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  1. I believe these values come straight from the data record, and we do not have a way to hook into the process between the record and the worksheet display. If you just want to limit the available fields, you could eliminate the values from the value list and just add them to the menu in Object Info, but I don't think there's a way to have the values changed based on other data.
  2. Thanks Andy! ProjectionViz has a 90-day fully-functional demo period.
  3. Not via DoMenuText commands, but once you have the handle of the symbol definition, you can use GetName(), StrDialog(), and SetName(). The caveat is that you don't have any error checking to see if the name is valid. You would need to do something like test for Name2Index() = 0, and add an incrementing suffix until it's true.
  4. You are correct that while parameter changes update all selected plug-ins (if you see the parameter, then the multi-selection must be homogeneous), changes during button events need to explicitly modify each object. Take a look at ForEachObjectInLayer https://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php?title=VS:ForEachObjectInLayer I think this is ultimately an easier solution than what you are doing, as there is no to store a list of selected objects, and the function has options to let you only traverse editable objects or objects in the same layer.
  5. Loft NURBS curves. You can either create a surface between two edges, or use one edge as a “rail” and use a profile. You can also convert a rectangle into a NURBS surface and use the reshape tool to create the swag. You can also try subdivision modeling, starting with a rectangle and dividing for each high and low point.
  6. @Michael Schroeder, do you have Separate Sheet Views turned on in Preferences | Edit? If so, you can always turn this option off if all your pages are the same size. @Pat Stanford I believe what Michael is requesting is: Iterate over each Sheet Layer: - Make active - DoMenuTextByName('Fit to Window');
  7. @jloganthomas I missed that you were using styles. The styles layer dialog seems to be missing the revert stacking order option. If you convert to unsoiled and go to the Layers dialog via Obj Info, you will see the option there. I think your only options are to manually re-order layers or change a viewport to unsettled and make a new style from there. You can't directly overwrite the existing style, so you would have to create a new style and delete the old style via the Resource Manager. You will then have the option to replace the old style with the new style.
  8. Is the scenic design hand- or computer-drawn? If electronic, you can always try asking for the original file. PDFs do retain scale information, so if it was produced correctly, you may be off by something simple, like a factor of 2. If the PDF is sized to fit to a page, and you need to scale, you can take advantage of scaling by points, the second option in the Modify>Scale dialog. Find either two points that should align between drawings, or two points in the PDF file with a known dimension. The longer the dimension, the more accurate the scaling will be. Press the button next to the “from” field, and click the two points in the PDF. The, either enter the known dimension in the From field or click the button, and click the corresponding points in your VW ground plan. You can then use the Move By Points tool to align the PDF to the plan. You can change layer visibilities mid-process with both tools, which should save you from needing the Xray mode.
  9. Viewports permit overriding both layer order and layer colors. You should see a Revert Stacking Order button in the layer options for each viewport, but I'm not aware of a what to do this globally. You could at least use the Organization dialog to edit each viewport, which might be easier than trying to select each on in the drawing. There isn't a way to prevent this feature. However, the only thing that would create the order override is dragging the layers in each viewport's layer options. If one VP had the layers reordered, and then you copied that VP as the basis for others, that is the only way the overridden order would propagate.
  10. By "see them," do you mean the beam of light or the light hitting a surface? If the former, the only way you will see the beam of light is if it has something to bounce off of, and lit fog will give you an atmosphere that will do that. You can control the amount of fog by editing the Renderworks background in your Resource manager. Ambient light just effectively raises the black point of the image. Turning on Ambient Occlusion in Lighting Settings can help it look less washed out. For a more realistic ambient light, you can turn on Environment Lighting, which now works in Shaded render mode. Another trick is to add directional and/or point render lights (via the visualization palette), and set them to not cast shadows and at a low level. This is a bit outdated, but I'll share my lighting options explainer here: https://express.adobe.com/page/6NSU11Hp6fwdb/?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fexpress.adobe.com%2Fpage%2F6NSU11Hp6fwdb%2Fembed.html&embed_type=overlay&context=expand
  11. Yes =DATABASE(ALL & (IF(A3<>'', L=A3, L<>''))) Worksheet functions will work. The criteria keyword ALL doesn't seem to play nicely with formulas, so you have to provide a specific criteria that returns all layers.
  12. Shameless plug: my Savvy Sequencer plug-in will sequentially number any existing object. You can store the number in the object name or an attached record, or you can automatically place text objects on each line. https://benghiatlighting.com/software/product/savvy-sequencer-2/#description
  13. If possible, I strongly recommend turning the venue to match the final plot orientation before you start drafting the plot. All your text is going to orient with regards to the page, even if you are working in rotated plan or rotate a viewport 90.
  14. Not possible for many reasons, the least of which is that functions don't receive any data about the worksheet that is calling them.
  15. This has to be done in the SDK. It's actually fairly similar to adding a function to the Vectorscript API.
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