mix just the symbol content of the activated view would be visible.

    If broken, maybe try to edit the Style if it is styled and look, what is broken inside the style. If so, try to find on an older Backup your script and copy it inside the style. Or if you did not changed the script, just the Symbol, you could re-import the style from the Download-Version and replace the "maybe broken" existing Style. 

    • Like 1
  6. The Script was made, screenplane planar objects was still a standard. it would still work with grouped screenplane objects.

    It seems, that the dup-container node puts screenplane planar objects on the 2D representation of the PlugIn.
    And grouped layerplane planar objects were putted on the 3D component of the plugIn. If we switch on top view we can see the groupes. 

    Thanks for sharing that issue.

  7. Should still work in 2024 (tested on mac 2024 Sonoma)
    1. Select Excel File (I use Version 1.0.4 from xlsx) By clicking the Button of the Pick File Node. But if this was wrong it would throw an error message.


    Maybe to prevent path issues copy on desktop 
    2. Sheet Name input. This should match to the sheet name in the excel file. 
    But if this was wrong it would also work by taking the first sheet name.

    3. Check "Confuguration Dialog"

    Anyway, if input of the xls import was wrong it would throw also an error. 
    If just nothing happens, the creation of space maybe fails. 

    The reason maybe could be there is no area value or the area value was not returnet on output.

    column1 is imported

    without area not space. Also click the debug method to see, how many areas are outputed.

    It is normal we have more field values and values than areas. Because the field and values repeat because to match the set Record Field Node. 
    If we have 3 columns it return double fields as area outputs.
    If we have 5 columns it returns 4 times more fields than area outputs etc.


  8. This are the options:

    1. Saving/having an external (excel) list and make it fits to the input list of the Marionette. In Excel we can use formulas to have a list and a second sheet whitch grabs the list just for the needed columns. Then import the external list directly into the worksheet inside of Vectorworks.
    2. If you are using interiorcad, you can configure a cutting list export, which fits to the needs and then follow step one
    3. There is an internal list you could define with interiorcad which writes directly to a worksheet
    4. Copy/paste can be tricky, because pasting in a worksheet may fail because you had to activate exactly the range of the pasted list first, which is hard. So import is the better option.
    5. At least it could be an option to make (small) adaptions to the script so that it reads the needed columns automatically of any list. Or even directly for external file more even directly from part out of the drawing without doing any export/ import steps.

    I think the simplest way is to export to excel, then delete the unwanted columns and import into the Worksheet with the worksheet menu.
    That brings me to the idea to maybe make an example which directly reads one of the standard cutting list formats of interiorcad.


  9. On 1/25/2024 at 10:56 AM, FlorianG99 said:


    Do you know why somtimes the boards get turned or not, even though in the boardlist the button "Drehbar" is on 0?


    I think the column "Drehbar" was never implemented (In fact it had no impact if i write there 0 or 1 it just took the checkbox "Rotation erlauben" which was a global option for all materials). I improved the Script with Version 1.0.4 and now it reads the column as soon as i checked the checkbox "Rotation erlauben".

    This setting will take care of the column "Drehbar" (Rotateable)

    • Like 1
  10. OK
    For some reason (my dumbness?) i convert the column "TeileName" into a number, which fails and put out an error.

    You can do to correct:
    1. Without new version or edit the script insert a number here in Column C instead a text.

    2. Or edit the script (quite easy) as following:
    a. Edit the PIO object
    b. Double click the wrapper DrawParts

    c. Edit Formula to c+'\\rPos. '+str(a)+'.'+str(b)  instead of  c+'\\rPos. '+str(a)+'.'+str(int(b))


    OK, maybe a little bit complicated. I post your corrected file and a new Version 1.0.3 
    Thanks for reporting the issue.

    Werkteil Optimierung Kopie_b.vwx

  11. The Message says that it tries to add a float to a string ('100mm' + 10, 'hello' + 100) etc. Maybe the type of value in the sheet is not the same like in the sheet that works? Also I think it could related to a VW update. I provided a 2023 1.0.2 to fix that issue.

    Uploaded a New Version, which uses "vs.ValidNumStr()" for Every cell. So if A cell contains no valid number, Vectorworks tries to convert to a number.

    Do you use that fresh version or an older one?

  12. Edit:
    Added a New Version 1.0.2. where the script tries to convert non-valid cell numbers to numbers. The script tries to convert every cell so I hope this has no other negative effect. However the the existing Example is Version 2023 and works also on my Windows System with Swiss-German and German Keyboard Layout (Switzerland uses Decimal seperator ".", Germany uses ","). 

  13. On 7/5/2023 at 12:51 AM, DomC said:

    It should still work in 2023 from my view. Which one you try to use? With the Worksheet input there could be an issue, if part numbers are no numbers and if values are seperated with comma instead points. 

    Seems like this is the case here. On windows OS, some Input Fields convert to comma decimal separator. 
    Der Input darf keine Kommas als Dezimaltrennzeichen haben. Das scheint aber hier auf Windows der Fall zu sein wie schon im ersten Kommentar erwähnt.


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  14. On 8/9/2021 at 6:30 PM, DomC said:

    The really cool thing would to have a poly-nest similar to the rectangle-nest. There is open-source-code for this available so it would not be a project from scratch. Also this would allow us, for automating the complete process. That would be my next project if I would find the time because that is also a kind of project that is interesting for me.




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  15. Hi
    It should still work in 2023 from my view. Which one you try to use? With the Worksheet input there could be an issue, if part numbers are no numbers and if values are seperated with comma instead points. 

    I made a short test with input by layer and worksheet v2 both are working here.
    The others are old versions for 2019 or 2020. Sorry, the Versioning is not clear. v2 is newer than 1.0.1

  16. Hello
    This Script ist Cross-Plattform and also works on my windows computer.
    However, the following could go wrong:
    1. Did you picked the file? with the PickFile Node Button?
    2. Maybe Browser or Antivirus etc. change the downloaded Text file. Check out Text encoding (setting of the import txt v110) latin_1 or cp 1252 should match for windows. Did you opened the textfile with another software like excel or wordpad etc.? Maybe this changed the txt file or the text encoding of the file.
    3. Did you used the debug mode and/or the "print debug" to see, which wires have data or not
    4. I am using Vectorworks 2022 SP 2.1 on Windows 10. It runs with the downloaded text file and with the Vectorworks File Version 1.0.4.
    I run with a German Designer Version. Also it works with Architecture or interiorcad Version. I guess not with Landmark or spotlight because there is no space-tool available in this versions.

    - The "Split List Absorb" limites the lines to 20 (To not have too look for the first run, if someone have 2500 Spaces in his Textfile)
    I you would provide your vwx File, I maybe have a chance to find the error in your network.

  17. Must be the configuration of the column C. In the Example File, here is the area. And this must be returned on the port out1, which goes forward to the area of the space. Maybe you can check my movie I attached. Try to follow my stepts (picking your textfile, setup the Area-Column to out1)? I downloaded Version 1.0.4. and tested with the text file. 



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