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Kevin McAllister

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Everything posted by Kevin McAllister

  1. This is the bug thread I was referring to - @Cristiano Alves what version of Vectorworks are you running? Your signature shows 2023.... KM
  2. I'm pretty sure this must be a bug of some sort. Somehow the 2d and 3d parts of the lighting position are out of sync. Usually these are managed in a symbol but these positions aren't connected to a symbol, at least not one that users can see. There was a symbol creation bug not too long ago where the 2d component used the document origin for its origin but the 3d component did not. I wonder if it's affecting this plugin. Kevin
  3. Ha I just used the same example and then saw your reply..... KM
  4. So you're still switching to the Flyover tool and then back to another tool? Just using single key keyboard shortcuts. My comment is about wanting a boomerang style switch to the Flyover tool without using a middle mouse button, so you can rotate the view without disturbing the current tool mode. Your method doesn't allow for maintaining selections within tools - eg. rotating to select additional edges when using the 3d fillet tool. KM
  5. Partly true. The hotkey requires a middle mouse button along with the hotkey to invoke flyover. All Macs and most laptops don't come off the shelf with a middle mouse button. Kevin
  6. Not entirely true. There's no easy way to quickly switch to orbit (Flyover tool) without a three button mouse. Navigation should be independent of tools, period, just like every other 3d program out there. Even the free slicing software for 3d printing has better navigation than Vectorworks, a professional level piece of CAD software at a premium price. Kevin
  7. Looks useful 😊. I guess it's a step towards making navigation inherently part of the interface instead of tool based which is my longstanding wish. Kevin
  8. Hello, I would love the ability to show only 2d, only 3d or hybrid symbols when searching in the Resource Browser. I hardly ever use 2d only symbols and sometimes the search results in the Resource Browser can take a fair amount of time to wade through. Being able to filter by symbol type would be useful. Kevin
  9. What version of Vectorworks are you running and what operating system? It seems ok on Vectorworks 2024 Update 6 on a Mac..... Kevin
  10. If all that's required is some holes in the NURBS surface, the Project tool is the right tool for the job. Kevin
  11. I have no idea how to file it as a bug since it's completely random..... Kevin
  12. Is anyone else having issues with Callout text sizes randomly changing in Annotations on Sheet Layers? It usually scales to some huge font size, taking over the page. At first I thought it was only callouts brought forward from older versions but now it seems to randomly happen to any callout. Kevin
  13. Hello, I would like the Generate 2D from 3D command for automatically generating the 2D portion of a hybrid symbol to have the option to ignore nested Hybrid Symbols. Since these nested Hybrid Symbols already have 2d geometry, it shouldn't always be replaced by generated material. Kevin
  14. Very useful tutorial! I tried various ways to get the number of points to match myself, but I didn't know this one. Your video also reminded me I could use the Rebuild NURBS command to get the number of points to match..... Kevin
  15. It's the Create Solid checkbox that creates a solid object, not the Closed checkbox. Your curves also need to be going in the same direction. Kevin
  16. Are you able to share the file from your example? Mark Doubleday's video on schematic views may be helpful to you - Kevin
  17. When you lofted the two curves, was the Create Solid checkbox active? If not, it will solve your issues. Kevin
  18. It looks like part of your object (a symbol within a symbol) was not designed to be rotated in 3d. The plan view of one of the elements is out of sync with its 3d view. Note that all of the various 2d views within a symbol are user generated. If it's a stage lighting setup there are specific methods to present instruments hung on booms. Kevin
  19. Updating from Mac OS 14.4.1 to Mac OS 14.5 solved the issue. Kevin
  20. Solved here too. The tool problem and the wall problem. Updating my Mac to 14.5 solved my tool problem. Update 5 seems to solve the wall issue. Kevin
  21. Hello, I just got notified and updated to Vectorworks 2024 Update 5. When I started up Vectorworks after the update none of the tools from the tool palettes work. I can select them, but they won't draw, navigate or work in the drawing (both new and existing). The menu commands work fine as do the contextual menus. Its like the tools system is down. What's the recommended troubleshooting for this? I've done a restart etc.. Do I need to do a reinstall? Are others having this issue? Kevin
  22. I get the same result here - an unjoined corner. It's the same corner that would be open if you converted the rectangle to a NURBS curve. Noting that Benson's signature says Update 4 and Tom's says Update 5. I'm using Update 4.1. Kevin Edit> I updated to Update 5 to test this and now none of my tools work, sigh 😔
  23. Actually if you change modes while the dragger is set to Re-position mode it happens for me too. Move it off reposition mode and it resets (graphic attached. reposition mode is the one with the arrow, move it to the other one). Definitely a bug. Kevin
  24. What OS and Vectorworks version are you using? It looks like a bug. I'm on a Mac (current versions of both) and don't see the same behaviour. The only difference I can see is you've dismissed the interactive scaling warning dialog (see attached). Kevin
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