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Everything posted by WhoCanDo

  1. I didn't realy want to mess with my system to I have tried it on a different computer. It still doesn't work so I have reported it as a bug.
  2. Minor mod. to close the polygon. procedure Rectangular_Polygon; var x1,y1,x2,y2 : real; begin DSelectAll; GetPt (x1,y1); GetPtL (x1,y1,x2,y2); ClosePoly; Poly (x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1,y2,x1,y1); end; run (Rectangular_Polygon);
  3. Sorry Ray, I should use the correct terminology. Yes the 2D selection tool. What do mean "switch user"? Do you mean log off Windows and log on as someone else? I am the administrator and I have no other users installed.
  4. So why does it work for you Ray? It shouldn't be because I am using Fundamentals and Windows XP.
  5. Your first idea is better because your second requires the two operations that I am trying to avoid since I am editing these fields 10's of times per day.
  6. Try here http://www.archoncad.co.nz/ and search youtube for lots of tips.
  7. I'm going to guess that you mistyped and ,51 should be ,11 I think you've got it. The decimal point (comma in your case) is the secret bandaid. I will play with it for a while and see if it is consistent. Thanks
  8. Good on yeah ccroft, I think is should end here as well unless someone wan't to improve my very basic script.
  9. Sorry Oyvind, I don't get what you mean. 451.51 + 0 - 5 = 446.51 even after repacing the .51 with the +0 for me. Replacing the 1.51 with 2 = 452 and then -5 does work but that's two operations.
  10. brudgers, you are correct, the rectangle is not a problem for all angles between verticle and horizontal but I don't draw anything other than verticle and horizontal. This may seem a very insignificant problem to anyone else but my collegues and I in Australasia (approx. 20) are monitoring errors daily. ccroft, your right, this is not a bug but a useful tool to anyone that wants width and heigth to rotate at 90?. Personally I liked the international standards taught in schools and books which say for clarity and information conveyance that a box on the table, no matter which side it sits on has width (across) length (back) and height (down) and it may have the width rotated until it sites at 90? again. Kool Aid, I couldn't get your code to work properly so I am starting with this: procedure Rectangular_Polygon; var x1,y1,x2,y2 : real; begin DSelectAll; GetPt (x1,y1); GetPtL (x1,y1,x2,y2); Poly (x1,y1,x2,y1,x2,y2,x1,y2,x1,y1); end; run (Rectangular_Polygon); and I will be using it in addition to the rectangle tool (if I every use the rectangular tool) rather than a replacement. Maybe VW can add the Polygon Rectangle option to the tool choices. I know that the rounded rectangle now works like the rectangle and the 4 segment Regular Polygon will work but also is not as good as the original in VW12 and before. Great to see such positive intentions.
  11. ccroft, I'm not quite with you (understanding) but I like your open mindedness. Kool Aid, "Square colleagues" that's me. I only draw in 2D and 98% in width and height. It's rare for me to need a rectangle off 0/90? I like your "out of the box" thinking. Thanks for the script. brudgers, I've drawn hundreds of thousands of square meters of floor area and I can't remember more than several (maybe 50m2) of customer complaints because my macros cross reference and double check me. That's the way I wrote them. As I said, it was just an example and I didn't really make the mistake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll post the macro when I start it and all positive, caring and understanding suggestions are welcome. To those positive thinkers, keep up the good work. You are all brilliant.
  12. Here's an idea that you can play with, Turn on all layers of the same scale and create a viewport. Do the same for other sets of layers of other scales. You should end up with a sheet layer of different viewports showing your whole drawing. This layer can be setup with different printer settings. Repeat this process for a second sheet layer and choose different print settings. Now you can print one layer to one printer and the other layer to the other printer. Just tried this in VW2010 but I don't have your VW2008
  13. For the last 20yrs since Minicad 4 I have entered width (across) and height (vertical) so mirroring a drawing on paper is too difficult to transpose as I go. I think ccroft has the most sensible answer - convert the rectangle into a polygon so I guess I will re-write the rectangle script/tool to do this. Thanks for everyones input and a great solution. PS. I've just been looking up this game instruction for my wife and I understood the instuctions completely when they were talking about width and height: http://www.thonky.com/picross/how-to-play-picross/
  14. Good point DWorks but I thought the point of this option was an on line calculator. I gave a simple example which I can work out as you did but 451.51 + 233 = 685 is more brain power which I don't want to do all day long.
  15. In VW12 I could have a line that is 405.11 (for example) and I want to subtract 5 with the result being a whole number. To do this I would highlight the .11 and type over with -5 with the result being 400. In VW2009 & now VW2010 the result is 400.11 Even though I can ignore the error within the drawing, various lists, totals and tolerances are wrong without intervention. Is it my computer or do others experience this problem?
  16. VW2010 hasn't changed and it doesn't have to be iso or class related. Last night I zoomed in on a 2D object in top/plan view. I got in just so far and then it disappeared until I zoomed out a bit. I just can't zoom in passed a certain level.
  17. Thanks DWorks, I do take note of W & H in the oip but when a customer sends me a floor layout with column cutouts along the top and sides I will draw a rectangle and re-shape and move into position along the top (easy). Rotating that rectangle because it is the correct shape for some of the cutouts down the side is easy but when one of those cutouts is different then I am reading H dimensions from the customer drawing and then changing the W in oip. In my position this happens all day long. Standardization is the way to reduce mistakes since humans make mistakes when something is not typical. What is the height of the ceiling in your office. A fool is a person who doesn't understand & consider others but don't get me wrong, I am not calling you a fool after all you are smart enough to offer your time to help others. The dictionary says width is a noun: (n.)The measurement of the extent of something from side to side. this is based on human nature to stand "up" or sit "down" so if we know which is up and down then side to side is width and top to bottom is height. When you draw a rectangle on the floor it has width and length so you can confuse the group of people if you ask them to tell you the width but you can't confuse them if you ask them what is the height because drawn on the ground it has no height. You are getting the idea of this though because of your confusion, and that is what I am getting at. Standards say width on a piece of paper is viewed from where you are sitting. Dimensions on a 2D plan have width and length. As soon as it is seen on a vertical monitor it has width and height so if height is width and width is height then I'm confused like you.
  18. How do you let VW know about bugs that need fixing. The help says this still works but it doesn't. Using the pick tool and the rectangle option, the alt key (in windows) use to allow selection of all objects touched by the marquee but now (VW2010) it doesn't. Alt works with the freehand and polygon options but not the rectangle. What happens with Mac?
  19. DWorks, the reason why an A4 piece of paper is 8" wide and 11" high in portrait and 11" wide and 8" high in landscape is so everyone can understand it. If I as you to draw a wall 2m wide and 6m high I do not expect to get a 6m high wall laying on it's side. brudgers, only an example mate. Our designs don't get approved because clients don't want to wait. If a client did know VW then they would know that when a rectangle is rotated and duplicated then every other dimension supplied would be W = H and H = L. Confused yet? ccroft, Changing a rectangle to polygon is a good idea but then why isn't there a polygon tool that draws rectangles? I think it's a great idea that when a rectangle is drawn or rotated 1 deg to 89 deg (similar in other quadrants) that it has a constant W & L but at 0 deg or 90 deg etc. width is historically and logically across the screen.
  20. I am not so sure Stan, Do you know how many people use a round wall cap? The 2D wall with dotted cavity is a standard in my industry and so small changes can make a big impact on some industries.
  21. I am not sure when it changed but VW12 was correct and every version back to Minicad 4 was correct. You are correct michaelk, when you change the rectangle to a polygon or extrude it to 3D then it does have a constant width and length after rotation but this should not be the case when it is a "rectangle". I use rectangles all the time when drawing a layout and rotate & reshape them all the time for "clip surface". This is now extremely difficult because I have to now check W & H before I reshape a rotated rectangle for the next process.
  22. Is anyone else having trouble with width and length of a rectangle in the Object Info box? Try this exercise: A client who does not know anything about VW was describing an outline he wanted manufactured. He said I should start with a rectangel 200mm wide and 500mm high, so I drew that on VW. Then he said that he had made a mistake and it should be 500mm wide and 200mm high, so I rotated the rectangle. He then wanted me to start in the top left corner of this rectangle and make a cutout 50mm wide and 100mm high. I duplicated the first rectangle and, from Object Info, I chose "Width" and changed it to 50 and Height to 100. We made this item in multiple quantites but it was wrong. This is because some "smart" person has changed VW so that if a rectangle is rotated then width is length and length is width. Please, please can someone tell this person to look up the specs on their monitor! It will be x wide and y high as everything else in life is and it doesn't change when it is rotated. Now VW2010 has followed on with the same quirk.
  23. I am following up a few leads but still need a few more names if anyone you can think of can help me. Regards
  24. Sorry I forgot that not everyone works in the same industry as I do. A nesting program (in this case 2 dimensional) looks at the profiles drawn and fits them inside the perimeter of a stock sheet. Put simply if I had 2 rectangles 100 x 200 and a stock sheet 150 x 600 the I could nest them so the short sides join and the long sides total 600 and I would be left with a 50 x 600 offcut waste. In the above example I could not nest them side by side because 100 + 100 is greater than the 150 wide stock sheet. A nesting program would shuffle patterns around and come up with the best cutting layout with as little waste as possible. A 3D nesting program (which I don't need) might look at how to fill a shipping container with boxes of different dimensions leaving as little space as possible. Regards
  25. We need a 2D nesting program for Vectorscript. I don't even know where to start. Can anyone suggest how this process is calculated or is there anyone out there that wants to paid to write one for us. Regards
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