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Marionette Compose v2 Node 1.0.0

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About This File

I'm working on developing a version of the Compose node that won't rely on the Vectorworks Menu Command since that ends up not always behaving as expected in all cases.
I figured I'd share my progress with it. It's not done, I haven't explored all edge cases, and it's possible that it's still buggy enough that you could end up in an infinite loop in some cases.

With this in mind, I highly recommend saving your work before testing this node. I'd appreciate any feedback on where it's failing or where you would expect a different behavior so I can add error handling/improvements.

The attached file is in 2025 version. I think it would be safe to export back a few versions, so if you're on an earlier version of Vectorworks but would like access to test, let me know and I can upload a copy for that version as well.

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