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panta rhei

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Posts posted by panta rhei

  1. Where is the code?

    From the looks of it you have shifted the edit fileds to the right each time you add one below but I can't tell much without the dialog code.

    SETFIRSTLAYOUTITEM(dialog, 101);

    {labels 1 }

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 101, 102, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 102, 103, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 103, 104, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 104, 105, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 105, 106, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 106, 107, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 107, 108, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 108, 109, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 109, 110, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 110, 111, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 111, 112, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 112, 113, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 113, 114, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 114, 115, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 115, 116, 0, 2);

    {fields 1 }

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 101, 201, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 102, 202, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 103, 203, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 104, 204, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 105, 205, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 106, 206, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 107, 207, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 108, 208, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 109, 209, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 110, 210, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 111, 211, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 112, 212, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 113, 213, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 114, 214, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 115, 215, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 116, 216, 2, 0);

    {labels 2 }

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 202, 117, 2, 0);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 117, 118, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 118, 119, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 119, 120, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 120, 121, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 121, 122, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 122, 123, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 123, 124, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 124, 125, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 125, 126, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 126, 127, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 127, 128, 0, 2);

    {fields 2 }

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 117, 217, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 118, 218, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 119, 219, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 120, 220, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 121, 221, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 122, 222, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 123, 223, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 124, 224, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 125, 225, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 126, 226, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 127, 227, 2, 0);

    SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 128, 228, 2, 0);

    { the funky stuff: replaced by the above section }

    { SETRIGHTITEM(dialog, 117, 217, 2, 0);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 217, 218, 2, 0);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 218, 219, 2, 0);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 219, 220, 2, 0);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 220, 221, 2, 0);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 221, 222, 2, 0);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 222, 223, 2, 0);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 223, 224, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 224, 225, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 225, 226, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 226, 227, 0, 2);

    SETBELOWITEM(dialog, 227, 228, 0, 2); }

  2. Does anyone have a mechanism or a workable procedure for generating a drawing register from multiple files? (No, it is not possible to use only one VW file.)

    In the good old days, before sheet layers, this was possible (not convenient nor particularly automatic, but nevertheless.) Since we can't (why, if I may ask?) reference sheet layers, data of title blocks (of symbol type) on those cannot be reported. At least I can't do it.

  3. Hey Raymond I've tried creating the Inculde script, but I'm not sure how to save my other script to a vss file.

    Save as?

    OK. Get TextWrangler (1) & Orso B. Schmid's language module (2) to it.

    1. Bare Bones Software

    2. VectorLab

  4. However, allowing multiple instances of the application to run at the same time would be a simple way of addressing the issue in a limited way (which is as ambitious a proposal as I would make).

    It would also create other opportunities (such as running two sessions each with their own specialized workspace).

    I do this all the time. OK, not all the time, but occasionally. I just have two copies of VW (application only, in the same folder.)

    Could it be that Windows does not allow it?

  5. I bought that book when I first got into VW, but I ended up returning it because it didn't answer the questions that I had. The training method used in that book takes a sample project and goes through the process of creating it in VW step by step. Of course, the info and the presentation are subjective, so it may help you and it may not. That totally depends on your intended use of VW and your current overall software application competence level.

    Indeed. The question was posed by a native of Taiwan... Instructions based on a McMansion (even the Canadian variety) can be pretty useless there.

    However, dear mr. iagea: your attitude earns you a permanent fail in all subjects. Your only chance of redemption is to become a Sensei. First, you have to acknowledge that all & any questions you had, were fallacies & figments of imagination.

  6. I'd need to get the colorIndex of user-created hatches, ie. the background fill colour (if any). Can't find a relevant call or even an object variable from the VS documentation.

    PROCEDURE BeginVectorFillN

    ( VAR vectorFillName :STRING;

    pageSpace :BOOLEAN;

    rotateInWall :BOOLEAN;

    colorIndex :INTEGER

    ) ;

    In a test file, exported as VS, the colorIndex was 1237. I thought I might be able to check every object variable (int & longint) and find this value, but that did not work.

    Any ideas?

    PROCEDURE HatchColour;


    testValue = 1237;


    h : HANDLE;

    i, j : INTEGER;

    iL, jL : LONGINT;

    msg : STRING;


    h := GETOBJECT('Name of the hatch');

    FOR i := 1 TO 32535 DO BEGIN


    IF (j=testValue) THEN BEGIN

    msg := NUM2STR(0, j);






  7. I used to work with Form-Z, and this was a nice feature of that program. I believe VectorWorks is one of the few 3D modeling/rendering programs that doesn't allow this.

    Would be a nice feature, but does the actual competition allow this? ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Revit etc. (Yes, I'm looking at the situation from a particular angle.)

    Could make good use of some older computers sitting around doing nothing in my office.

    I have a farm of old computers processing SETI-data... The likelihood of finding extraterrestrial intelligent life seems to be much higher than finding terrestrial intelligent clients.


  8. Indeed. I might have checked the distance from the centre of every vertex and procrastinated about what to do if all distances are not equal but some are more equal than others. Move centre? Change radius? Raise the river? Lower the bridge? Mix, match & be confused about inches & millimetres? (Oh yes, that caused some problems in one engineering project a few years ago.)

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